Red Indian Chief Torn Rubber
Thus says Kemo
Who is that Freund motherfecker?
Arseholes like him on either side are why peace never goes any where.
Be careful Jason F.
The truth has very few friends round here.
That is partly true. In reality neither side is innoccent. Both sides have the type of leaders who don't really want peace. Determined to turn peace talks into peace jokes.Really? the impression I get from the news is that the Israel is just minding its own business and protecting itself while Palestine goes about bombing innocent Israelis.
That is partly true. In reality neither side is innoccent. Both sides have the type of leaders who don't really want peace. Determined to turn peace talks into peace jokes.
Sacrificing the lives and future's of many of their citizens as a result.
Israel's proposed 'Jewish oath' for new citizens sparks racism row
Loyalty pledge criticised as 'fascist' and an affront to country's Palestinian citizens, who make up 20% of population
Harriet Sherwood in Jerusalem, Sunday 10 October 2010 18.20 BST
The Israeli cabinet today approved a bill requiring new non-Jewish citizens to swear an oath of allegiance to Israel as a "Jewish and democratic state", in a move that has brought accusations of discrimination against Israel's Arab minority. One dissenting cabinet minister referred to a "whiff of fascism".
The bill, originally promoted by the rightwing foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, who has made the issue of loyalty a hallmark of his political career, was passed by a big majority despite the opposition of Labour party members.
The loyalty oath will be required of non-Jews seeking to become Israeli citizens, mainly affecting Palestinians from the West Bank who marry Palestinian citizens of Israel.
The latter, who make up 20% of Israel's population, have vigorously criticised the proposal – which needs approval from the Knesset before becoming law – as provocative and racist. It has also drawn protests from Israeli Jews, including those in the cabinet.
Isaac Herzog, the social affairs minister, told Israel's army radio: "There is a whiff of fascism on the margins of Israeli society. The overall picture is very disturbing and threatens the democratic character of the state of Israel. "There have been a tsunami of measures that limit rights ... We will pay a heavy price for this."
Lieberman campaigned in last year's election for a loyalty oath to be required of all existing Palestinian citizens of Israel. However the bill put to the vote today drew back from that, applying only to future citizens. "I think this is an important step forward. Obviously this is not the end of the issue of loyalty in return for citizenship, but this is a highly important step," Lieberman said.
At the start of the cabinet meeting, the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, said: "The state of Israel is the national state of the Jewish people and is a democratic state in which all its citizens – Jewish and non-Jewish – enjoy full equal rights ... Whoever wants to join us, has to recognise us."
It was suggested that Netanyahu backed the bill as a quid pro quo for support from rightwing parties within his coalition government should he bow to US pressure to extend the freeze on settlement construction. The moratorium, which expired two weeks ago, is threatening to scupper talks on a peace deal with the Palestinians.
Ahmed Tibi, an Israeli-Arab member of the Knesset, condemned the cabinet's decision. "The government of Israel has become subservient to Yisrael Beiteinu [Lieberman's party] and its fascist doctrine," he said. "No other state in the world would force its citizens or those seeking citizenship to pledge allegiance to an ideology."
The speaker of the Knesset, Reuven Rivlin, also criticised the proposal. "This law will not assist us as a society and a state," he said. "On the contrary, it could arm our enemies and opponents in the world in an effort to emphasise the trend for separatism or even racism within Israel."
Likud cabinet members Dan Meridor, Benny Begin and Michael Eitan opposed the bill along with Labour ministers.
Writing in today's Haaretz, liberal commentator Gideon Levy said: "Remember this day. It's the day Israel changes its character ... From now on, we will be living in a new, officially approved, ethnocratic, theocratic, nationalistic and racist country."
not sure what has changed? Israel is a zionist entity, it is all about being Jewish, and a homeland for Jews...
This is probably what Bibi has to promise for another round of temporary freeze on new settlements or something similar.
That is partly true. In reality neither side is innoccent. Both sides have the type of leaders who don't really want peace. Determined to turn peace talks into peace jokes.
Sacrificing the lives and future's of many of their citizens as a result.
Be careful Jason F.
The truth has very few friends round here.
It seems many of the atrocities Israel had committed just disappeared from history whereas any Palestinian uprising or attack is major news.
Care to elaborate? I doubt many of the "atrocities" escaped the media or the attention of CE enthusiasts. FFS, some events even make a comeback several years after originally being discussed for a second round of condemnations.
