Javier Hernandez | 2015/16 Performances

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I think everyone forgot how good a player Hernandez actually is over the last year. Should be coming into his peak now too.

I wish this whole "peak" generalisation business would stop. There is a very, very broad trend in certain positions but as far as individual players go they all peak at certain times. Look at Jonny Evans, at centre back who played his best football in his early 20's. Fabregas was arguably better in his late teens/early 20's than in his mid 20's while Pirlo you could argue was better at 34 than he was at 28.

It's such a daft thing to assume any player should be playing their best football during certain years. They play their best football when conditions are at best for them, be it youthful confidence and fitness or by using their experience. It could be due to a particular set up they play in, with particular players, under a particular manager or it could just be that they hit a point in their life where the external trappings of being a footballer no longer appeal to them and they are able to focus on improving themselves as a player instead. The whole idea that there is a particular age that a player or type of player in particular positions come into their peak is just stupid.
I wish this whole "peak" generalisation business would stop. There is a very, very broad trend in certain positions but as far as individual players go they all peak at certain times. Look at Jonny Evans, at centre back who played his best football in his early 20's. Fabregas was arguably better in his late teens/early 20's than in his mid 20's while Pirlo you could argue was better at 34 than he was at 28.

It's such a daft thing to assume any player should be playing their best football during certain years. They play their best football when conditions are at best for them, be it youthful confidence and fitness or by using their experience. It could be due to a particular set up they play in, with particular players, under a particular manager or it could just be that they hit a point in their life where the external trappings of being a footballer no longer appeal to them and they are able to focus on improving themselves as a player instead. The whole idea that there is a particular age that a player or type of player in particular positions come into their peak is just stupid.

Solid post Pex.
I wish this whole "peak" generalisation business would stop. There is a very, very broad trend in certain positions but as far as individual players go they all peak at certain times. Look at Jonny Evans, at centre back who played his best football in his early 20's. Fabregas was arguably better in his late teens/early 20's than in his mid 20's while Pirlo you could argue was better at 34 than he was at 28.

It's such a daft thing to assume any player should be playing their best football during certain years. They play their best football when conditions are at best for them, be it youthful confidence and fitness or by using their experience. It could be due to a particular set up they play in, with particular players, under a particular manager or it could just be that they hit a point in their life where the external trappings of being a footballer no longer appeal to them and they are able to focus on improving themselves as a player instead. The whole idea that there is a particular age that a player or type of player in particular positions come into their peak is just stupid.

There is though. There are exceptions but it's far more common for players to improve in their early 20s, peak in late 20s and decline from around 30 or so. I don't need to list examples because there are thousands.
There is though. There are exceptions but it's far more common for players to improve in their early 20s, peak in late 20s and decline from around 30 or so. I don't need to list examples because there are thousands.

And there's thousands of examples of players who are better from 18-24 than they are in their late 20's and players that have great twilights after being average in their mid twenties. It's a generalisation.

Pick 3 random names out of a hat and look at their best back to back seasons and I guarantee you they'll all have a different "peak" age.
And there's thousands of examples of players who are better from 18-24 than they are in their late 20's and players that have great twilights after being average in their mid twenties. It's a generalisation.

Pick 3 random names out of a hat and look at their best back to back seasons and I guarantee you they'll all have a different "peak" age.

Well unless we actually went through thousands we wouldn't come to a conclusion and I'm sure neither of us want to do that. I'm positive there are more who peak 25-30 than 18-24, given the number of players who don't even make the first team in their teens or early twenties, or players who are playing in lower leagues at that age but make steps up later on. There are other factors as well as you rightly pointed out, and it is a generalization to say that Hernandez could be approaching his peek years but I think it's a fair assumption as long as it's not taken too literally.

At the end of the day we have a 27 year striker with a proven goal scoring record in the PL and at international level. He hasn't had injury concerns, he isn't likely to burn out from years of over playing or physically developing earlier like some players. The big ifs are - If he is willing and motivated, and if he can fit in with the way the team are playing and the role required of him, - but if he is then I see no reason why he shouldn't be expected to perform to a high level - as high as we have seen from him so far and maybe even higher.
Well unless we actually went through thousands we wouldn't come to a conclusion and I'm sure neither of us want to do that. I'm positive there are more who peak 25-30 than 18-24, given the number of players who don't even make the first team in their teens or early twenties, or players who are playing in lower leagues at that age but make steps up later on. There are other factors as well as you rightly pointed out, and it is a generalization to say that Hernandez could be approaching his peek years but I think it's a fair assumption as long as it's not taken too literally.

At the end of the day we have a 27 year striker with a proven goal scoring record in the PL and at international level. He hasn't had injury concerns, he isn't likely to burn out from years of over playing or physically developing earlier like some players. The big ifs are - If he is willing and motivated, and if he can fit in with the way the team are playing and the role required of him, - but if he is then I see no reason why he shouldn't be expected to perform to a high level - as high as we have seen from him so far and maybe even higher.

Which are just some of the reasons I highlighted as to why players have different peaks. If the conditions aren't right for him, which I'd argue that they are not right now, then he's going to have trouble motivating himself and finding his way into the side.
That look between Van Gaal and Giggs said it all. His football career just ended...
We are capable of dominating possession regardless of who are forward is and what our link up players need is a striker with pace/movement which he has in abundance. The side doesn't need a striker who wants to be a 10 or who always needs the ball into feet. The threat of Hernandez running in behind takes advantage of Mata's passing range and creates more space for our support players like Memphis/Adnan. His raw attributes alone merit a start in the current set up.

erm no. He's an average player
You could tell he was gonna miss that. He look bizarrely knackered/nervy for someone who's only been on the pitch for 10 minutes in an easy romp.
I'm not just saying this because of the pen miss, but he doesn't look up for this at all. He's not putting in any effort in his runs or chasing the ball. Is he off?
Dreadful penalty. A shame, since a goal would've done him a lot of good.
He managed to simultaneously disqualify the penalty for a double contact, slip while taking it, and miss it anyway, all in the one go. Impressive.
He looks a broken man these days. Pretty sad to see.

Terrible miss just now too.
Another easy chance missed. Really not at the races tonight.
I'm not just saying this because of the pen miss, but he doesn't look up for this at all. He's not putting in any effort in his runs or chasing the ball. Is he off?

100%. He's given up. That's what the look was all about - it was his lackadaisical attitude that filtered through to the penalty. He had one moment that made it clear as day he didn't give two shits about this game.
Not doing himself any favours tonight. Suspect Fellaini will get the next striking sub appearance
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