Junior Apprentice

...and lernin.

I loved this quote from the last ep though...

"I've been camping twice in my whole life"

"but in the car you said you go twice a year!"

"yeah...last year"

How he managed to stay in I don't know.. but he is great car crash tv
To be fair though, The Indian girl was the most annoying ...she basically just bitched about people, which was just a bit pointless. She contributed nothing. I would've sacked her last week when she cried because someone else was doing her job better than her.

The team that won are just completely dull...You could get rid of all of them and it wouldn't affect the show one bit
I thought it was hilarious, the indian lass was indeed annoying. Had some weird concept of a board game product, basically rammed that point home for the 'market research' of one couple on a campsite & when the shit hit the fan she wanted to distance herself away from it.

I did laugh at the editing of the surviving two's chat in the car...

I think Lord Sugar see's himself in you...
To be fair though, The Indian girl was the most annoying ...she basically just bitched about people, which was just a bit pointless. She contributed nothing. I would've sacked her last week when she cried because someone else was doing her job better than her.

The team that won are just completely dull...You could get rid of all of them and it wouldn't affect the show one bit

I like the lil indian kid who nailed that speech off the cuff, him and his fellow geek seemed like decent lads if not a tad homo.. but its all good.
I laughed when the kid who is basically Darren from Eastenders, kept saying you can store your shoes in the cardboard box.
To be fair though, The Indian girl was the most annoying ...she basically just bitched about people, which was just a bit pointless. She contributed nothing. I would've sacked her last week when she cried because someone else was doing her job better than her.

The team that won are just completely dull...You could get rid of all of them and it wouldn't affect the show one bit

The team that is going to lose always gets that bit more air-time and are made to look a bit stupid. The project manager of the losing team was a bit shit, I'm surprised he didn't go, but then I think the passion he showed to Sir (Sorry, Lord) Alan in the boardroom saved him.

The Indian Girl was shit, and as you said all she seemed to do was moan. The girl with the bright-red lipstick is the best of the lot I think, and that guy with a beard better than me, though I think he lacks that 'will' to win, and he seems to back out of things rather easily.

Both inventions were shit though, in fairness.
...and lernin.

I loved this quote from the last ep though...

"I've been camping twice in my whole life"

"but in the car you said you go twice a year!"

"yeah...last year"


This was an absolute classic. The guy is clueless but Sugar loves him so will probably keep him in for a while.

My mate got down to the last 100 on this and I'm wondering how he didn't go the whole way - half of them are completely out of their depth.
This was an absolute classic. The guy is clueless but Sugar loves him so will probably keep him in for a while.

My mate got down to the last 100 on this and I'm wondering how he didn't go the whole way - half of them are completely out of their depth.

wouldnt make for very good telly if there was not a few numpties in there though...
wouldnt make for very good telly if there was not a few numpties in there though...

True say, but I reckon there are only 2 or 3 who actually have any chance of winning. But you're right, makes fecking good telly watching that cockney lad thinking his cardboard box was 'a great product'
True say, but I reckon there are only 2 or 3 who actually have any chance of winning. But you're right, makes fecking good telly watching that cockney lad thinking his cardboard box was 'a great product'

im looking forward to if they make the kid who looks about 8 work with the girls...

I think he will either be scared or cum when they talk to him...

either way it will be funny
I'd be better then all of these useless cnuts.

Oh and the dark haired girl would get it....Karen Brady.....wouldn't.
The final 3 will be blonde one with lipstick (Zoe?), dark haired one and the little Maths kid.
I think that tiny Scottish girl is a good bet. She seems bright yet she doesn't draw much attention to herself. Could be a surprise win...

She will go next week - you heard it here first.
On now - my prediction still stands. Little Scottish girl to go.

Maths kid to win.

Blonde one with lipstick giving it all that about Jackson Pollock at the moment.
If that Tim's team loses he should go. Partly because he's a cnut and partly because he's a cnut.