It's tough going - What side of the fence are you on


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.
We never thought it would get this bad did we.

Can't get any luck at the moment, players are letting us down, injuries are piling up, late winners against us and out of the cup.

Where do we go from here? I'll give Moyes more time but this is awful. Fans are turning on him.
Yell I remember Hellboy calling him a bellend.

Not worth getting wound up by them. They don't understand football or what it's like to support a club. Idiots with a keyboard.
I'm on United's side.
fecking depressing times. Our football is so so incredibly dull. Words fail to express just how boring we look.
Still on the same side. If he doesn't manage to qualify for the CL next season he should be sacked. 3rd or 4th doesn't matter greatly and we've had cup feckups plenty of time before, especially in the FA cup.
What's the point of this thread? You've set it up as a discussion thread, but your agenda is painfully clear - you just want to slag off everyone who doesn't think Moyes is good enough. Some discussion.
If we haven't signed anyone by the end of january - then I ll scream "Moyes Out" all the time, and not just when I am horribly annoyed and frustrated right after a defeat
I want him to suceed as much as anyone. But he's not good enough. 'Time' and 'patience' won't change that simple fact.
We're a bit shit. Okay, more than a bit.

I still maintain that if we get into the CL positions, Moyes deserves another season to show that he's better than this. If not, we should look elsewhere.
I wonder if he regrets replacing proven people who know how to win things with his best friends from Everton. Hes had terrible luck but most has been of his own making, leaving RvP on when hes clearly not fit playing players who are clearly out of form but hoping it will pay off.

I would probably give him a chance if he had shown any form of improvement other than games here and there but he generally looks clueless out there
I'll give him a lot more time.
I know results are important, but a few losses don't bother me.
The squad needed refreshing a few years back and Fergie worked wonders to get the performances out of them that he did.. Moyes needs a change..

He needed a bedding in period anyway. He's not getting any luck either.
Win-loss.. its all part of the experience.

We really need a midfielder though.. and need to get some players out
What's the point of this thread? You've set it up as a discussion thread, but your agenda is painfully clear - you just want to slag off everyone who doesn't think Moyes is good enough. Some discussion.

I don't give a shit what your opinion is - calling the Man United manager a bellend is not on.
Id give full two seasons. This season is wasted. Dont think we will get a CL first assesment January 2015. If we are still shambolic then he should go. That gives a new manager few months to settle down and start stronlgy 2015/16
I think a lot of our problems are down to what happened over the summer. Just like when a team buys players, it gives people confidence - what certain fools did, was make us a laughing stock. I think the fixture list was probably dodgy but I don't think that matters so much. I think the people at the top need to realize then if you cannot back up your action, just shut up or better still resign. It's no good making the club a fortune - something the club is capable of doing by itself, if when given the opportunity to show ambition, you act like a twat...whoever's responsible for what happened over the summer should have been shown the door. There's no point blaming Moyes, these are Sir Alex's players and I think Moyes needs to stamp his authority on the team immediately. No more excuses. No more talking just do it.
If we actually played great football and if I saw a change in our play. Then yeah.

But it's terrible football with no imagination.
Moyes has been a disaster and I want him sent to a Siberian Gulag first thing tomorrow morning and worked to death. But on the other hand, I think he has potential and we should rally behind him and show him our support.
I wasn't bowled over by Moyes' appointment last May but I've been behind him ever since he walked through the doors. Yes, we have played some terrible, terrible football but it's coincided with some outrageous situations, namely the lack of summer signings and our horrid injury list. Moyes is absolutely cursed; we've lost and drawn home games to teams that have been blessed to get the points through late goals, scored through smash'n'grab counter-attacks and through the profligacy of our own players.

The board have to make a decision now: either back him with the funds to sign the players required, or sack him. I don't think he should be sacked and I believe he'll turn it around.
Countless times Fletcher had the ball and there was a big empty space in midfield and he was forced to spread the play out wide or shoot a long ball was ridiculous. We lack the ability to play quick dynamic short passes which teams like City, Arsenal, Swansea, and others are. It's horribly frustrating.
I think a lot of our problems are down to what happened over the summer. Just like when a team buys players, it gives people confidence - what certain fools did, was make us a laughing stock. I think the fixture list was probably dodgy but I don't think that matters so much. I think the people at the top need to realize then if you cannot back up your action, just shut up or better still resign. It's no good making the club a fortune - something the club is capable of doing by itself, if when given the opportunity to show ambition, you act like a twat...whoever's responsibile for what happened over the summer should have been shown the door. There's no point blaming Moyes, these are Sir Alex's and I think Moyes needs to stamp his authority on the team immediately.