I don't mean that quite as it sounded. Indeed your right, very little would escape the media these days. My point is more that the perspective that we see in Australia and possibly the Western world is that Israel is above reproach and only acts to defend itself when this is possibly not the case. I honestly didn't intend this as a critiscism of anyones foreign policy or anything like that.
I mean the atrocities I speak of are not covered up but they are not common knowledge either. I know all about "Israel defending itself" and Palestine "breeding terrorists" through education and media but things like the 1948 massacres, Sabra and Shantila in the 80s was it? Even 2002 in Jenin. To me they all seem like important things in the background of the story that I knew nothing of until I did some extra reading.
1948 atrocities are indeed not common knowledge, and the war which started as a civil war was indeed horrible. However, you can't expect Western media to break news about 1940's massacres.
Sabra and Shatila was a massacre that got shedload of media attention, and depite that I'd bet a bollock that many don't know that it was carried out by Christian Lebanese against Muslim Palestinians. An Israeli investigation committee found the then Israeli Minister of Defense guilty of neglegence, which led to his ousting. I bet this is a quite unprecedented response by a country "beyond reproach".
Funny you mention the Jenin massacre. I share your concern because it never happened. It was an exercise in using lies and world media for the Palestinian cause. Just like the Muhammad al-Dura story. Paliwood.
Western politicians prefer to ignore Israel's inherent racism
October 28, 2010
Imagine a mainstream Australian politician saying that Aborigines should be banned from leading tourists around Uluru because they might "present anti-Australian positions" to visitors. The outcry would be furious.
But a bill is currently before the Israeli Knesset, led by a parliamentarian from the "moderate" Kadima party, that would bar Arab residents of East Jerusalem from working as tour guides in the city. Knesset member Gideon Ezra said it was essential tourist groups are "accompanied by a tour guide who is an Israeli citizen and has institutional loyalty to the [Jewish] state of Israel".
It is just the latest sign in an ever-tightening noose around Arabs from the Zionist mainstream in the self-described Jewish nation.
Journalist Gideon Levy writes in the Israeli daily Haaretz that no politician "has even begun to think of Arabs as being equal to Jews". The Israeli Jewish public increasingly shares these authoritarian views. In a study published in the newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, 36 per cent of Israeli Jews urged the revoking of Arab voting rights and restriction of free speech in "times of political difficulty".
Israel is not a democracy for all its citizens but an insecure nation demanding obedience to an ideology that deliberately excludes the legitimate rights of its Arab population.
The occupation in the West Bank is deepening daily, after more than 43 years, with colonies expanding at the fastest rate in two years. The illegal siege on Gaza contributes to Palestinian children suffering debilitating malnutrition.
This is the Israel that Western politicians prefer to ignore. When I recently confronted Opposition Leader Tony Abbott over his blind backing for Israeli "democracy", he muttered something about the Middle East not being "perfect." But, I countered, what about Jewish-only settler roads in the West Bank? That was "bad", he acknowledged, before looking away nervously.
Julia Gillard's Labor Party shares these delusions. It is one of the reasons that the Independent Australian Jewish Voices group published newspaper advertisements nationally this month demanding the Australian government "exert pressure on Israel to conform to international law and humanitarian standards".
The growing global concern over Israeli values has been crystallised by the Netanyahu cabinet voting to force non-Jews seeking citizenship to swear allegiance to Israel as a "Jewish and democratic state".
The decision was met with furious indignation from a vocal minority in Israel, not least Palestinians who were being asked to negate their historical rights. Leftist Jewish Israelis marched through Tel Aviv chanting, "Fascism and ethnic cleansing are standing proud".
In the Diaspora there was virtual silence. Blind loyalty came before defending democratic values. The Achilles heel is its deference to Israeli government decisions, a Maoist-like devotion to a country increasingly delegitimised by its own occupying policies.
One of the main reasons the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign is thriving around the world - alongside the one-state solution idea - is that Israel ignores global demands to change its behaviour. Cultural and economic isolation worked against apartheid South Africa.
Just the latest example of a principled stance in reaction to the loyalty oath, was the refusal of the English filmmaker Mike Leigh to participate in a program at a Jerusalem film school. He also cited expanding West Bank settlements and the brutal attack on the Gaza flotilla.
