Just watched Casino Royale........again

Great post there Bradley.

Timothy Dalton was the greatest Bond of them all. So says me, Timothy Dalton and Timothy Dalton's ma.
I watched Hitman last night with the new bond girl in it, she was naked too, no wonder she got the job.

The internet reliably tells me if we haven't seen Eva Green in the film 'The Dreamers' (2003), we are gayers, and we really should be doing something about it

Have done. VERY revealing.
Typical stereotype of a computer geek. Thought he was a pretty bland and unfunny character on what otherwise was a good range of characters and acting.

I think he's very good, Alan Cumming. He's pretty amusing and ok, he is a bit of a stereotype, but they do exist after all!

Britt Ekland as Mary Goodnight, from The Man With The Golden Gun is probably my favourite Bond girl...


Isabella Scorupco who plays Natalya in GoldenEye is also smokin'. Most of them are.
I don't know if Craig is the best ever, but he is the one I like the most anyway.

After seeing Brosnan getting kicked all around the place it's nice to have a big tough Bond IMO.
I hate the Daniel Craig Bond, personally... not because it's Daniel Craig (he's a good actor), but because it's not Bond. Bond is meant to be gadgety, over-the-top and slightly camp in places, and Bond himself is meant to be impossibly smooth and charming, not some blonde chimp with arms that can punch through walls.

By all means make a series of we-blatantly-want-to-be-gritty-like-Bourne secret agent films with Mr. Craig - they'd undoubtedly be good, after all - by why make them Bond when there's nothing "Bondish" about them other than the names of some of the characters?
I hate the Daniel Craig Bond, personally... not because it's Daniel Craig (he's a good actor), but because it's not Bond. Bond is meant to be gadgety, over-the-top and slightly camp in places, and Bond himself is meant to be impossibly smooth and charming, not some blonde chimp with arms that can punch through walls.

By all means make a series of we-blatantly-want-to-be-gritty-like-Bourne secret agent films with Mr. Craig - they'd undoubtedly be good, after all - by why make them Bond when there's nothing "Bondish" about them other than the names of some of the characters?

No no no no. Have you read any of the books?

Roger Moore was easily the worst of the Bonds, nothing like the 007 from the books (who was a complete bastard).
No no no no. Have you read any of the books?

Roger Moore was easily the worst of the Bonds, nothing like the 007 from the books (who was a complete bastard).

But the films are now an entirely separately entity from the books. You can't make 20+ films then suddenly go, "let's make these more like the books" and totally change theme.
Nobody mentions Timothy Dalton when they're talking about Bonds they liked.

Probably cos he was shit.

I still like him though.
Craig's Bond is boring humourless shite to me.

Personally I don't care about source novel accuracy and my favourites would go Roger Moore and then Sean Connery, they both had a lighter side to their films. If it was all done like the Craig bond films, you'd never have the likes of Jaws, Q, Goldfinger or JW Pepper.
The poker scenes in Casino Royale are ridiculous. Ruined an otherwise very good film.
Lauren from Eastenders will look like Eva Green when she's grown up....There's my slightly dodgy statement for the day at any rate
He's the worst bond

1. He's blonde
2. He's angry most of the time ( Bond is never angry he's suave )
3. He has as much charm as Prescott at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Bond is suppose to be quite humourful and witty. Daniel Craig is just a fecking depressive lunatic.

Completely ruined the films. Casino Royale was so-so and Quantom of Solace was steaming pile of shite.

oh and 4. Where's the fecking gadgets gone !?
Nah, Daniel Craig's been the best easily IMVHO. Not only his acting was superb in both the movies, the movie itself (Casino Royale) was superb too.

Jesus fecking Christ boy, buy yourself a clue. What you've just written is blasphemy.

Connery > all others > Cheese > Cheese Quavers > Mini Chedders > Roger Moore > Daniel Craig
Get a grip lad , there is only ONE Bond and thats Sean Connery
, had the best girls ,best cars and best gadgets.

To be fair, both movies are set just when he became agent 007, before he met Q and such. Thus, the lack of gadgets and what-so-ever

And he's also learning the tricks and trades in becoming the suave Bond we all accustomed to (He was still grieving on Vesper on QoS, but I think he showed his charming potential, during his scene with Gemma's character in that movie)

Gotta wait for the next installment to be able to fully judge him as Bond..
Connery IS Bond.

And that chick from Tomorrow Never Dies is a bit better, IMHO.