Life of Brian


There is non worthy of worship except God
Jul 7, 2006
Such a brilliantly written film, 100 times better than any of the shite that's produced today. I watched it for the first time yesterday and have to say it's well worthy of its reputation as the best, or one of the best, comedies of all time.

My favourite scenes;

The Roman guard making Brian conjugate his latin verbs correctly in his grafitti is my favorite bit. I guess it works better for poor sods like me who had to do Latin at school but either way it is superb.

Now write it out 100 times or I'll cut your bollocks off. :lol:

And this has some classic lines

Brian: You are all individuals.
Crowd as one: Yes, we are all individuals.
Brian: You are all different.
Crowd as one: Yes, we are all different.
Man at back: I'm not


This along with Holy Grail are my favourite comedies of all time bar none. Python at their very best.
And this has some classic lines

Brian: You are all individuals.
Crowd as one: Yes, we are all individuals.
Brian: You are all different.
Crowd as one: Yes, we are all different.
Man at back: I'm not


Genius indeed. That's my favorite lines of the movie.

I like LoB much more than The Holy Grail tbh. Brian has more flow in the story, while THG seems like sketches got meshed up together.
One of the funniest films of all time, easily. The three Python Movies were brilliant.

Life of Brian
Holy Grail
Meaning of Life.

All three amongst the funniest films of all time.

"He's not the messiah! He's a very naughty boy!"
Was never such a fan of the Meaning of Life, but Holy Grail and Life of Brian are (for me) probably the two funniest movies I've ever seen. Life of Brian is the better movie, but Holy Grail is arguably funnier, the constitutional peasant is probably my favourite sketch/comedic scene ever:

"Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government"

"Well she turned me into a newt! ...I got better"
Utterly superb.

Sermon on the mount:

Judea 33 AD...

...Saturday afternoon...

...about teatime.

What star sign is he?
Capricorn, eh? What are they like?
He is the son of God, our Messiah.
King of the Jews.
And that's Capricorn, is it?
No, no, that's just him.
Oh, I was going to say, otherwise there'd be a lot of them.
I couldn't stop laughing when I saw the Holy Grail for the first time. I don't think I laughed a single time when I watched Life of Brian though, it was all like "meh" imo.
Monty Python were years ahead of their time. It's a shame we got to see them at their best relatively briefly.
Love Monty Python, love Life of Brian, the writing is incredible.

A scene that rarely gets mentioned but really is one of my favourites.
Anyone watching this thing about the Pythons vs Christianity on BBCFour?...Just about to finish so it'll be on iPlayer in a bit. It's basically a show about the furore caused by Brain, as if it was made by the Pythons (except not, at all, because the bloke writing it isn't in Monty Python.) with some wooly stuff to say about free speech.

It's a bit weird. Some bits are quite good, some made me laugh, some bits are shocking. Darren Boyd as Cleese (through a sort of proxy of Basil Fawlty) & the bloke who's playing Palin are doing good jobs IMO. The rest are a bit dodgy.

It's followed by the full Friday Night, Saturday Morning debate.
How come critics are saying that Life of Brian couldn't be made today? I would have thought that, with church attendance on the decline & atheism seemingly becoming more prevalent, it'd actually be easier for a film like this to be made...
This film will never be bettered.

Than sort of depresses me.
The Muggeridge debate is on now. So far Tim Rice's gold suit is way more offensive than anything in Brian.

It's always hugely satisfying watching Cleese murder Muggeridge & the rambling comedy bishop, it's hugely frustrating that neither of them seem to notice though.
How come critics are saying that Life of Brian couldn't be made today? I would have thought that, with church attendance on the decline & atheism seemingly becoming more prevalent, it'd actually be easier for a film like this to be made...

Maybe that's the point? Back then it had an effect on a majority, if it didn't shock and upset you personally you were probably shocked that they got away with it in the knowledge that it would upset alot of people.

Nowaday's a film like that just wouldn't have the same effect and it'd lose the punch that got it so widely noticed.

Look at Eminem, quality aside, if he came on the scene now, he wouldn't be the same instant icon he was back in the late 90's. Why? because there's a million white rappers out now there spittin' lyrics that'd give your gran a heart attack. I realise he led the way a little so it's not quite the same thing, but you get the jist.
Yeah, perhaps you're right, mate. :) Maybe I didn't quite understand in what sense people were claiming that LoB couldn't be made now.
How come critics are saying that Life of Brian couldn't be made today? I would have thought that, with church attendance on the decline & atheism seemingly becoming more prevalent, it'd actually be easier for a film like this to be made...
I don't think that's true worldwide. There seems to be a depressing rise in old skool religion and superstition of all kinds, eg new age bollox, psychic shite etc etc.
I actually find atheism depressing, mate. Sorry. :D
The Roman guard making Brian conjugate his latin verbs correctly in his grafitti is my favorite bit.
That's my favourite bit too. It never gets old. :lol:
(The blues and their bickering about tattoos of their idiotic motto is the only thing that can rival it. 'It's Superbia in Proelio!' 'Nah, 'Proelia' mate!')
Got a link to the full Muggeridge thingy, Mockers? I've only found fragments here and there, and one lengthy one that's incomplete :(

Wonderful hearing the Pythons expound on things, and the religious chaps are certainly of the stuck up sort that I have no time for... 10th grade humour, the Pythons... feck orff!
I still find Holy Grail better.

I also recently saw a George Harrison documentary that says there would have been no Life of Brian if it wasn't for George financing the movie. I didn't know that.
Got a link to the full Muggeridge thingy, Mockers? I've only found fragments here and there, and one lengthy one that's incomplete :(

Wonderful hearing the Pythons expound on things, and the religious chaps are certainly of the stuck up sort that I have no time for... 10th grade humour, the Pythons... feck orff!

iPlayer yes, but i'm not sure you can get it in Norway...i'm sure it'll find its way onto youtube eventually.

BBC iPlayer - Friday Night, Saturday Morning
Maybe that's the point? Back then it had an effect on a majority, if it didn't shock and upset you personally you were probably shocked that they got away with it in the knowledge that it would upset alot of people.

Nowaday's a film like that just wouldn't have the same effect and it'd lose the punch that got it so widely noticed.

Look at Eminem, quality aside, if he came on the scene now, he wouldn't be the same instant icon he was back in the late 90's. Why? because there's a million white rappers out now there spittin' lyrics that'd give your gran a heart attack. I realise he led the way a little so it's not quite the same thing, but you get the jist.

Life of Brian didn't need shock or a punch. It's simply one of the best written comedies ever made and that is why it's been so popular.
I've always preferred Holy Grail, possibly because I saw it first and it was my introduction to Python. 12 year old me had never seen anything like it before and was in actual tears laughing.

Life of Brian is class though, with the possible exception of the alien scene.
I've always preferred Holy Grail, possibly because I saw it first and it was my introduction to Python. 12 year old me had never seen anything like it before and was in actual tears laughing.

Life of Brian is class though, with the possible exception of the alien scene.

That's exactly how it is for me, and I was also 12 when I first watched it and it was the best thing I'd ever seen.