Is this the worst it's been?

Welcome back to reality, we all have been there but at some point it was so obvious that Ole reaced his ceiling.
It would keep him in better standing I think - if he stood back voluntarily.
You talk like this is a partizan thing or some Republican Democrat shit. You're only priority should be this club and this man is not good enough.

Man Utd fan first and foremost, which is why I want(ed) us to stick with him and make it work
Man Utd fan first and foremost, which is why I want(ed) us to stick with him and make it work
Which is stupid because it's been obvious for ages that we weren't going anywhere under him but you and others acted like self righteous cnuts to anyone who said that, purely because what? You are so desperate for an ex Utd player to succeed that you're willing to let it get this bad before you turn? Daft.
I'd argue the slow death of LVG and Moyes were worse
Of course. Its the worst result with the best team. A truly hopeless performance of a team that genuinely don't know what they're supposed to be doing collectively. The fact that there are so few players being blamed and hated shows just how bad this is overall. This squad could win league there's no question. Lvg and mourinho squads couldn't
Jose or LVG wouldn't get battered 6 - 0 by Liverpool at home.
Moyes at least knew how to set up a team to be solid. This is division 2 standard coaching.
That red card has spun me, I genuinely don’t remember feeling this dejected during LvG or even Jose, with Jose there was an inevitability - he was actively trying to be fired so [for me] he felt predictable, it was shit but that’s Jose for you.

Today is fecking horrid, Ole is out of his depth & that tackle was terrible.
I saw this coming years ago and none of it is surprising.

I thought it was beyond stupid to appoint him, but yeah, he’s always done just about enough to get himself some more time, my argument has always been that a good squad will always have good spells even for the most average of managers.
I think finally everything is crumbling and his lack of plan and playing style has now been horrendously exposed for exactly what it is.
It’s amazing how bad we have been. Like beyond bad. Even with moyes we still had some good performances during bad runs. This is just endless
Never seen our fans leave like this before. This is an embarrassing day for the club and the only way we recover from this is with change.
That's true. Us arguing over what is worse is funny in itself because you just know the board will do feck all

Its sad to see. Really is. We're a shadow of the club we used to be. Hiring Ole was the worst decision we've made since SAF retired and somehow it keeps getting worse.
Ole will leave a failure and leave behind a huge mess, the stupidity not to quit why we were ahead with Ole was always going to come back to bite us. We’ve been fortunate to get away with it for this long but have just wasted more time now.

If club weren’t looking for Ole’s replacement they lost definitely will be now. I still don’t think they’ll sack him yet though.
When opposition fans are singing Ole Solskjaer In, you know its fecking dreadful.
Yes. I have been a United fan since 68 and even when we got relegated I don’t think we were this hapless.I saw us lose 6-0 at Ipswich and it wasn’t this bad.Unforgivable .