Lady Ga Ga mystery!

Great visual artist my hole. I watched the first minute while listening to something else so im not making any judgement on the song. The video on the other hand is completely contrived, rips off a lot of Sci-Fi films and the director probably thought he was being awfully clever with the whole Bau Haus - Bath Haus connection. feck away off.
Surely, that's more down to the video director?
Its Francis Lawrence apparently but interestingly:

It also doesn't hurt that it was one of the few times while making a video that she felt the director just got it. "I wanted somebody with a tremendous understanding of how to make a pop video, because my biggest challenge working with directors is that I am the director and I write the treatments and I get the fashion and I decide what it's about and it's very hard to find directors that will relinquish any sort of input from the artist," she said. "But Francis and I worked together."

I reckon she has a very large input into the style.
Great visual artist my hole. I watched the first minute while listening to something else so im not making any judgement on the song. The video on the other hand is completely contrived, rips off a lot of Sci-Fi films and the director probably thought he was being awfully clever with the whole Bau Haus - Bath Haus connection. feck away off.
Its pop music mate, very tongue in cheek your taking it far too seriously!
Its pop music mate, very tongue in cheek your taking it far too seriously!

Haha true. I wasn’t in the best of form last night. That woman/thing gets on my tits. Very good gaga, you rhyme dirty words. Don’t sit there acting like some sort of musical genius. I just think shes a bit far up her own hole, considering the type of shite she releases. I try to avoid her, but I swear radio stations must hate me, cant get away from her (only listen to radio in work, cant really go complaining that they aren’t playing any Pantera in there can i?).
Its Francis Lawrence apparently but interestingly:

It also doesn't hurt that it was one of the few times while making a video that she felt the director just got it. "I wanted somebody with a tremendous understanding of how to make a pop video, because my biggest challenge working with directors is that I am the director and I write the treatments and I get the fashion and I decide what it's about and it's very hard to find directors that will relinquish any sort of input from the artist," she said. "But Francis and I worked together."

I reckon she has a very large input into the style.


Private Eye Pseuds Corner

Jesus man grow some testicles.....

This is appalling from start to finish in every way remotely possible incidentally
Her music is the worst kind of generic, over-produced pop, which could be sung by any one of dozens of performers and sound exactly the same, whilst also being instantly forgettable.

That said, she's an interesting character and seems to have a genuinely original sense of style. And yes, I'd hit it, cock or no cock.

Private Eye Pseuds Corner

Jesus man grow some testicles.....

This is appalling from start to finish in every way remotely possible incidentally

Well pardon me for posting Oh Great One!
Olesmyhero was of the opinion "Surely thats more down to the video Director?" so I dug out a quote from somewhere suggesting she has a big input on the creative side....what the feck is Pseudo about that!!!

....its a pop video mate...and a nicely made one. The only problem I have with Lady Ga Ga is she can sometimes appear too far up her own ass...something you might well take heed of Mr Mockney.
Her music is the worst kind of generic, over-produced pop, which could be sung by any one of dozens of performers and sound exactly the same, whilst also being instantly forgettable.

That said, she's an interesting character and seems to have a genuinely original sense of style. And yes, I'd hit it, cock or no cock.

Bang on the money as usual Pogue!
The song is obviously pap but some of the imagery (with her fashion style) is striking and very original..which is refreshing in these bland 'manufactured popband' days.
Bad Romance is actually all about the video. The 'song' is actually just some shit background music to it.
So is/was it a bloke or what???

Cock or no cock what a brilliant visual artist.

What the feck was that? The dancing looks like a group of drunk essex girls trying to do Michael Jackson, and then when she's in red it looks like a 5 year old having a tantrum on the floor at Tesco.

It was just a very odd last 5 minutes, i prefer music videos that tell a story of some sort, not just a random collection of images of the same person in different clothes with terrible dancing.
Well pardon me for posting Oh Great One!
Olesmyhero was of the opinion "Surely thats more down to the video Director?" so I dug out a quote from somewhere suggesting she has a big input on the creative side....what the feck is Pseudo about that!!!

....its a pop video mate...and a nicely made one. The only problem I have with Lady Ga Ga is she can sometimes appear too far up her own ass...something you might well take heed of Mr Mockney.