Let's not bang on about fixtures list. We had our so called easy fixtures and that turned out great.
I just don't enjoy watching our football at the moment. It's not the fact we keep losing, but even teams that are down a goal or drawing fight to win at all costs; we don't ever seem to do that. I wasn't even surprised or shocked that they scored, it was more expected for me than anything. I haven't felt like that in all my time in watching us, and that is worrying.

It seems like the current bunch of players and the current manager don't work. Get rid of one, get rid of both, one needs to change (when I mean get rid of the players I mean the rubbish ones).
I'm on Moyes side. There's a fair bit surgery needed to our current set up at the moment and Moyes at the very least deserves a transfer window or two to try and sort things out or put his own stamp on things. After that he can there can be no excuses though.
This reeks of Hodgson at Liverpool. Said it in he other thread but most of us would be laughing our asses off and making similar campaigns to keep rafa at pool if he was at any other team. He's a not cut out for united, he has shite tactics and clearly has no idea how to motivate the team or manage them.
I know we all say we stick to our ways, and give them time, but we have given him plenty of time. He'd have been long gone at any other team. Get rid of him now before he ruins us even more and it gets harder to save the season, because under him we sure as hell aren't winning trophies.
I would love Moyes to succeed but with the league as competitive as it is I fear we've spent too much time in transition and now is the time for ideas/hard grat to start paying dividends. Unfortunately for Moyes it is clear we're getting worse. I fear he's losing players in the dressing room too. Maybe it is time to stop the rot by bringing in a manager with a track record of managing big clubs under pressure. Is there anyone available?
I never welcomed his appointment and maintain he should be judged properly at the end of the season. Doesn't mean I have to say I like him or not criticise his influence (or lack of) on an internet forum.

I think this 'cut from the same cloth' bullshit may turn out to be a terrible long-term mistake but I hope I'm really really wrong. In fact I would happily eat humble pie and choke on a huge penis if I was wrong.
I still want us to stick with him but my opinion will massively change if we don't fecking sign people this month
I wasn't bowled over by Moyes' appointment last May but I've been behind him ever since he walked through the doors. Yes, we have played some terrible, terrible football but it's coincided with some outrageous situations, namely the lack of summer signings and our horrid injury list. Moyes is absolutely cursed; we've lost and drawn home games to teams that have been blessed to get the points through late goals, scored through smash'n'grab counter-attacks and through the profligacy of our own players.

The board have to make a decision now: either back him with the funds to sign the players required, or sack him. I don't think he should be sacked and I believe he'll turn it around.
some sense at last
Let's not bang on about fixtures list. We had our so called easy fixtures and that turned out great.

I'm not banging on about the fixtures and said that don't matter so much. For me it's 100% about the summer and what went on. Isn't it a bit sad out of all I wrote, that's all that you noticed? :) Never mind.
Say we get Moyes out, then who do we get in to replace him?

I'd like to keep him for longer, and if he gets top 4 that'll do. Though I cant help but think that if he was at City or Liverpool, I'd want him to stay there...
It's not so much that, as specifically the last couple of years. We're still playing very similar stuff, but just can't get a result.

That's becoming a bit of a myth. Yes we had our times of playing shit football under Fergie, especially in the last couple of years. But we never consistently looked so out of breath and toothless as we do now. It's not just the results the football we play has got worse as well.
I'm a big MOYliever but I didn't think it would get this bad tbh.

I can understand teething problems - if there are signs that were moving in a certain direction etc but were as dull as feck & a lot of the players just aren't performing.

Teams are coming to OT these days - looking for 3 points which is unheard of.

He needs more time but he looks a beaten man tbh.
I think that we are utterly fecked. Seriously I don't think that we are gonna get the fourth place this season, and there is no chance that we'll do something good on UCL. Hopefully at-least we'll see some improvements on the game and the board analyze the situation on the summer. It isn't good and it is their fault for it.