Kalvin Phillips | City player (Ipswich loan player)

You said west ham has been a disaster for him, and I agree, but another way to look at it is that any club would be, he's done.
Oh, well his head doesn't look like it's in football at the moment to me and he's got no confidence at all, so yeah, any move would probably have turned out this way, but that's hard to determine given how different coaches can extract X, Y and Z from their charges with their methods. Where Moyes draws a blank, another, might be able to get into his head and 'fix' him.
Glad he gave those West Ham fans the finger, the horrible little scrotes.
Not gonna lie, it was pretty funny to watch Moyes bring him on for his centre forward, they completely lose control of the game and then the ref jumped on the bandwagon and fecked Phillips over royally and they go on to lose :lol:

I don't have any ill will towards Phillips, and actually in that Euro final a few years ago I thought he was one of England's best players, but it's still funny to see a Leeds and City player go down the pan and for Moyes to get fecked over in the process. Main problem though wasn't Phillips himself (albeit he was shite), problem was Moyes' negative substitution and loss of composure. Never change Davey!
Its been one of my highlights of the season seeing him give away goals and penalties every week :lol:
Anyone that had an actual need for him, rather than signing him to be a backup
He would still be a disaster, just a disaster more often. He was horribly overrated and hes been found out.
He would still be a disaster, just a disaster more often. He was horribly overrated and hes been found out.
Pep worked out pretty quickly how overrated he was. It took Southgate a little longer !!
Really glad we haven't taken up this option. We still need a CM but I don't think he will ever get back to that Bielsa/Euro 2021 level.
I think this is a good loan for Ipswich. How he ever ended up at Coty however is anyone's guess.
I wonder if he had moved to United instead of City how things would have gone for him.