Killzone 3 (in 3D)?!

The more I play it the more I like it.

I think the headaches and nausea were from something else.
The multiplayer beta is quite enjoyable, better than I thought it would be and doesn't suffer from lagging issues that I constantly got with Black Ops. Hopefully the single-player story mode is better than KZ2.
I found KZ2 a bit underwhelming. The constant loading times annoyed me.
I set the single player to download before i went to work so i'll give that a go when i get back. I need faster internets for these massive downloads.
Let us know how is it please. Has Richter jailbroken his PS3?

Yes twice but got sick of all messing around and needed PSN so I'm on 3.56 now so can't try the Killzone 3 release. Might do a Lance and grab this later when the price is down:p
The multiplayer beta is quite fun.

The graphics are also sexy. It does still feel very weighty and as such I am completely useless.
Bit disappointed to be honest. not seen it in 3d but the demo while looking good is not on another level graphically as some would have you believe (2d).

It does look good but not radically different to KZ2 but that game was a cracker for me and I am sure I will really enjoy this too.
Just finished the single player demo. Looks like a standard FPS, it has a bit of a Gears of War feel about it (apart form the being first person bit) where everything feels a bit heavier. I don't think this is one that i'll pick up early doors, not an FPSer really but the story looks like it could be fun and a bit crazy. Graphics aren't as amazing as i was thinking they were going to be by some of the comments, still pretty decent though. The textures on some objects seem a bit off or a bit cardboardy if you know what i mean.
Some guys claim the SP is like 3-4 hours long....
it is a beta after all.

Fair point but when have you ever seen a game change graphically from beta to full release?

Especially when the game is due in a few weeks.

it has been hyped as a different level to all other games graphically but has the same jaggies, and low quality textures as you see in most games. Still think it will be great game mind.
it is a beta after all.

I think some of this lot haven't got a clue what they are talking about, or are looking at something totally different to what I am looking at.

This thing is pulling off basically every effect and trick in the book. There is virtually zero aliasing, the lighting is wonderful, and it's rock solid. There is no other FPS on consoles that comes anywhere near close.

Xander talking about textures, well, I'm not trusting any of his reviews if he ever talks about graphics in them. Up close they can be a bit iffy at times, yes, but that's a RAM issue, it isn't going to get any better. And where he gets Gears of War from I haven't the foggiest idea.

You can call this game out on many things, but graphics are not one of them.
I think some of this lot haven't got a clue what they are talking about, or are looking at something totally different to what I am looking at.

This thing is pulling off basically every effect and trick in the book. There is virtually zero aliasing, the lighting is wonderful, and it's rock solid. There is no other FPS on consoles that come anywhere near close.

Xander talking about textures, well, I'm not trusting any of his reviews if he ever talks about graphics in them. Up close they can be a bit iffy at times, yes, but that's a RAM issue, it isn't going to get any better. And where he gets Gear of War from I haven't the foggiest idea.

You can call this game out on many things, but graphics are not one of them.

You can't see the jaggies?

First thing I noticed and was surprised. I would add I was not calling out the graphics, I stated they are good, but this other level bollocks is hype, they look like good FPS graphics, not much different to Killzone 2.

The effects are fantastic as they were in KZ2. No doubt about that.
Xander talking about textures, well, I'm not trusting any of his reviews if he ever talks about graphics in them. Up close they can be a bit iffy at times, yes, but that's a RAM issue, it isn't going to get any better. And where he gets Gears of War from I haven't the foggiest idea.

Hehe my reviews are shit anyway so you don't need to worry about trusting them!

I'm a complete novice on the technical aspect, when i talk about graphics i mean aesthetically speaking and art style i suppose looking at the other thread. The texture (probably the wrong word) of some of the walls, one of the doors opening with some Helghast behind them is the main example i can think of, just doesn't look right. It looks too flat as if someone has just painted some lines onto a bit of cardboard.

The Gears of War bit is from some of the aspects of the game. I don't play many FPS's at all (i know GoW is third person) but the controls felt kinda heavy, there was the screen turning red as you took damage and teamwork moments that just reminded me of GoW. Maybe i worded it badly, that's another reason to skip my reviews!
I think some of this lot haven't got a clue what they are talking about, or are looking at something totally different to what I am looking at.

This thing is pulling off basically every effect and trick in the book. There is virtually zero aliasing, the lighting is wonderful, and it's rock solid. There is no other FPS on consoles that comes anywhere near close.

Xander talking about textures, well, I'm not trusting any of his reviews if he ever talks about graphics in them. Up close they can be a bit iffy at times, yes, but that's a RAM issue, it isn't going to get any better. And where he gets Gears of War from I haven't the foggiest idea.

You can call this game out on many things, but graphics are not one of them.

If find if you stop too long to look at detail you end up mortally wounded.

Can't believe no one has talked about it yet. I just completed single player and it is amazing. Love the pacing and variety of the levels. The game is also much easier than Killzone 2 though - personally feel the ammo boxes to be quite a turn off since it's almost like unlimited ammo.
Given the choice, I think I would opt for Bulletstorm. Both have 84 on Metacritic.
I'm gonna skip on both for now, i'm fed up with paying for FPS's that i rarely play once i'm done with the usually very short story modes.

Might give em a go when they're on the cheap.
So will I, but I don't believe the respective campaigns are overly short. Bulletstorm is about 9 hours, apparently. Killzone 3 around 8.

Compared to the COD games, obviously.
I've bought this, but haven't played it much.

I love the atmospheric aspect of it though, you really fell like you are there. Have to say I could give a shit about the story so far. Also haven't tried multiplayer, but won't till I complete it anyway.
Had a bit of a blast on this and it's good fun so far. They've mixed in a couple of good breaks in the play style to break any monotony.
So far I've had a couple of mounted gun sessions, a trip in an armoured vehicle on a gun turret, a sniper segment and before I quit, I'd just got into a new vehicle.

The enemies seem quite good at taking cover and popping up in different places, there are also some kamikaze enemies that rush you and try and cave your head in or stab you.

I didn't complete killzone 2, I got addicted to the multiplayer and forgot about the single player element. So far, I am impressed with the single player in Killzone 3 and I think I will have a good crack at finishing this before I venture online.
Been on the multiplayer a bit, the objectives game types can be confusing as hell and the verticality of the maps takes some getting used to if you are a CoD vet. Enjoying the different classes as well although getting pissed off with those sneaky feckers disguised as one of your team and then shooting you in the head. Lends a paranoia to it and lots of friendly fire!
Got this today, not bad at all. Wasnt a fan of part 2 but this seems a lot more fun. Nothing groundbreaking, although it looks incredible
Gave it a proper blast today. Just finished a bit where you infiltrate a Helghan base and rescue some comrades. Very good game. Some of the weapons you can pick up are awesome.
There is one where you fire a burst of green energy which makes the target soldier explode!