Lil B

Why did you neglect to add he gave away the album for free on his twitter, Facebook and Tumblr the day after he released it?

Meh I ain't trying to convert nobody, either you feck with his music or you don't; regardless while we are in the rat race and typing about him on here he is making 'shit' music and fecking girls and making money as a consequence.

No offence but if someone asked me to be Boss from RedCafe or Lil B for the next month, year etc know which I would choose

Thus sayeth the Based Lord

Clk I'm thinking of recording a track lil b style to show you just how little talent one needs to pull it off.

It's called ' look like young but I smell like rooney'

LOL go ahead but then try and record a song like 'Trapped In Prison', you seem to only listen to parts of the argument that serve your purpose but ignore the fact he can make other kinds of music to the type you use to ridicule.

There is no point debating the subject because you refuse to acknowledge this.

Again I say let that man breathe he's out doing him we're on here discussing him. I know who is winning/losing out of all of us
Let's be honest here, we are all better lyricists then Lil B.