Donating meals and pens. What a guyTurned down a penalty to help his mate out of a drought. Still banged the hatty. What. A. Lad.
I apologise right now for ever comparing this guy to Mbappe. Get him replaced next season. The guy needs be controlled remotely like a game of FIFA. I’ve had enough of him.
Do you feel silly?
No I’m quite happy thank you. You think I care about a reaction I did during a game? He was clueless and got me angry. If you check my history I was one of the only guys championing him to be head to head with Mbappe.
You can’t tell me nothing.
No I’m quite happy thank you. You think I care about a reaction I did during a game? He was clueless and got me angry. If you check my history I was one of the only guys championing him to be head to head with Mbappe.
You can’t tell me nothing.
That will never happenTime to pop OP's cherry.
Need a Fergie to smack that self indulgence out of him.
Welbeck was a better player, much better football brain. Why has Rashford become undroppable?, he's been shite. End of story.
He’s worst than welbeck just get shut
Who put him on Free-Kick's anyway? Should put Fred on them when he's playing.
19 to 21 y.o. Rashford,
Excuses given :
(a) he's still a kid! you guys are kneejerks overreactive spoilt brats.
(b) off form.
(c) just came back from injuries, lay off him. Be understanding.
25 y.o. Rashford still having the same problems,
Excuses to be given:
(a) he's just 25, there's still plenty of time, can easily improve. Not yet his prime.29 y.o. Rashford
(b) well his teammates are rubbish, blame them, not him.
(c) every players are inconsistent.
(d) you guys have agenda against Rashford.
(e) off form.
(f) just came back from injuries, lay off him. Be understanding.
(a) blame the managers that overplayed him, he's burned. His fitness is not managed well.
I doubt it would please any united supporter to see him fail. Its just that some, including me dont rate him at all.
He is past it.
Bring in greenwood
I’m fully aware that there will be people who will disagree with this but let me give you the ‘truth’ about Marcus Rashford - he isn’t very good
The fact that he is young and English means that he gets so much leeway from the media and this cons our fans into believing he is some kind of world-class talent, helped by the fact that they want to believe that because he is a local lad
Let me give you two examples from yesterday;
Example 1 - In the first half, Rashford cuts inside and hits wild strike that goes a good 10ft high and wide. The commentator just says “full of youthful fizz and endeavour” any other player i.e. Pogba/Lukaku and the reaction would likely have been “wild strike” or “poor strike” etc...I could give a million examples like this. It’s just one example of where Rashford f**ks up time and time again but never gets called out for it and it’s never highlighted whilst the likes of Pogba and Lukaku seem to be scrutinised every second.
Example 2 - Sky Sports rating this morning. I open the app. and check out the ratings. In general, I feel they are pretty harsh, Shaw (6) and Fred (6) seem particularly mean. I get to Rashford, last player on the list....what am I expecting? Well Lukaku was given a (4), now he was by no means “good” but I would argue possibly slightly better than Rashford in that he did manage a few layoffs and held it up a few times. What does Rashford get? A (6)! The same score as Shaw and Fred!!! Now am I going crazy? The reason for his (6)? Apparently he “got no service” - hang on! You just gave Lukaku, our target man and ‘penalty box’ striker a (4), with no mention of service good or bad! Isn’t Rashford supposed to be one of the players providing “service”? It’s such double-standards from the media. The big lad from Belgium was crap but the poor young English lad couldn’t help but keep falling over the ball, shooting wildly and losing possession because he “got no service”. Why does this annoy me? Because it influences the sheep on here who believe the hype! Maybe one score won’t influence them but again, it’s one example of millions of pieces of brainwashing
Now someone I am sure will come along with some stats that show that Rashford has fewer minutes per goal than Ronaldo or something at the same age....well I couldn’t give a monkeys! I don’t need a weatherman to tell me it’s raining and my own two eyes tell me that Marcus Rashford lacks the basic technique required to be a top-level footballer. As I’ve said elsewhere, Rooney, Ronaldo and most young talents have ‘mental’ problems that they grow out of with age. Rashford has technical problems and I don’t see how, after 12yrs in the Utd system, these technical flaws are going to disappear with age
Sorry if all that seems harsh. I have no agenda. I wish the lad well, I’d love him to be world-class. The problem is the longer we keep kidding ourselves the longer it will take to get ourselves out of this mess we’re in!
Rashford is a bang average player that gets so much support because he's an academy product and English.
He's a trier, is quick. That's the complete list of his good attributes. Technically, average. Hold up play, average. Shooting, average. Link up play, maybe ever so slightly above average.
There is talk about a 300k a week contract renewal and some of you are late on this. He's full of himself as a result and thinks he is better than he really is.
Do you feel silly?
Prime Nani was amazing for us, so it's hardly an insult.Just a friendly reminder that Rashford was compared to Nani in his prime. Shit analysis has no bounds on this thread.
Wouldn’t let him go for Neymar on top of Mbappe money. Firstly you’d have a hard job finding anyone to match him football wise, but he’s about so much more than that. Some things are worth much more than money and you’re right, this kid is absolutely pricelessThe lad is priceless to the club honestly
Someone could offer us Mbappe money and I'd still refuse to sell him
Did you ever see Nani at his best for us? When he turned it on there was few better.Just a friendly reminder that Rashford was compared to Nani in his prime. Shit analysis has no bounds on this thread.
Wouldn’t let him go for Neymar on top of Mbappe money. Firstly you’d have a hard job finding anyone to match him football wise, but he’s about so much more than that. Some things are worth much more than money and you’re right, this kid is absolutely priceless
It's great isn't it?![]()
That was only last week???
I assumed it was from a couple of years ago initially.