Professional Ronaldo PR Guy
Career stats are not skewed because they say the same thing if we start counting since Ronaldo joined Real Madrid
It isn't open to second interpretations, he wins the overall comparison, and everyone with at least one eye and some football sense can see the way Messi likes to get involved in his team play and how Ronaldo has been playing since years ago. The diference is getting bigger as they grow older with Ronaldo playing more isolated as a lone killer while Messi steps closer to the midfield to become more involved.
Anyway, I'd love to talk about this in the vs. thread instead of here, I try to not start these debates in the Ronaldo thread because I think that's like trying to undermine/diminish his performances, I'd rather not talk about the same thing over and over again here because in that same manner I think comparing him to Ronaldo in his dedicated thread can be seen as diminishing Messi. I think we both understand this point very well as "fanboys" of them
You're right. I'll just argue why I said the stats are skewed when it comes to career goals and I'll leave it at that as we'll never agree. Since Cristiano has been to Madrid he's scored 409 goals in 397 games = 1.03 goals per game. During that period Messi has 435 goals in 428 games = 1.01 goals per game whilst generally playing for a better team. That and Cristiano keeping these sort of numbers in the CL knockouts is why I say he's the better goalscorer of the two. Obviously not a big margin though, just my opinion.
If you just look at career stats, you'd get a different idea as Messi has 573 goals in 709 appearances = 0.8 goals per game and Cristiano has 610 goals in 865 games = 0.71 goals per game. This difference is due to the amount of games Cristiano played in his early years while Messi didn't play nearly as much. Mainly because he started out for a better team and because of injuries iirc.