Well, there is that I suppose. Do any men like Titanic? (well my cousin likes it, but then again he is gay). I'm just well into the actual story of the Titanic and I think Cameron did a fantastic job on the film. Yes, at the time Leo was dreamy (not so much now) but I just loved everything about the movie. The story, the effects, the music - it all fitted together perfectly. For a film to be 3 and half hours long yet still keep me interested is pretty good. I normally don't like long films (I fell asleep during Pearl Harbour it was so long) but I just was enthralled watching Titanic. I've seen it so many times but still every so often, I like to put it on and watch the whole thing and it never tires on me. It'll be the 100th anniversary in a few years time, Belfast will be jam packed I'm sure of Titanic lovers.