Television Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

He’s back in style. That lady saying that young black men experiencing racism should just dress and act differently:lol:

That segment about the poor woman who was bullied into saying she killed her daughter was horrifying :(
Him telling people to turn off the show and feck off if they weren’t intrigued by the Alaska ice clock thing :lol::lol:
Another really good episode from Oliver.

On a side note, what degree of A**hole is Jeff Bezos?

He is bringing back better topics since orange man is gone, but he still can't help throwing fabulous insults to DJT from time to time.
He's great, but I find I just can't watch it, except very infrequently. It's disillusionment porn. Even if it's all true and hilarious and all points made are perfectly valid, it's just too exhausting to be subjected to such an effective stimulation of my already well-developed sense of exasperation with how the world currently is.
Trump talking about the dogs, feck sake :lol: the man is comedy gold when he’s not completely bollocking up the planet.
Just about to start airing the new season, so think it's fine bumping this thread.

I'm just catching up on some of the stories from the last season and it's truly scary how fecked up America is. Don't get me wrong, we have our own problems here and I'm sure a similar show in the UK would have no shortage of stories, but segments like the school police story are truly baffling to me.
Just about to start airing the new season, so think it's fine bumping this thread.

I'm just catching up on some of the stories from the last season and it's truly scary how fecked up America is. Don't get me wrong, we have our own problems here and I'm sure a similar show in the UK would have no shortage of stories, but segments like the school police story are truly baffling to me.
I think it’s important to remember that the US is absolutely massive and the quality of life between some of the lowest ranked and highest ranked states is like comparing Nordic countries to former soviet countries. States can vary wildly in policies. That said there are some universal stuff like healthcare and policing that are obviously poorly managed.

but if you go to places like Northern California and the east coast the standard of living is excellent.

no doubt the Republicans are a stain on it though and making things worse.
The one about healthcare in prisons was brutal, what a fecked up system.
Obliterated it. NZ took it in good humour as usual. Great country.
Just watching last weeks episode and he’s personally offered Clarence Thomas $1m per year if he retires from SCOTUS :lol::lol: