Television Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Fantastic achievement and yes after a slow start the show is very much back on track especially the last episode which was fantastic
That I think was one of the best, if not the best episode ever of this show. Brilliant.
That joke format is a bit over-done yeah but they do get it on point often with their bigger jokes like the Russel Crowe stuff or the Pence Bunny book.

I can't wait for them to do an episode about the coal guy that was suing them and lost :lol:

Finally! So good :lol:
Absolutely sensational :D
Some of the lyrics are just hilarious, he mastrubares to schindler's list, Old yeller gives him a hard on and much more :lol:
I love their musical endings, the 'Feck you European union' sung by a boy in the brexit episode and Weird Al Yankovic singing 'please don't nuke us north Korea' are among my favorites but this one beats them all
“He masturbates to Schindler’s Lidt”:lol:
Can't believe that's the last one in the series … long time until February. I know it's always scheduled to take a break between November and February but with so much going on in the world it's a big voice to lose.

Limp series closer too. Although he'll never be able to beat blowing up 2016 anyway!
Finally back. Interesting episode on the healthcare system in the US, never ceases to amaze how it cripples people financially.
Nice of Oliver to finally introduce American viewers to that mentalist Arnab Goswami.
The opening segment with the Bloomberg math tweet literally had me laughing out loud. "It's true, it's disturbing..."
Just checked the schedules and Oliver will host a shortened episode tonight before going on a break.
The first Liverpool fan I actually felt kind of sorry for during this thing.
Surreal show this week, the Liverpool bit was class though. :lol:
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That was strange. Also quite good. But please feck off the Liverpool related content John. It's cringeworthy and nobody but Liverpool fans like it.
Brian Swords of York :lol: glad Oliver found a way to put out a new episode in these circumstances
Best of the isolated late night chat. But concerned about his fetish for animals.