Let the Right One in v's Let me in

I wasn't overyimpressed with it myself. Speaking of remakes. I actualy prefer the American remake of 'the Ring'. Far more atmospheric with a constant feeling of dread throughout, where as the Japenese verson was dull in places.

Now if you really want to talk about crimes to film, Akira is being made into a live action film...... with the action relocated from Tokyo to the USA........starring Zac Effron!!!!!!!!!

I hope they don't totally butcher Akira, at least it will bring some attention back to the original I guess.

Speaking of Efron and remakes of Swedish films, he's going to star in the remake of the rubbish Swedish film Snabba Cash.
I hope they don't totally butcher Akira, at least it will bring some attention back to the original I guess.

Now this is the thing I do like about remakes, they do bring the original films to your attention. All those Spaghetti Western remakes brought me to the works of Kirosawa and Samurai films.
I hope they don't totally butcher Akira, at least it will bring some attention back to the original I guess.

I think there's a certain inevitability that it'll be butchered. Akira is a visceral nightmare and a faithful adaptation/remake would make Sin City look like Toy Story. They're going to have to sanitize it so terribly to make it saleable to Effron's audience.
Now this is the thing I do like about remakes, they do bring the original films to your attention. All those Spaghetti Western remakes brought me to the works of Kirosawa and Samurai films.

Occasionally. Sometimes though they leave the horrible impression on some that they are the original.

I don't know many people who hadn't seen Infernal Affairs who went and watched it after seeing the Departed. (I have a huge bug bear about the Departed btw!)

Anyway, regardless of the merit of some of them...Hollywood is undoubtedly over obsessed and reliant on them

75 movie remakes and reboots currently in the works - Den of Geek
Just wish Britain had it's own film industry still. Now were just a sattelite branch of Holywood.
I've been trying to watch the original on Netflix but the stream cuts off some of the subtitles. It's very annoying.
Let The Right One In is clearly the superior film as Let Me In is practically the same but in English, Reeves doesn't really deserve the praise he's getting for it considering it's not 'his' film, it's Alfredsons in English. You could of asked any competent director to do that and it'd come really good because Let The Right One In was a superb film. Had I known it was that much of a carbon copy, I probably would of skipped it and rewatched my blu-ray. It's basically Funny Games, except instead two different directors.

Hopefully Fincher shows Reeves how a remake is supposed to be done with The Girl.... series, because theres a lot there he can change up, and especially with the sequels improve on.