Junior Apprentice

Emma's team will win, they've got the better artists and Emma fecking gorgeous
Bad choice choosing photographer, they have little value since you can just reprint them.

Tim's team is going to bomb.

tbf Zoe would get it. I'm allowed to say that, I'm 18 :nervous:
Hannah gone - thought she'd go next week.

This is the order I think they'll go - Scottish gimp, Tim, little maths kid, Zoe, Emma (she'll win)
That little fella is clearly going to win. He's a notch up on the rest of em, clear, articulate, can sell very well and is very intelligent. Emma bird to finish 2nd.
That little fella is clearly going to win. He's a notch up on the rest of em, clear, articulate, can sell very well and is very intelligent. Emma bird to finish 2nd.

Totally agreed. I like the little maths chap. very smart and self assured without being full of himself.

That is foxy Emma's downfall, she is undoubtedly talented but is also selfish and self obsessed. She will struggle in life working for other people and so inevitably will have to work for herself.
The blonde girl walks with the the strangest posture I've ever seen on a female.
Correct winner.

Could have gone either way with 2nd place, they were both awesome these last 3 weeks
Didn't realise this was on until some cnut put the winner in their facebook status.

I called it ages ago in this thread.
They stormed that water task, I'm ready to buy a bottle of water tomorrow morning!!!

I think the cleverest person with the most potential won, so can't say fairer than that

That Zoe needs a personality transplant. She couldn't even say congratulations at the end without turning her head and not meaning it. Proper piece of work, hopefully grows out of it. That and the vat of lipstick she relies on
The right guy won - well done.

Zoe is a bit of a cow to be fair to her
I reiterate what I said before - Zoe would still get it.
How do you all know who has won and seen episodes ahead of time, are you cnuts from the future?
Yeah she'd still get it.

Unless Zoe isn't the one I'm thinking of. tbf I am quite desperate.

Chutney you gimp, it finished today.
Yeah it finished.

The task was to make a brand of bottled water. Time and Arjin made one called "A bottle of water", the advert was a guy running through a park taking his clothes off.

Zoe and Kirsty made one called "Drip Drop", the advert was a girl stealing water off two boys.

The pro's liked Tim and Arjin's better and after some blabbing Arjin won. Quite an abrupt ending and they didn't even talk to the runner up afterward.
Though Arjin deserved to win, but couldn't have complained if Tim had have won either. Loved the simplicity of '...a bottle of water', though it was a cracking idea.

As Xander said, bit of an abrupt ending and not even an interview with the runner up!
Hannah also came across as a total bitch when she made her comeback.

It was a great series... I hope it makes a return next year.

One point though, I'm sure at the start of the series the prize fund was listed as £100,000, which will be put aside?
They stormed that water task, I'm ready to buy a bottle of water tomorrow morning!!!

I think the cleverest person with the most potential won, so can't say fairer than that

That Zoe needs a personality transplant. She couldn't even say congratulations at the end without turning her head and not meaning it. Proper piece of work, hopefully grows out of it. That and the vat of lipstick she relies on

I think Tim should have won because he'd have benefited far more from the fund. Arjun seems to be financially quite stable and has the educational skills required to succeed regardless. Tim's been working as a sheep shearer, so I think he'd have benefited far more from the fund.
I think Tim should have won because he'd have benefited far more from the fund. Arjun seems to be financially quite stable and has the educational skills required to succeed regardless. Tim's been working as a sheep shearer, so I think he'd have benefited far more from the fund.

Fair argument, but it wasn't a charity show where the person from the poorest background wins, it's who shows the most talent and potential

I'm sure 25k is still a huge leg up for Arjun too
To be fair either could have won. Tims last 3 weeks were pretty astonishing, did very well in the painting task and unlucky to lose, then scored the biggest ever winning total of 40grand! Then came up with the concept of "A bottle of..." and came up with the jingle and video. Fair fecks to the lad.

On balance, if there had been another week, Tim imo would have won. I have an odd feeling however that Sugar made the decision based on previous work and if thats the case then it's pretty sad. Either way, fair fecks to them both, they were pretty damn good.

Less said about Zoe the better, poor las is nationally hated for being a mardy cow, with shit lipstick and a weird walk.