I used 'logic' in the sense of an explanation or reason, including emotional reasons. I am really struggling to understand what exactly is keeping the Tories popular, even if I accept I always would have a blind spot when it comes to seeing Tory appeal.
Yes of course, my response was a bit flippant, sorry.
I agree that people do have specific reasons; a 'tactical vote to prevent a candidate/party being successful, where their own (
preferred) candidate has little chance; a vote for a specific candidate because they are considered a 'good egg'/known locally and the party position doesn't matter, again if its not your party of choice; the 'look' of the candidate, their racial/religious/or some other specific point about a candidate, but the main reason still has to be for the party that best represents your views, or you think will be more capable of running the country.
All the above could in someway, be argued to represent a logical approach, if as you suggest you are looking for reasons why?
Applied to today's situation, there is of course no effective opposition, partly this is due to the Labour party itself still going through its 'blood-letting' after a humiliating defeat; I never believed I would ever again in my lifetime see any party with an emphatic 80+ seat majority!
The other situation is the Pandemic it feels as though we are 'at war' with the Covid virus and many pundits and politicians continually stress this in the media; hence like in war time many people rally around the Government of the day, they know the situation is 'fluid', that despite all the so called pandemic planning, like all such plans they don't survive the first contact with the enemy. There is a certain amount of sympathy, for Boris, because he is 'johnny on the spot', despite his 'bumbling' and clearly sometimes dishonest behaviour, he is seen to be 'doing his best' by a large majority of people.
Of course if we cannot get out of the pandemic 'mess' he will also reap the anger and frustration down the line, that which is now being shown by his natural enemies, but attracting little support in the country. The Tory hierarchy will also be watching with interest to see if he can keep Brexit of the front pages, except of course when the EU is supposedly getting a 'good kicking' from Lord Frost, and most importantly for the Tory party can he do anything at all about 'leveling up' which will allow them to carry a majority (
not 80+) in the next GE?
If you are not a Boris fan (
can't think there are too many on the Caf) the thing you can look forward too is that his political career, like all PM's will end in failure if either he is 'turfed out' by his own side, or goes on to lose a GE; one or the other is bound to happen!