King's of Leon's are C***s.


New Member
Aug 13, 2007
Stormed off half way through their set last night at Reading, after declaring "We don't give a feck if you think we're shit, we've worked hard to get here. We are the fecking King's of Leon". Ripped their ears pieces off, through their guitar into the crowd and stormed off.

Overrated, self important wankers.
I used to love Kings of Leon. Their first two albums are right up there for me. The 3rd was good but a tad disappointing cannot stand their latest. Completely sold out to the mainstream audience

Maybe they have got too big for their boots hence the tantrum.

What lead to them storming out anyway?
Apparently after they played sex on fire, loads of people walked off. Thats what caused the hissy fit.
Stormed off half way through their set last night at Reading, after declaring "We don't give a feck if you think we're shit, we've worked hard to get here. We are the fecking King's of Leon". Ripped their ears pieces off, through their guitar into the crowd and stormed off.

Overrated, self important wankers.

You mean my guitar

About time the cnuts gave it back
Incidentally, I'm listening to Sex On Fire right now, think it's great. But that's the only song I like from their new record.
I preffered there old stuff, but that seems bloody ridiculous that they would storm off if a few people leave. It's a festival, people are there who have lots of different music tastes so you're going to get a few people who don't like your music fecking get over it.
That guy is fecking hilarious.
It's strange because one minute he was saying:
"This is amazing thank you so much."

then his next sentence is.

"I'm trying not to say anything negative because we need you guys to do this, to warm us up."

And then he begin's shaking his head. Perhaps a stunt to try and make themselves like proper rockers. Overall I rate this whole farce: Spastical.
These guys being so popular just illustrates how stale the indie/alternative scene is these days. Supremely average band.
They're not an indie band

and they wont be shit if they ditch the whole mainstream image, head up their own arse shite, and just go back to making music.

My mate's girlfriend was at Reading to see them. Wasn't impressed at all, though the story I got was somewhat less harsh than Biscuit's version.
They've shot themselves in the foot a little, to be fair. They've got the huge fanbase they were after but not one that's at all interested in their vastly superior back catalogue. They've priced the old school fans out of the market and have to put up with people who are content to pay top dollar to see them once and be done with it.

The last time I saw them, a good 80% of the audience literally only knew the words to ONE song. They must look out at the crowd and realise that.

They need to take some time out. They've got their fortunes now. The loyal fans will be waiting :cool:
Stormed off half way through their set last night at Reading, after declaring "We don't give a feck if you think we're shit, we've worked hard to get here. We are the fecking King's of Leon". Ripped their ears pieces off, through their guitar into the crowd and stormed off.

Overrated, self important wankers.


I watched the set. They completed it. The crowd was a bit shit. Caleb got a bit huffy towards the end and a guitar got smashed. End of.
Why did they storm off? From the little I've seen he just switched half through one of his little speeches, declaring 'thank you so much, you're amazing...but i'm trying not to say anyting negative blah blah"
A lad who lives with my friend interviewed them when they were last in Ireland. He said they were nice enough guys, but that they took themselves far too seriously, and seemed to want everyone else to view them the same way.
Why did they storm off? From the little I've seen he just switched half through one of his little speeches, declaring 'thank you so much, you're amazing...but i'm trying not to say anyting negative blah blah"

I got the impression the crowd just weren't up for it. Until they played Sex On Fire, when suddenly everybody started singing. Probably because it's the only song they know.

Caleb gave this sort of dejected head shake just before he started the opening as if to say, "Oh well. Here we go."

It's like they've become their own opening act that people just fidget through till the 'hit' comes out.

That said though, if he was that fussed, they shouldn't have played it.
If you make a shit U2 style album then don't be surprised when you attract shit U2 style fans. But hey, it's not like it's much worse than the teen girls they used to get.

They shouldn't complain about a lack of crowd enthusiasm anyway, they have about as much stage presence and charisma as a dead cat. That said they have some decent songs, but seem to take themselves far too seriously. I mean they can barely play their instruments (except the drummer who is quality) and are only a decent band because the singer has a hell of a voice.

I watched the set. They completed it. The crowd was a bit shit. Caleb got a bit huffy towards the end and a guitar got smashed. End of.

Where did you watch the set? I just watched the one on the iplayer and its been edited shit loads, and they pad it out by showing epic by Faith No More :wenger:
Where did you watch the set? I just watched the one on the iplayer and its been edit shit loads, and they pad it out by showing epic by Faith No More :wenger:[/QUOTE]

You say that like it’s a bad thing? Faith No More shit on kings of leon. Who I’ve never been a big fan of, but decided to cut their hair and start releasing shit stadium rock.
No trust me i'd rather watch Faith no more. I saw the end of their set on the Friday.

My point is that why the feck have the beeb tagged it onto the end of a kol video. There is a separate FNM video. just seems odd.
Ah, you’re post was misleading. I must look up the FNM video, is it on iplayer? Would’ve loved to see them playing in Dublin there recently, but I couldn’t go for some reason, that I cant remember. Great band.