Jadon Sancho| Staying at Dortmund for now

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There's no way United wouldn't know what his current contract entails - especially since it's said we've already agreed personal terms with him. We'd know how long his current deal is because it also dictates the price range we'd negotitate at. Just because Joe Soap and Journos didn't know about it, doesn't mean the club didn't know about it.
I sincerely hope that is the situation. But I'm starting to get very doubtful after hearing the contract till 2023 as someone would have leaked about it to the media from the United side.
Sancho putting in a transfer request or reporting sick for training would still be good signs for us.
Anyway, trying to calm the muppet in me during silly season.

Will watch the game tonight agains FC Copenhagen and hopefully there'll be some info from the United side too after the game. All we hear now are what the Dortmund side wants us to hear.
Transfer requests aren’t handed in these days as the player would have to give up his loyalty bonus. Can’t see it happening tbh.
I am pretty sure the only reason players hand in transfer requests do is cause they make a deal with the signing club to cover those costs. Either that or they are in a terrible situation and just want out. Sancho isn’t in a terrible situation.

Been one way traffic from Dortmund's side, nothing from United side has suggested they've moved on or given up yet

Still highly doubt that they'd refuse the money if it comes this week/month or in September.
:lol: you’re a comedian. A nonsensical one, but still amusing.

Dembele moved for +£100M and hardly lit the world up on fire. A year later both Coutinho and then Felix moved for +£100M.

Hell, a significant amount of posters on this forum will tell you Pogba’s transfer didn’t work out, I do not share that view, yet transfer fees have only gone up since.

Selling clubs set the valuation. Not buying clubs. Of course buying clubs will try to argue it down, but what’s understood doesn’t have to be explained. If you dropped 5 bags on a player that ends up playing poorly, when you come knock on my door to buy a player that’s among the best performing in the world for their position, I’ll demand 8 bags minimum. This isn’t rocket science.

So he’s an international, which he is, but he’s hardly an international? :lol::lol:

You quoted me, unprovoked by the way, to tell me £70M for Sancho is “quite fair”. All I said is that’s not going to fly with all the precedents that have been set in the market.

Clearly, it’s not flying, but you just keep coming back to quote me with more nonsense.

Coutinho moved the year after Dembélé.
To be honest if they are playing hardball we should just move on to other targets. In no way should Manchester United bend over backwards over a transfer, especially in these times.

I'm sure our scouts have identified alternatives. Who knows this could be another Ronaldinho-Ronaldo situation.

Greenwood could just be that but we need another strong option for the rw.
Missed about 10 pages of muppetry in the last hour. Is the deal off the table, or talks ongoing?

If he has a contract for another three years (as has emerged today), then that changes the negotiating position substantially and places Dortmund in the driving seat - they are well within their rights to demand the full €120m and there is really no risk in them doing so, since the player will hold his value for another year.

It's not dead, but we seem unwilling or unable to pay the fee required, so things do look somewhat bleak.

My guess is that United will revisit this in September/October, when the picture will be clearer regarding COVID-19 and the possibility (or lack thereof) of crowds returning to stadiums.
This is the summer to gamble and go all in, meet their valuations and no fecking about. Next summer, other teams will be in much better position financially and maybe even on a sporting level to offer a better alternative for Sancho. He is a really special player, and it feels like this is the summer where he's most attainable for United, even if it'll cost an arm and a leg. His valuation won't go down, but it has the potential to rise even more with another high-level season, the economy recovering, and the Euro 2021 as well.

Been one way traffic from Dortmund's side, nothing from United side has suggested they've moved on or given up yet

Still highly doubt that they'd refuse the money if it comes this week/month or in September.

