Wow there is a lot of negativity here, turning even into hostility towards German posters.
I can understand that many United fans are frustrated about the lack of positive news.
On the other hand I honestly believe that most German posters, regardless which team they support, just trying to tell you guys Sancho isn't going anywhere this summer.
Germans read German news and our tabloids aren't much different than the British. If transfer rumors are hot they report, whether true or fake. However, since mid of August no reliable German football paper wrote any story about Sancho still moving back to England. The deal was dead once the August 10 deadline had passed.
I know these aren't the news you guys are waiting and hoping for but if you had taken these posts a little bit more seriously a lot of heart breake could have been avoided. If so many German posters, even from rival teams, unisono satt that there aren't any signs about this transfer going to happen this year, then chances are pretty high they could actually be right.
Belittling the Bundesliga or insulting posters who just tell how they see it, won't make this transfer any more likely.