Leigh was praised by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel for highlighting "the fact that collaborating with institutions of a state that practises occupation, colonisation and apartheid, as Israel does, cannot be regarded as a neutral act …"
No other Western state has tried to introduce anything like the loyalty oath. The oath is on an ever-growing list of anti-democratic proposals before the Knesset, including a one-year prison term for "incitement for the negation of the existence of the state of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state".
Palestinians and leftist Jews are loathed fifth-columns to be smeared and isolated.
No obfuscation about the supposedly devilish plans of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran or al-Qaeda can distract from the reality of Israel's inherent racism. The world should stop pumping in funds to perpetuate the infrastructure of oppression.
Antony Loewenstein is a freelance journalist and author of My Israel Question.
Western politicians prefer to ignore Israel's inherent racism
Its passing wouldn't surprise me one bit. As long as Israel remains a constitutionally racist state, this sort of thing will happen without most of the Jewish citizens being able to see anything wrong with it.
You know what Jews are like. Racist, the lot of them.
Yeah, because that's exactly what I said.
These are interesting actions for a nation that's supposedly in 'peace talks' with the Palestinians. Just the other day they also began work on 700 more illegal settlements on the West Bank the second that restriction ceased. It makes you wonder, do they actually desire peace with the Palestinians? Or maybe it's a warning to the them: sign the peace process, submit to our demands and shut it.
The peace talks are posturing bollox. Everybody knows it and all parties are actually very happy with it that way.
Why can't you / don't you want to understand this?
Yo, Holyland, where you at brother? Just a quick question in relation to the bit in bold, the rest you can ignore, it's just the standard fare, nothing new...
I think it makes sense that a company would want to hire someone who will point out the positives rather than someone who says "see that rubble, it used to be my ancestral home..etc etc..."
But an actual legislation? Is that necessary? Will it pass? Is there something the author missed?
Just the other day they also began work on 700 more illegal settlements on the West Bank the second that restriction ceased.
It makes you wonder, do they actually desire peace with the Palestinians?
So what's the solution then Cuntastine? Keep eating away at Palestinian land and individual rights until they've had enough and all bugger off?
Land swap INCLUDING Jordanian territory.
After all, this is actually Jordan's mess far far more than Israel's.
Least we'd have somewhere to put the polar bears and tigers then![]()
Polar bears in a hot and humid region like the middle east? I take it science wasn't your forte?![]()
The Jews are just pissed at the realization they never really were the “chosen ones”. Let’s face it if a God truly did exist and had his favorites surely he is smart enough to place the oil underneath their land.
The Jews are just pissed at the realization they never really were the “chosen ones”. Let’s face it if a God truly did exist and had his favorites surely he is smart enough to place the oil underneath their land.
Would this 'land swap' you propose include a return to pre-1967 borders with the Golaan heights and Sheeba farms returned to Syria and Lebanon respectively, and would you then accept that Israel would finally have to declare its borders?
Yes. It is.
Would this 'land swap' you propose include a return to pre-1967 borders with the Golaan heights and Sheeba farms returned to Syria and Lebanon respectively, and would you then accept that Israel would finally have to declare its borders?
No, it isn't.
I said that most of the Jewish citizens of Israel are unable to see anything wrong with Israel's racist policies. Not all Jews in Israel, and certainly not 'all Jews' per se. The fact that Israel is able to carry its racist policies is evidence of it. When you grow up in a society in which you are told from an early age that the country you are living in is the land of your own race above all others (often from a religious point of view, informing you that you are God's chosen racial group), then the result is what we're seeing. Racism.
Explain to me the difference between what is happening in Israel and the hypothetical situation of the BNP (or any other racist party) coming into power in the UK and declaring it a white country where ethnically British people have primary rights on things such as land, and where non-ethnic-Britons are subject to various restrictions.
US vetoes UN condemnation of Israeli settlements | Ed Pilkington | World news | The Guardian
And you wonder why the peace talks get nowhere
So much for Obama being a breath of fresh air, we're just seeing a Bush MKII who also refuses to catch up with the rest of the world.
The US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, said the decision to use the veto power – open to the five permanent members of the UN, of which the US is one – "should not be misunderstood to mean we support settlement activity".
She said Washington's view was that the Israeli settlements lacked legitimacy, but added: "Unfortunately, this draft resolution risks hardening the positions of both sides and could encourage the parties to stay out of negotiations."
Of course, reading the story may help:
Not exactly Bush Mark II, even if you disagree with the veto decision.