Jermaine Jenas | Sacked by BBC

I've never warmed to Linekar and I don't rate Jenas as a presenter either.

I wish the BBC would appoint the best person for the role, rather than just a famous face. They're yet to replace Lynam, imo.
If Jenas takes over, I hope he gives Linekar's chair a good wipe first.
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This is Richard Keys' opportunity for a Travolta/Downey Jr. style comeback...
I quite like Jenas as a pundit. He seems pretty natural at it but not sure he has the presence needed to head up the show.
I've never warmed to Linekar and I don't rate Jenas as a presenter either.

I wish the BBC would appoint the best person for the role, rather than just a famous face. They're yet to replace Lynam, imo.
As someone who works in live sport I sadly have to say that its the famous faces that bring in the viewing figures.
Lineker was horrifically wooden when he first started, so Jenas will take time. I don't know if it was the war with Fergie, but I never warmed to Lineker. Was glad he was binned off the golf in favour of Hazel Irvine.
He's an alright pundint but he has 0 charisma, rather watch paint dry in all honesty.
Would be great if Linekar moved to Prime, who then bought more PL games.
I hope Linekar takes up a role as a pundit. Would be interesting to hear him talk about football, rather than just present or facilitate the conversation.
Great call on James Richardson. Such a no brainier to capitalise on all that early 90's nostalgia for so many of us.

I also quite like the guy who does the NFL show and occasionally MotD2.

Rosenior has been really good on Sky the few times I've seen him. If they want to go for a young face for the next decade or so, I reckon he'd be a better bet than Jenas.
About time we had a Brighton fan doing it again like Des .... Norman Cook anyone?
Why does everyone misspell Lineker's name? It's not that difficult and it's not like he's an obscure person.
I dont mind Lineker either tbh. I imagine hes not cheap though. Not always a bad idea to freshen things up anyway.

I just think his smugness is quite refreshing. Everyone else seems to be too self-aware. He just rolls with it. Natural.
Jenas, really? I have no problem with him as a pundit but his voice is so uninspiring to be a presenter or a host, at least that's how I feel.
He's an alright pundint but he has 0 charisma, rather watch paint dry in all honesty.

Yep same for me but he ticks all the BBC equality lists. :lol:

Is Lineker getting sacked then or is his contract running out? He already presents the CL coverage on BT so guess he'll go there and present premier league aswell.

Mark Chapman should get it, he's really good on MOTD 2. Can be a bit laddy but asks the questions fans want answered when discussing tactics or team/manager situations.
BBC are having its budgets ravaged by the current government which is sadly ironic given the recent state of their election coverage.

Ah, so that's it. Ironic, or just same as usual. I can't remember the BBC being radically pursuing truth without considerable consideration to political hegemony. It strangely has some aura of progressive journalism. Oh well, another topic..
I quite like Jenas as a pundit. He seems pretty natural at it but not sure he has the presence needed to head up the show.

Completely agree with this.

Didn't like him initially, actually thought he seemed a bit dull / thick. But as he became more natural with the cameras and opened up his opinions more I've really warmed to him and like his punditry in general.

I'd gladly watch a footy show anchored by him.

I just really think they shoulda kept MOTD 2, I loved that show! Most people seemed to think it was boring though, so, yeah...
Jenas? Really? Doesn't seem to have the presenter charisma about him at all. These cuts at the Beeb must be really severe. Not sure what 'Face of Football' means but they already got Chappers who's as good if not better than Lineker as a presenter. Unless being an ex player is a requirememt for being said face.