Israel - Iran and regional players | Please post respectfully

I don't see what Hezbollah are gaining from this conflict right now. A deal for peace with Israel would maybe be the rational decision at this point, for their own and the Lebanese people sake.

So you are blaming the Lebanese!

You can lie without backing up your claims. But you will eventually need to back it up with some evidence.

So you are blaming the Lebanese!

You can lie without backing up your claims. But you will eventually need to back it up with some evidence.

I never blamed the Lebanese for anything. I'm saying that Israel will not care about casualties to Lebanese people in its fight against Hezbollah, so surely it would be best for them to make peace before Israel invade.
I never blamed the Lebanese for anything. I'm saying that Israel will not care about casualties to Lebanese people in its fight against Hezbollah, so surely it would be best for them to make peace before Israel invade.
Peace isn't happening. Hezbollah will demand Israel leave all the occupied territories, and Israel will demand Hezbollah cease to exist.
I hope hezbollah doesnt escalate the situation while israel can keep going doing the feck they want
I hope hezbollah doesnt escalate the situation while israel can keep going doing the feck they want
Yep, Hezbollah should call it a day and sue for peace. We need to get back to the regional stability of the US and Israel genociding the Palestinians in peace, while they continue to build more settlements. Its also only fair that the displaced Israelis are allowed to return to their homes in the occupied territories too. Hopefully with the international community silenced, they can also build some more luxury holiday homes in the West Bank and Gaza too since its their god given right.

The sooner the US can go back to lecturing us on the nefarious ambitions of Russia and China without being labelled hypocrites the better.
Yep, Hezbollah should call it a day and sue for peace. We need to get back to the regional stability of the US and Israel genociding the Palestinians in peace, while they continue to build more settlements. Its also only fair that the displaced Israelis are allowed to return to their homes in the occupied territories too.

The sooner the US can go back to lecturing us on the nefarious ambitions of Russia and China without being labelled hypocrites the better.

"Occupied" territories? I dont understand. It had been always Judea
Israel will not care about casualties to Lebanese people in its fight against Hezbollah, so surely it would be best for them to make peace before Israel invade.

It's a different terrain. Hezbollah would not be able to and probably would not seek to use its own population (willing or otherwise) as human shields for propaganda purposes, and Lebanon is not Gaza. Israel already invaded Lebanon and paid a high price. Would they really want to do it again? Yes they destroyed the PLO but they simply got replaced. The only value of this is to draw Iran into open war with America before a Trump presidency destabilises their Washington back-up. Not sure Iran are dumb enough to play that game.
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"Occupied" territories? I dont understand. It had been always Judea
My mistake. Its 'contested', in the sense that the Palestinians merely existing there is a contesting reality that conflicts with Israel's biblical claim to all the territory. Considering they have an undisputed right to defend themselves, I'd also let them stretch their undeclared border to Lebanon, Syria and Jordan too.
It's a different terrain. Hezbollah would not be able to and probably would not seek to use its own population (willing or otherwise) as human shields for propaganda purposes, and Lebanon is not Gaza. Israel always invaded Lebanon and paid a high price. Would they really want to do it again? Yes they destroyed the PLO but they simply got replaced. The only value of this is to draw Iran into open war with America before a Trump presidency destabilises their Washington back-up. Not sure Iran are dumb enough to play that game.

So you have a hard on about drawing Iran to a war. And sad that iran doesnt take the bait....checks out
So you have a hard on about drawing Iran to a war. And sad that iran doesnt take the bait....checks out

Not sure what this random personal attack has to do with anything I said. You're lucky the mods here are so one sided since there's nothing respectful about your post.

But yes if you're going to have war with Iran it would be better to do it before Trump becomes President. He's almost certainly a Russian asset (in my personal opinion) and therefore an Iranian one.
Not sure what this random personal attack has to do with anything I said. You're lucky the mods here are so one sided since there's nothing respectful about your post.

But yes if you're going to have war with Iran it would be better to do it before Trump becomes President. He's almost certainly a Russian asset (in my personal opinion) and therefore an Iranian one.
You realise Trump is an ultra-Zionist shill right? This was the candidate that calls his opponents 'Palestinian' as if it were a derogatory accusation. His son in law also has a hard on for turning the ruins of Gaza into beachfront condos. Don't you worry, if he becomes president he'll ensure he'll have buttered himself nicely and have those kneepads firmly fastened when he makes his obligatory visit to AIPAC.
Not sure what this random personal attack has to do with anything I said. You're lucky the mods here are so one sided since there's nothing respectful about your post.

But yes if you're going to have war with Iran it would be better to do it before Trump becomes President. He's almost certainly a Russian asset (in my personal opinion) and therefore an Iranian one.

Have you considered that if you think everywhere you go smells bad, maybe check yourself for BO?

At first I wasn't going to believe this, but with the rumours that Israel pulled the switch in haste after Hezbollah members started to find out about the explosives, it would seem that they had this as an endgame plan in case they went into a full on war like in 2006, where they were embarrassed by Hezbollah. This attack in that type of situation would've had a much greater effect than right now. Now the Hezbollah members can recover and regroup by the time Israel launches another invasion (or maybe they're going to hurry that now).

