"A New Leadership". So inspiring.
It also helped create the "disaster" by design. But carry on.Well if it draws a line under the complete disaster that was the Corbyn leadership then it is fine by me.
It also helped create the "disaster" by design. But carry on.
I wouldn't describe myself as a Corbynite; I found his leadership severely lacking on Brexit and anti-semitism, to name just two issues. However, I did agree with a lot of Labour 's policies under him.As much as the Corbynites on here hate Starmer he does need to try and convey to the electorate that this is a clean break from Corbyn and that the party is under a new and different leadership. Whether that message will resonate we will have to wait and see. But Corbyn and Leadership was cited as the biggest reason for not voting Labour at the last election and so this move makes sense.
So glad to have effective opposition back
Maybe the secret strategy is to kill off enough elderly voters to win back marginals.
There’s not an election for 4 years. One of the issues with opposition is they often object to everything, and it loses any impact.
Good opposition is when you say on the BBC’s keystone political programme that you will support the prime minister whatever he proposes, without knowing what that will be
The clip was cut off mid sentence. Would be interesting to see what he actually said, rather than a selective sound bite.
Starmer and his front bench are far more credible than labour had under Corbyn.
The centre "left"
The centre "left"
The centre "left"
The Observer/Guardian celebrating the potential return of multi-millionaire, off-shore tax avoiding, cash-for-honours implicated property developers to the Labour fold. Happy to have their party back I guess.
As someone who has pretty much always voted labour (though I did vote LibDem in 2010) I'm getting really frustrated with how unproductive Starmer leadership. Its basically stand on the sidelines and criticise everything without offering a single practical alternative. If you're going to criticise offer alternatives if you havn't got any then shut the F**k up and let someone lead who has!
I think Boris is an absolute bumbling Idiot, but I have absolutely no faith Starmer or any other UK politician would do any better right now.
The centre "left'
I think that's a laughable take, in all honesty. I'm not at all sure how one could realistically come to that.
If Starmer has had problems it's that he's far to quick to agree with disastrous government policy in the pursuit of appearing conciliatory during the pandemic. If that level of criticism is too much for you, and you generally believe that Boris is doing the best job any one could () I suspect you're simply looking for proxies to justify letting your team off the hook for how badly they've bungled it.
I have no idea how you come to the opposite. He just stands there and says and goes this policy is going to cause this problem, without offering a single practical bit of advice.I think that's a laughable take, in all honesty. I'm not at all sure how one could realistically come to that.
If Starmer has had problems it's that he's far to quick to agree with disastrous government policy in the pursuit of appearing conciliatory during the pandemic. If that level of criticism is too much for you, and you generally believe that Boris is doing the best job any one could () I suspect you're simply looking for proxies to justify letting your team off the hook for how badly they've bungled it.
He spent his weekend telling interviewers that he'd support whatever the government proposed on Covid, before they'd said a thing.I have no idea how you come to the opposite. He just stands there and says and goes this policy is going to cause this problem, without offering a single practical bit of advice.
The Labour membership were taken in by Corbyn and his merry band. There is literally no point in writing a load of socialistdreamtopia policies in a manifesto when you have no chance of winning an election or implementing them.Whomst could have predicted that. It's kind of sad how easily taken in the Labour membership were. These aren't the policies they want, but the right is back in control and will make sure they stitch up party democracy so that 2016 cannot happen ever again.
The Labour membership were taken in by Corbyn and his merry band. There is literally no point in writing a load of socialistdreamtopia policies in a manifesto when you have no chance of winning an election or implementing them.
I'm glad to see Labour slowly trying to get back to being a serious party. We badly need it as a country because the tories are fecking us.
Do you think the country would have been better over the last 40 years if we'd had a period of uninterrupted Tory rule? I can't take that nonsense seriously.And there's literally no point winning an election or supporting a Labour Party that has no policies, and is sketching incredibly close to 'blood and soil'
So glad to have effective opposition back
Maybe the secret strategy is to kill off enough elderly voters to win back marginals.
I feel like I’m in the minority who really likes Kier so far, I think Labour have to have a broader appeal to win back their voters. He seems to be polling pretty well to be fair to him. Really enjoyed his speech today, but I’m sure someone will rip me apart for saying this.
I feel like I’m in the minority who really likes Kier so far, I think Labour have to have a broader appeal to win back their voters. He seems to be polling pretty well to be fair to him. Really enjoyed his speech today, but I’m sure someone will rip me apart for saying this.
Yeah that’s a fair criticism, I guess maybe they have conceded too much? But at the same time people want to hear this patriotic rubbish for some reason, and maybe it’s the answer to get some voters back onside even if it is a bunch of rubbish.As a Starmer critic who nevertheless voted for him in the leadership, I thought the speech was a mixed bag. Was glad to see positive arguments about public spending in a couple of the key clips, and strong linking of Tory cuts to the struggle we're having with COVID. Equally I was glad to see him unequivocally put an end to talk of second referendums (I wish he'd have been as conciliatory on that point prior to the election).
On the other hand, all this patriotic guff coming from them today is deeply disappointing and confirms the worst fears of many of us on the left. It's a repetition of one of the greatest failings of the Blair/Brown/Milliband era - ceding the argument on immigration and Britain's relationship with the world to Little Englanders instead of making strong arguments for 'internationalism' (for lack of a better word). The last 10 years is a perfect case study of what happens to a country where the 'left' party in a two-party system has spent the last 10 years aping the rhetoric of the right. It's like a see-saw where one of the kids has decided to sit square in the middle.
It's precisely this that worries me however. As the narrative drifts to right to appease the voters you want to get back onside it actually shifts the political centre. It's the death of the left by a thousand cuts and it's been going on for decades.Yeah that’s a fair criticism, I guess maybe they have conceded too much? But at the same time people want to hear this patriotic rubbish for some reason, and maybe it’s the answer to get some voters back onside even if it is a bunch of rubbish.
But what do you do? I agree I am what you would describe as a lefty, but everything now will just get labelled as ‘Corbynism’.It's precisely this that worries me however. As the narrative drifts to right to appease the voters you want to get back onside it actually shifts the political centre. It's the death of the left by a thousand cuts and it's been going on for decades.