Meeaaaow! Private Eye link wasn't aimed at you, it was aimed at her...If you read the Eye you'll know that 'Corner' is specifically for people who talk pretentious waffle about their chosen life and profession...usually actors,, musicians, artists and the like, people who think their work is 'profoundly deep and meaningful'

Bbut some of the imagery (with her fashion style) is striking and very original..

Thats the 'testicles' bit....:smirk:

As for 'Original'...well it's clearly not is it? There's some Madonna in there, some Kylie, some Daft Punk, every Sci-Fi B movie made in the 70s and 80s and, obviously, Bauhaus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia claim she's original is pretty far fetched's a bit like saying unchained melody is a striking and original song when sung by Robson and Jerome

Without trying to be condescending and 'up my own arse' Youngie...if you think that really is original, you have a very narrow scope of cultural awareness ..It's a rip off of a thousand different things

And as Xander quite rightly pointed out, the video is simply a collection of random images. Stills if you will, there purely to serve her ego, and with no connection to the song what so ever, which, apparently, seems to be about a bad romance...It is therefore pointless, and souless, and psuedo art for the sake of art, but not original, and as such the most pretentious thing ever, by someone who is so far up their own arse it's ridiculous, considering the paltry amount of talent she has, and she'll only continue to crawl further up there as long as people like you continue to credit her with being 'striking and original' when she's in fact being self serving and plagarist

deep breath in......and relax

Sorry, was that a bit pompous of me?

Meeaaaow! Private Eye link wasn't aimed at you, it was aimed at her...If you read the Eye you'll know that 'Corner' is specifically for people who talk pretentious waffle about their chosen life and profession...usually actors,, musicians, artists and the like, people who think their work is 'profoundly deep and meaningful'

Thats the 'testicles' bit....:smirk:

As for 'Original'...well it's clearly not is it? There's some Madonna in there, some Kylie, some Daft Punk, every Sci-Fi B movie made in the 70s and 80s and, obviously, Bauhaus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia claim she's original is pretty far fetched's a bit like saying unchained melody is a striking and original song when sung by Robson and Jerome

Without trying to be condescending and 'up my own arse' Youngie...if you think that really is original, you have a very narrow scope of cultural awareness ..It's a rip off of a thousand different things

And as Xander quite rightly pointed out, the video is simply a collection of random images. Stills if you will, there purely to serve her ego, and with no connection to the song what so ever, which, apparently, seems to be about a bad romance...It is therefore pointless, and souless, and psuedo art for the sake of art, but not original, and as such the most pretentious thing ever, by someone who is so far up their own arse it's ridiculous, considering the paltry amount of talent she has, and she'll only continue to crawl further up there as long as people like you continue to credit her with being 'striking and original' when she's in fact being self serving and plagarist

deep breath in......and relax

Sorry, was that a bit pompous of me?

Good rant Mockney, exactly what I said a bit further up, but more in depth and less sweary. Nice post
My man Mockney, the good thing with posters like you is that you manage to express exactly what I think so I don't have to bother with huge posts.Thank you
As for 'Original'...well it's clearly not is it? There's some Madonna in there, some Kylie, some Daft Punk, every Sci-Fi B movie made in the 70s and 80s and, obviously, Bauhaus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia claim she's original is pretty far fetched's a bit like saying unchained melody is a striking and original song when sung by Robson and Jerome

Without trying to be condescending and 'up my own arse' Youngie...if you think that really is original, you have a very narrow scope of cultural awareness ..It's a rip off of a thousand different things

Hold on a second, you're trying to claim that nobody can be original if their style has obvious influences from icons of the past?

That's a ridiculously narrow definition and pretty much rules out the possibility of - for example - any 'original' music being produced over the last half-century (if not, ever)

You've also managed to be incredibly condescending by accusing someone of having a "narrow cultural awareness" just because they happen to think it is possible to be original, whilst clearly influenced by movements from times gone by.
Hold on a second, you're trying to claim that nobody can be original if their style has obvious influences from icons of the past?

That's a ridiculously narrow definition and pretty much rules out the possibility of - for example - any 'original' music being produced over the last half-century (if not, ever)

You've also managed to be incredibly condescending by accusing someone of having a "narrow cultural awareness" just because they happen to think it is possible to be original, whilst clearly influenced by movements from times gone by.

