I've almost seen them all. But what would you recommend from the Al Pacino and De Niro movies from the obvious one or 2 movies they are easily known for.
I've seen almost all of them except raging bull and dog day afternoon. More movies to watch, sweet.Performance wise?
Dog Day Afternoon
Donnie Brasco
Angels in America
Dick Tracy (feck it, he’s having fun)
The King of Comedy
Angel Heart
Cape Fear
The Deer Hunter
Once Upon A Time In America
Also Taxi Driver, Raging Bull & Goodfellas/Godfather, Scarface & Carlitos Way are all distinctly different performances, regardless of how well they’re known.
And I wouldn’t even consider De Niro & Pacino the very best actors “range” -wise. I mean Streep blows both of them out of the water, for a start.
Don't forget about Cruising.
If you've not seen Midnight Run have a look at that for some more diverse acting. Important though - do not look it up or read about it before watching.
Watching that right now, actually.Once Upon A Time In America
Performance wise?
Dog Day Afternoon
Donnie Brasco
Angels in America
Dick Tracy (feck it, he’s having fun)
The King of Comedy
Angel Heart
Cape Fear
The Deer Hunter
Once Upon A Time In America
Also Taxi Driver, Raging Bull & Goodfellas/Godfather, Scarface & Carlitos Way are all distinctly different performances, regardless of how well they’re known.
And I wouldn’t even consider De Niro & Pacino the very best actors “range” -wise. I mean Streep blows both of them out of the water, for a start.
Or The Local Stigmatic... Greatest cockney accent of all time.
You should watch Di Caprio's brilliant performance in The Departed.But guys, what about Will Smith? He’s pretty good too...
Leonardo Di Caprio is always recognisably Leonardo Di Caprio in every role. He never disappears into one. He rarely if ever convincingly conveys an accent. He’s always shouting with a little bit of spit coming out, and then crying a bit with a wobbly lip, but he’s still very obviously Leonado DiCaprio, trying very hard, doing the big loud obvious emotions, but always, uncontrovertably Leonardo DiCaprio...
He’s one of the best quote unquote “movie stars” around, sure, but the idea that he’s the greatest actor alive, let alone ever is farcical. It’s like someone whose read 4 books saying Harry Potter is the greatest work of fiction of all time. WATCH MORE FILMS YOU PEASANTS!!
Or The Local Stigmatic... Greatest cockney accent of all time.
Serpico was crap I thought.
From actors around his age group, Bale, Fassbender, Gyllenhaal and especially Phoenix are all superior imo. Let alone DeNiro, Pacino, Denzel, Oldman, Day-Lewis, Fiennes, Hopkins, etc... company.
Some very good and enjoyable movies though.
Oh and underrated actor I love is Patrick Fischler
I'd rate Joaquin Phoenix the best of the 40-something actors myself
The It's Always Sunny reboot was better. Charlie played Serpico better than Pacino.Serpico was crap I thought.
Is this thread for real?
It cant be as no one has mention Steven Seagal.
His performances in Under Siege 1-2 are right up there with his GOAT cameo in Exec Decisions.
Never seen Di Caprio take down anyone with his pinky.
You mean Bobby Fischer?
Yeah, Fischler is very good, lack of those high-profile movies hurt him a bit in general. There are many fantastic actors you could find under that "A list" which are underrated and great in their own right.
Same for me. The absolute king in that division (still under the influence of MMA weekend as you can see). Ralph Fiennes is another one who has my deep admiration. His acting range is incredible.
Yea, strange to see how much Leo is lauded for Calvin Candie, when Amon Goth was decidedly a better villain (and not one dimensional to boot).Yeah I always forget about Fiennes actually, he's done a lot of great roles.
Yeah I always forget about Fiennes actually, he's done a lot of great roles.
''I want a normal gun for a normal person.'' might be my favourite movie quote.I liked him in In Bruges and The Grand Budapest Hotel.
Yeah, Fiennes' Amon Goth is a terrific, faceted portrayal. Still recall Goth studying his own face in a mirror - the image of an arrogant but naive and self-doubting man pondering whether he lived up to the 'master race' ideal.
I liked him in In Bruges and The Grand Budapest Hotel.
Great actor. Still, no Daniel Day Lewis though.The lack of Joaquin Phoenix is a disgrace. If you're talking a generational actor, its Phoenix. He's mesmeric.
Bryan Cranston has given one of the best TV performances of all time. He's better than Di Caprio.