Last Man Standing 2 2022/23 | 213 competitors. Svartzonker is the Last Man Standing. Competition over.

GW17 - Man United
GW18 - Newcastle
GW19 - Southampton
GW17: Chelsea
GW18: Manchester City
GW19: Manchester United
Game Week 17
Game Week 18
Man City
Game Week 19
Man Utd
GW17 - Man City
GW18 - Chelsea
GW19 - Man Utd
GW20 - Newcastle
GW21 - Tottenham
GW22 - Liverpool
GW23 - Arsenal
GW24 - Everton
GW17 Everton
GW18 West Ham
GW19 Villa

Win or bust!

@Damien Really appreciate the work you put into this thing. Thanks!