The veto is a cheat code the Allies gave themselves when the UN was created after WWII. The US, the UK, Russia, France and China are the only countries in the Security Council that have one.
It doesn't matter how many votes for or against a SC resolution, if one of the Five goes
"Yeah, no", then the resolution is not adopted. It denies any possibility to resolve any international matter on a democratic and fair principle. That's what always crippled the UN, damaged its credibility and massively reduced its room to maneuver. It makes it as impotent as its predecessor, the League of Nations.
Some favor the veto right as a means for international stability but until it's abolished, the UN has no means of acting independently and is effectively at the mercy of the world's biggest bullies.
"As of August 2023, Russia/USSR has used its veto 125 times, the US 82 times, the UK 29 times, China 17 times, and France 16 times".
The US have used their veto 47 times to block a SC resolution against Israel. Today is the 48th.