To be honest, planning 20 years and doing the attack at this point seems like a massive waste of effort unless Israel does launch an invasion right now. It seems to be for pure optics than anything.
You realise Trump is an ultra-Zionist shill right?

Trump is more complex that that. He thinks Jews owe him for the Abraham Accords and he feel betrayed. And he won't do anything that draws the US into a big war or pisses off Putin. He's corrupt and erratic. If I were Israel I would rather have President Harris even if parts of her party are a bit soft on Hamas. At least she will turn up if the war gets hot.

Have you considered that if you think everywhere you go smells bad, maybe check yourself for BO?

It's not everywhere. Just in some places where one point of view seems to thrive while others not so much. It's such a mystery, isn't it?
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My mistake. Its 'contested', in the sense that the Palestinians merely existing there is a contesting reality that conflicts with Israel's biblical claim to all the territory. Considering they have an undisputed right to defend themselves, I'd also let them stretch their undeclared border to Lebanon, Syria and Jordan too.
No jeddah and hijaz?
Trump is more complex that that. He thinks Jews owe him for the Abraham Accords and he feel betrayed. And he won't do anything that draws the US into a big war or pisses off Putin. He's corrupt and erratic. If I were Israel I would rather have President Harris even if parts of her party are a bit soft on Hamas. At least she will turn up if the war gets hot.

I want Harris to win simply because it's the "right" thing, regardless of her policy regarding Israel... But part of Netanyahu's delaying tactics are probably about waiting for the election and hoping for a Trump win. And, of course, most Israelis would like to see him win (not that it matters as they don't vote).
Trump is more complex that that. He thinks Jews owe him for the Abraham Accords and he feel betrayed. And he won't do anything that draws the US into a big war or pisses off Putin. He's corrupt and erratic. If I were Israel I would rather have President Harris even if parts of her party are a bit soft on Hamas. At least she will turn up if the war gets hot.

It's not everywhere. Just in some places where one point of view seems to thrive while others not so much. It's such a mystery, isn't it?

You could try to go where your POV would thrive like apartheid ethnofascist genocidal groups that finds valuable invading Lebanon to draw Iran in a war
Yeah sure why not. The US would probably be OK with it, as would Mohammed Bonesaw so long as he continues being able to hold Beyonce gigs and boxing fights.

Only in the Middle East would you get mocked for having a stable country, diversifying income streams and economic development.

No, you should try to liberate Palestine instead. Sure, you’d get crushed, turn your country into rubble and starve what remains of your population, but hey, at least you’d earn the respect of a few more Arabs elsewhere in the region.
Only in the Middle East would you get mocked for having a stable country, diversifying income streams and economic development.

No, you should try to liberate Palestine instead. Sure, you’d get crushed, turn your country into rubble and starve what remains of your population, but hey, at least you’d earn the respect of a few more Arabs elsewhere in the region.
Yeah agreed mate. Not sure why everyone is all up in arms about whats happening in Palestine. They had it coming for harbouring Hamas and are better off just moving to the Sinai or Jordan, or just dying. Let Israel homogenise the territory and turn it into an idyllic ethno-state.

Saudi Arabia should definitely be the template for all Arab states going forward.
Only in the Middle East would you get mocked for having a stable country, diversifying income streams and economic development.

No, you should try to liberate Palestine instead. Sure, you’d get crushed, turn your country into rubble and starve what remains of your population, but hey, at least you’d earn the respect of a few more Arabs elsewhere in the region.
This is one of the most disingenuous, disgusting takes I've ever read in this thread and there's been some.

Give your head a fecking wobble.
Yeah agreed mate. Not sure why everyone is all up in arms about whats happening in Palestine. They had it coming for harbouring Hamas and are better off just moving to the Sinai or Jordan, or just dying. Let Israel homogenise the territory and turn it into an idyllic ethno-state.

Saudi Arabia should definitely be the template for all Arab states going forward.

That won’t work on me. I’m an Arab who lives in the Middle East. Look at my post history in the Israel-Palestine thread. My position regarding the genocidal war machine is pretty clear.

However, the US is the only country in the world that has any influence on the Israelis.

Within that context, what do you propose the Saudis do?
This is one of the most disingenuous, disgusting takes I've ever read in this thread and there's been some.

Give your head a fecking wobble.

Wouldn’t be the first time you’ve come in all guns blazing and ended up apologising for misunderstanding. Not interested in discussing this with you.
Wouldn’t be the first time you’ve come in all guns blazing and ended up apologising for misunderstanding. Not interested in discussing this with you.
There's no misunderstanding.

Not apologizing on this one and not interested either.
That won’t work on me. I’m an Arab who lives in the Middle East. Look at my post history in the Israel-Palestine thread. My position regarding the genocidal war machine is pretty clear.

However, the US is the only country in the world that has any influence on the Israelis.

Within that context, what do you propose the Saudis do?
I'm not proposing they do anything. I don't care about their feudalistic kingdom frankly. I was replying to another post in jest.

But to answer it seriously, I'd prefer the Arab states grow a backbone and insist on there being no prospect of recognition of an Israeli state until the foundation of a Palestinian one. Better yet if there was an collective appetite for sanctioning and isolating them too, but I won't hold my breath for that reality.