Folie a deux - delusion or mental illness shared by two people in close association.
Safe to assume this one will introduce the 'real' Joker?
Can't say I'm excited, this should have been a one and done film, and now it's a franchise that's gonna get milked.
The Anti-marvel lot will lap it up as some deep artistic take when realistically it'll probably be American psycho with a different skin.
Lady Gaga is actually a good actress believe it or not.
But King of Comedy and Taxi Driver didn’t have sequels so what will they rip off, sorry, pay homage too, with this one.
She was good in A Star Is Born and also decent in the American Horror Story series she was in.As someone who had to sit through "House of Gucci" with my missus, I don't believe it.
Now I'm thinking thisBut King of Comedy and Taxi Driver didn’t have sequels so what will they rip off, sorry, pay homage too, with this one.
I'm not Anit-marvel but the joker was better than anything Marvel has ever produced. And it wasn't exactly brilliant either. Was a decent movie though so I'm looking forward to this.
Edit: A musical? Dear God...
A musical? What a load of shite.
Why do some people insist on splitting people into camps and tribalising everything?The Pro-Marvel lot hype up the MCU movies and praise them to levels far beyond what they really are.
Why do some people insist on splitting people into camps and tribalising everything?
People who like Marvel (any) films are bound to praise them because of that. As they are massively popular, a consensus forms that they are generally pretty good. That doesn't make you wrong if you don't like them, but you seem to feel you're part of some noble resistance?
Anyway, I like Marvel films because I like their characters as I grew up with them. I also like DC characters for the same reason and when they get their act together and make a good film, I appreciate it similarly, without tribalism.
That being said, I agree with what others have said. The more I think about The Joker after watching it and the shock subsiding, the less I like it. I really doubt I'll ever want to sit down and watch it again. I appreciate the cinematography and art design, as it did a great job of replicating the films of that era, but I think a good story can be told without resorting to ultra-violence. And ultimately, if you were to remove the ultra-violence, I can't think of a memorable scene.
The riot scene near the end of the movie was pretty memorable, no? Individual scenes aside, the quality of the performance from Joaquim Phoenix was extremely memorable. As far as comic book adaptations go this was definitely one of the very best. Streets ahead of the vast majority of films in that genre. Comparing it to the Marvel stuff isn’t necessarily tribalism so much as using them as a genre benchmark. A benchmark that it completely blows away.
Of course, we’re not allowed to speak highly of this film because it’s become a Magnus opus for the incels. Which is a pity. Because it’s a damn fine film and we shouldn’t think less of it just because odious misogynists also like it (for their own peculiar reasons, that have little to do with the quality of the film-making).
People who don't like the Joker are the same people who think inverted full backs are a good idea and eat mushy peas
Bingo.I didn't really like the first one. About as meaningful of any Marvel movie, but somehow tricked people into thinking it was artsy and intellectual.
I didn’t like it cos it’s sledgehammer unsubtle and ultimately little more than Baby’s First Taxi Driver, made by the director of the Hangover movies thinking he’s above the material, but ironically only proving he’s no Scorsese.
Its a shallow cynical imitation of the films it’s trying to homage. And I’d much rather a Marvel film trying to be unashamed fun than a pretentiously cynical and mechanical exercise in “worthy” film making by a hack.
Phoenix is pretty good though, sure. Could do without all the dancing, personally.
The first hangover movie was good an’ all.
And this film is obviously no Scorsese. But I’m only comparing it with comic book adaptations. Which is an admittedly low bar but it still stands out from all the rest. It’s not very original but it’s well made, has an engrossingly seedy atmosphere and is rooted in a superb performance by Phoenix, (which the dancing doesn’t spoil). It even has something interesting to say about mental illness and the shitty American health service.
But apparently we have to hate it because a load of wankers who hate women think it’s a masterpiece? Feck that. It’s a good movie. Their opinions don’t matter.
what does it say about mental illness? Genuinely have no idea what it says.
In that sense and also the anti-rich sentiment in the film it's pretty funny that, if there is any message to Joker, then it's actually a pretty left wing one despite all the incel hysteria it sparked.Mainly how grim and under-resourced public community mental health services are. And how difficult it is for someone with a psychotic illness to try and keep on top of their illness in that scenario.
Not a theme that comes up very often in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
I’d argue the film positions you to feel like Joker is justified in his position and that the mental health treatment he receives is not seen as “under-resourced” but holding back individuals who are mistreated.Mainly how grim and under-resourced public community mental health services are. And how difficult it is for someone with a psychotic illness to try and keep on top of their illness in that scenario.
Not a theme that comes up very often in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
I’d argue the film positions you to feel like Joker is justified in his position and that the mental health treatment he receives is not seen as “under-resourced” but holding back individuals who are mistreated.
Maybe. Either way at least it makes you think about an important topic. Which sets it apart from almost every other comic book movie.
In that sense and also the anti-rich sentiment in the film it's pretty funny that, if there is any message to Joker, then it's actually a pretty left wing one despite all the incel hysteria it sparked.
It does? I massively disagree with that. It’s no deeper than the latest Dr Strange and claiming that deals with “trauma” or arguing Moon Knight focuses on mental health treatment.