Literally the only thing that changes after this bombshell of a presser from Zorc about the contract extension is that it takes away one of our bargaining chips off the table.
Then Mason gets injured after burn out from starting too many games at 18, leaving James, Mata and Lingard to work their magic. You’re wrong here pal. Besides, even without the three shit backups factor, Sancho is a generational talent.
I'm not saying that we shouldn't strengthen the position or that he is not an exceptional player.I'm saying that no one in the football world should playing pity games with our club ever again and dissrespecting us and taking us for granted.
Look, that idiot from sky sports news knows less than nothing about literally everything. I am actually amazed that he manages to get his trousers on every day to be honest.

The Dortmund sporting director was always going to say, no deal, he is our players etc etc, nobody in any kind of negotiating position is going to say anything different.

Some of you need to chill.
My problem with this negotiation (assuming it’s true) is this: if we have to decided to pay 120m and for example 70m upfront and they need 80m just pay the extra 10m and don’t negotiate. If you’re only willing to pay 40m and they ask for 80m then that’s a different story. This has happened every summer especially with Bissaka last year.

From the beginning they kept asking for 45+5 at least. We kept insisting 35+15. They said no. Then we said 40+10. They said no again. Eventually we ended up paying 45+5 anyway. It’s just wastes so much time. Difference of 10-15m we should cover it. That amount we can make up. Anything more than that can be negotiated.
I mean, this is an incredibly simplistic way of looking at it, but spreading out the payment as much as possible might make it financially easier to sign other players though, so it’s always worth trying. We also have no way of knowing how accurate the reporting on any transfer negotiations is, so the knee jerk reaction for most is to blame Woodward as he’s an easy scapegoat for any and all problems.

You don’t know if Dortmund are wanting £120m in one lump sum, which the club probably can afford, but don’t want to blow the whole load in one go.

If this is accurate (which it may well be), then it just outlines Dortmund's position.

"Pay the fecking ransom, Woody."
My guess is that United will revisit this in September/October, when the picture will be clearer regarding COVID-19 and the possibility (or lack thereof) of crowds returning to stadiums.

Would be too late. Dortmund need sufficient time to reinvest that money, for sporting and financial reasons. It'll happen either within this month or it won't at all.
Literally the only thing that changes after this bombshell of a presser from Zorc about the contract extension is that it takes away one of our bargaining chips off the table.

How is it a bargaining chip if United already know about it? The only people who didn't know, are the fans, who don't negotiate our transfers.
I'm not saying that we shouldn't strengthen the position or that he is not an exceptional player.I'm saying that no one in the football world should playing pity games with our club ever again and dissrespecting us and taking us for granted.

What the hell is this?

Its called business man, it's not personal.
When you sign someone like Haaland with a low release clause, you are nothing but a selling club (and more of a talent farm for Bayern). So, it's quite funny seeing Dortmund being in denial.
I read some questionable posts by people with the Newbie tag the last few days, but sheesh, you ain´t doing yourselves any favours here...
Well no harm intended there, but sometimes calling a spade a spade shouldn't be an offence.
Dortmund really doesn't mind putting out tweets and statements officially which are embarrassing later on.
But hey, if it is part of the negotiating tactics and forces the other party to pay up. Fair props.
Its not actually that relevant, because the player has not signed any extension since the last one which was announced. Again devil is in the detail of what Zorc said.

He never once said that his source was the club. What he said was that negotiations are taking place and that its up to the clubs if Sancho leaves for United. He also said that the deadline of Aug 10th is not a real deadline.

I'm not even backing him as an ITK, it just that you seem to be attempting to look for holes that are not there

Are the clubs still going to continue negotiations, well yes obviously

Also anyone who thinks Sancho, his agent and United didn't already know about his contract is having a laugh, this revelation actually changes nothing in the negotiations apart from whats in the press
So in your words, it’s absolutely water tight that Romano is ITK, purely because he has said multiple times that we are in negotiations?

So literally everybody following this saga is ITK, because anybody who has noted that neither club have denied the media narrative that they are in talks can see that’s the blindingly obvious.

These ITK Journos have offered up nothing but ‘clubs are in talks’ and that’s enough for you to back them?
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