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Jadon Sancho England flag

2021-22 Performances

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5.6 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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Okay, how about Pogba then. He was young, moved into a new league and got slaughtered after every shite performance.

Was it? All I remember was how shit Zlatan was at converting his chances. I don't remember anyone coming up with "Mark Noble" was better because he can tackle better.

Also there was always a divide and it grew bigger during Jose's third season. There was always a discussion on how Pogba was not used properly and what kind of players we should sign.
Was it? All I remember was how shit Zlatan was at converting his chances. I don't remember anyone coming up with "Mark Noble" was better because he can tackle better.

Also there was always a divide and it grew bigger during Jose's third season. There was always a discussion on how Pogba was not used properly and what kind of players we should sign.
You must have a short memory then. He was an absolute meme, people used to call him a dabbing Mulumbu.
I think we should send some of our fans to some sort of football school before they are allowed to talk about the team. I swear half our supporters think that if we put peak Xavi in our team now we would magically turn into peak Barca despite almost none of our players suiting his style of play.

Sancho isn't the traditional sort of winger that would have suited Ole. His strengths are in a quick moving, pass and move system that requires players on his team to actually offer passes and movement around him. Hes not Rashford. He doesn't just sprint at players and hope to blow past them.

Hes just another symptom of the complete lack of planning behind most of our transfer which seem to go as far as "he looks good, lets buy him" with no thought of team synergy.

Under someone like ETH he should find it much easier. He is a team player. ETH prioritises the team. He should be much better this season.
I think we should send some of our fans to some sort of football school before they are allowed to talk about the team. I swear half our supporters think that if we put peak Xavi in our team now we would magically turn into peak Barca despite almost none of our players suiting his style of play.

Sancho isn't the traditional sort of winger that would have suited Ole. His strengths are in a quick moving, pass and move system that requires players on his team to actually offer passes and movement around him. Hes not Rashford. He doesn't just sprint at players and hope to blow past them.

Hes just another symptom of the complete lack of planning behind most of our transfer which seem to go as far as "he looks good, lets buy him" with no thought of team synergy.

Under someone like ETH he should find it much easier. He is a team player. ETH prioritises the team. He should be much better this season.
Nothing will change. He'll still be rubbish.
You must have a short memory then. He was an absolute meme, people used to call him a dabbing Mulumbu.

You must be a returnee then, for a guy who joined in 2022 to have clear memory of discussions that happened in 2016. Or all your posts are based on twitter discussion ?

Pogba had lot of fans in 2016 with few who always wanted a reason to criticize him. It was nothing like today and no one came up with stupid "Noble" comparisons.

"He was absolute meme" is just nonsense, unless you followed some troll accounts on twitter and thought that was real discussion.
You must be a returnee then, for a guy who joined in 2022 to have clear memory of discussions that happened in 2016. Or all your posts are based on twitter discussion ?

Pogba had lot of fans in 2016 with few who always wanted a reason to criticize him. It was nothing like today and no one came up with stupid "Noble" comparisons.

"He was absolute meme" is just nonsense, unless you followed some troll accounts on twitter and thought that was real discussion.
I’m not a returnee but I’ve been browsing this website for years.
Makes you wonder why we got rid of Mkhitaryan.

Another good player (like Kagawa) who didn't even remotely fit into our team.

The worst kind of player to buy when you are not a one touch passing team is a one touch passer. The worst thing you can buy when your "system" is very loosely assembled is a system player who wants to know where his team mates will be and where his options usually are.
Another good player (like Kagawa) who didn't even remotely fit into our team.

The worst kind of player to buy when you are not a one touch passing team is a one touch passer. The worst thing you can buy when your "system" is very loosely assembled is a system player who wants to know where his team mates will be and where his options usually are.
73m for a system player. Damn.
Some garbage takes in this thread. He’ll come good he’s a young kid who just needed time to settle in which was hardly made easy coming into this shit show. I think he’ll flourish under ETH.
And Sancho has always looked underwhelming for England. I think Sancho is crap mostly based on the attributes he has. I get that he needs players to combine with but how can that be his entire game? He has zero individualism, looks terrified when he tries taking on his man, can’t work a yard for a shot or a cross, he isn’t a technical freak like Bernardo Silva to make up for his lack of pace. How can his entire game be reliant on combination play? Someone like Demarai Gray (while also crap) is a more threatening player for me.
The state of the Caf :lol:

Are we seriously doubting Sancho`s talent?

There are alot of Caf members that are going to have egg on their faces when Ten Hag gets the team playing well and Sancho is ripping the PL apart.
Equally you may have egg on his face if he becomes another Mhikitaryan or Kagawa. Players that seemed at ease in the Bundesliga in particular setups that never quite cut the mustard in this league and for us. Yet fans would defend them endlessly because they're aesthetically pleasing in their play.

Who knows what's going to happen, I don't believe it's all sunshine and roses with Sancho and we should just write the season off as unconcerning. I think it's a massive concern and I'm just hoping that as more data comes in it supports the people that assume he's just going to come alive under ETH.
Werner had 36 goals and assists in 34 league games in his last season. He looked like one of the best players in the world. And it’s not about how long he’s had under Tuchel, I’m making the point that you can’t always rely on Bundesliga performances to judge a players quality.
Comparing Sancho to Werner is just silly.
Whatever he is he needs to come into this season ready to go. Last year he was carrying excess weight and his fitness was clearly not up to the level required. That can not happen again, he needs to be ready to start fast. Red flags last year need to be removed.

If he is really on £350K per week I don't want to hear any excuses for him.
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He really needs to improve his tenacity to become top player. Top players, like KdB, Salah, Mane, Son, and even (younger) Messi, combined flair with tenacity. A bit of nastiness, fight, drive, energy are as essential as skill.
Sancho is an incredible footballer IQ wise. He’s never going to deliver tonnes of goals which is the only negatives I can say about him.

Interested to see what he can really do if we start dominating the ball more. He needs more of the ball that’s all.
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