But Chris Hoy participates in a very,
very niche sport which is only a sub-category of cycling which you yourself already called a niche sport (something I disagree with for what it's worth but probably a Belgian person will look at that differently than a British person).
I saw that Geraint Thomas won BBC SPOTY in 2018 while Chris Froome never won one - he's been twice the sportsman Thomas is over the last decade and won 4 Tour de Frances (in combination with the two other major events which is something only 7 cyclists have ever done). Maybe you guys just don't take an interest in cycling all that much and I'm massively overblowing this

But e.g. if I look at the replies on a Gary Lineker tweet congratulating Lewis Hamilton, I can't help but think that you have a natural habit of talking down your own athletes a bit even when there's no actual reason to do so. To dismiss Hamilton in a GOAT F1 discussion (let alone placing him on the same level as Alonso or Vettel) just seems weird to me.