Of course not Pogue. In truth almost nobody can be original now a days...but it's the extent to which you borrow, and the extent to which you are called 'original' which matters. She borrows so much, much of which has been borrowed before, and is creditied with being 'so original', that i think it merits speaking of...

Her whole persona is no different to Madonna's in the 80s, which, while heavily influenced in terms of style, was fairly original in the spirit of her show boating, pop, fashion icon persona ...Certainly more so than GaGa, who is just a re-tread...Not 'influenced by'...pretty much a re-tread, with much worse music.

It also matters how you use the influence...Last Shadow Puppets for example, are not remotely original. It's all the 60s, Phil Spector era rock pop, but they use it to create their own distinctly different thing Something that has very much their own soul in it...whereas GaGa simply uses her 'influences' to further the promotion of herself. The fact that the video has nothing to do with the song (unlike Madonna in her heyday, who made very ground breaking videos - Just to show that 'oh it's pop' doesn't mean you have to make meaningless crap) shows just how vapid and souless it is. ..there's nothing of her in there...simply the silly persona she's created. Thus she hasn't been influenced, she's merely copying, with her in the middle of the picture...Like taking Sgt Peppers and sticking your head on Ringos. It's not creating anything new out of it my view anyway.

And as for the 'cultural awareness'..well, it's hard not to be condescending when saying a phrase like that, which is why I attempted pre-fix it with an apology, or possibly an admission that it would....I regret sounding so harsh about it
.but it's the extent to which you borrow, and the extent to which you are called 'original' which matters. She borrows so much, much of which has been borrowed before, and is creditied with being 'so original', that i think it merits speaking of...
It's completely unoriginal fashion/advert driven and lacking in any sense of either authenticity or irony.
Of course not Pogue. In truth almost nobody can be original now a days...but it's the extent to which you borrow, and the extent to which you are called 'original' which matters. She borrows so much, much of which has been borrowed before, and is creditied with being 'so original', that i think it merits speaking of...

Her whole persona is no different to Madonna's in the 80s, which, while heavily influenced in terms of style, was fairly original in the spirit of her show boating, pop, fashion icon persona ...Certainly more so than GaGa, who is just a re-tread...Not 'influenced by'...pretty much a re-tread, with much worse music.

It also matters how you use the influence...Last Shadow Puppets for example, are not remotely original. It's all the 60s, Phil Spector era rock pop, but they use it to create their own distinctly different thing Something that has very much their own soul in it...whereas GaGa simply uses her 'influences' to further the promotion of herself. The fact that the video has nothing to do with the song (unlike Madonna in her heyday, who made very ground breaking videos - Just to show that 'oh it's pop' doesn't mean you have to make meaningless crap) shows just how vapid and souless it is. ..there's nothing of her in there...simply the silly persona she's created. Thus she hasn't been influenced, she's merely copying, with her in the middle of the picture...Like taking Sgt Peppers and sticking your head on Ringos. It's not creating anything new out of it my view anyway.

And as for the 'cultural awareness'..well, it's hard not to be condescending when saying a phrase like that, which is why I attempted pre-fix it with an apology, or possibly an admission that it would....I regret sounding so harsh about it

I'm not a fan of that video (or any of Lady Gaga's work) but I do think she is an original presence, amongst the relentless wave of manicured popstrels. Hence, I was gonna launch into one of my usual pedantic tirades but you disarmed me with that reference, so I think it's probably best we all take a moment to enjoy one of my favourite tunes of the last decade.

Derivative as feck but nonetheless short, yet beautifully formed, a bit like Lady Gaga - from the neck down, anyway ;)

Okay first things first...apologies to Mockney for flying off the handle,I thought the Pseuds corner link and 'grow some testicles' was aimed at me (which for starting
a thread with the line "So is/was it a bloke or what???" seemed rather uncalled for.

I take on board the criticism of her over the top personae (I stated she was too far up her own ass remember) but I still think she has that weird sense of creativity (more in the fashion sense admittedly) that no one else in the mainstream offers at this moment in time. Its too easy to start throwing up analogies with this artist and that artist...everything's been done before and I mean everything.


The look on Slim's face (and much of middle America I would presume) makes her worthwhile in my book!

Anyway back to the thrust of the threads argument

Bloke or What??
O he'll if she pissed of Eminem I would have her round for Sunday roast.
I don't think she has a cock, just hench beef curtains and a clit the size of a thumb.