Is Casemiro Cooked?

Is Casemiro a washed up write off?

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TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right

Seeing this in the back for training thread made me think he honestly looks refreshed and revitalised. I’ve had it in my head that the only direction he should go in is out the door, but remembering the status and ability of the guy in a proper midfield setup, reminded me that this isn’t just a good player, but an exceptional one.

There’s no getting away from the fact he was awful for a large portion of last season, but the system in place set him up to fail from the outset. If we are going to try it again, this thread is redundant, but if we’re actually going to play with a constructive midfield unit this season, does Casemiro look like the player he is or the cooked, write off some are certain he has morphed into?

If we play with a proper midfield setup, is this guy going to shine, or is he cooked regardless of midfield setup and personnel around him?
I think he'd still do very well in a midfield set-up where he has to sit back and shield the back four. Eg: I think he'd shine in a midfield set up with a creative player & a b2b player in front of him.

If he is asked to play a role in a double pivot like he was asked to last season then it'd better if we sell him and get a younger, more aggressive player in.
I think he could do a job in a functional team but I voted sell as soon a suitable offer comes in, because I think he would be only a squad option and he is too expansive for that role.
what the hell does cooking and cooked mean

i hate cooking but love when my food is cooked so how does it make sense

He's absolutely burnt. Charred, browned, blackened.
He is obviously cooked, but every CM in the team not named Mainoo is shit. He should be sold, but only after we've signed minimum one CM. Preferably two.
what the hell does cooking and cooked mean

i hate cooking but love when my food is cooked so how does it make sense

When you are progressing though a recipe you are "cooking". Once you a finished, done, you have "cooked". Saying someone is cooked is saying they are done.
In a functional team I reckon he's still useful. I would only sell if a good offer comes in. He should never play as a cb ever again though.
Sell and invest in younger model. I'd love to have him here, but funds are limited.
I think he'd still do very well in a midfield set-up where he has to sit back and shield the back four. Eg: I think he'd shine in a midfield set up with a creative player & a b2b player in front of him.

If he is asked to play a role in a double pivot like he was asked to last season then it'd better if we sell him and get a younger, more aggressive player in.

I was surprised at how good and effective he was going forward in his first season here. As a box to box he kept popping up and making a difference. He was obviously tough in the challenge and brought some leadership into the team too.

Last season he did neither thing well or with any discipline at all. What I feared initially about his signing was coming to pass. Like Matic right player wrong part of their career. I hope the club has finally learned to not stockpile these players as backups. Admit the mistake and move on while he still has value on the market
I honestly hope he stays here for one more year. Just play him in the Prem games will do, no need him for the europa unless we are in the semis and so on
Sure he isn't just a good player, but exceptional one, but he is also 32 with some 600+ games in his legs and he's not very hungry, having already won it all. I have nothing but respect for this lad, but buying him in August 2022 was one of our worst transfer deals in many years. 70 million for a 30 year old guy with an average injury record, putting him on the highest wages in the club and essentially getting just one good season out of him, one season in which all we won was the fecking EFL Cup - terrible business all out, extremely shortsighted. Sell him ASAP and try to get some money back, reinvest, don't make the same mistake.
When you are progressing though a recipe you are "cooking". Once you a finished, done, you have "cooked". Saying someone is cooked is saying they are done.

I think today is when I found out I'm now old.
I voted sell asap... but i still think he'd be a quality player for a different type of system, just not one which Ten Hag wants to play... and not in the Premier League where the pace is just too much for him
Ten Hag overloads the final 3rd so much that he's going to be so exposed... just doesn't have the athleticism to handle what he's gonna be asked to with us
I think he's still got another year in him. At worst, a great depth option if we buy Ugarte.
I think he has it in him to have improved concentration cutting out the mistakes that ruined otherwise good performances. So I picked the 2nd option but its about self improvement as much as better tactics. The reason I think he can do it because it wasnt an issue before last season.
He can still do a good job but not in Ten Haags team so we should sell. Why he bought Case and Eriksen then expected them to cover huge gaps is beyond me
Without question cannot be used as a box-to-box any longer

I still think we could get away with having him as a pure DM who doesn't run much

That said, I'd sell if a decent offer came in that United could re-invest into another midfielder
Without question cannot be used as a box-to-box any longer

I still think we could get away with having him as a pure DM who doesn't run much

That said, I'd sell if a decent offer came in that United could re-invest into another midfielder
Emergency CB if he stays. I would start Amrabat over him in midfield, he seemst o have at least one shocker per game these days
He isn't completely finished yet but he can't do what is expected of him in Ten Hag's suicidal setup. Even a young, quality DM would struggle. He could still be useful in a possession-based setup but he is definitely slowing down quite noticeably. His wages however are apparently astronomical and can't just be a squad player. It would have been best to never have bought him in the first place. Right now, probably keep for one more year, provided Ten Hag decides to drop the insane system.
I think he's problems are he isn't really playing to his strengths, he's trying to play passes like he's Pirlo and running up and down the pitch making sliding tackles and attempt to score goals like Vidal. He doesn't have the technique nor the engine to play this way. He should be sitting at the base of midfield protecting the zone in front of the center backs, cutting off passing lanes and keeping his passes simple. This will reduce the amount of running and tackling he does, he'll be effective this way.
I have no idea why he thinks he needs to take on responsibilities that aren't suited to him.
If the big money offer doesn't arrive we can do nothing but hope that he recaptures some of his past glory.

If the last season was indeed an aberration and he goes back to his best than we could be quite confident in getting the top 4.
He wasn’t helped by the tactics last season but from very early on it was obvious his legs had gone and it was painful watching attempt to run or just diving to the floor to avoid running.

We’d be stupid not to sell him if there is a financially viable offer but not convinced that will materialise.
The only suitable role in my opinion would be an experienced DM coming on as a sub to protect a lead. Someone the new DM could learn a lot from in a year.

But I don’t think it would be smart business-wise and I don’t think he’d be happy in that role.
Think he'd be useful in games that need a more defensive/combative approach and you put someone like Ugarte next to him in a double pivot, decreasing Casemiro's workload. But in general as a DM in the PL? Yeah he's cooked, has lost the step or two he previously had to make those timely tackles/interceptions and now he whiffs on the same attempts.
Take the first good offer.

I like him, nothing personal - good leader, tough, solid character, however his legs are gone, especially for the PL. These days he absolutely cannot balance a Mainoo + Bruno/Mount midfield. We are gonna be butter against hot knife vs. any semi-decent midfield opposition.

Then there is also the salary - our highest earner with £36m remaining on his contract for next 2 years, if we can get this off our books, even someone like Neves becomes a possibility. Keeping him for a few games per season in some specific scenarios on that salary is crazy.
I've voted yes but I can see him staying due to the hefty financial costs involved.. He's got a good personality and last season's decline must have been incredibly frustrating so I'm rooting for him.
Cooking as in preparing something good
Cooked as in finished (think of it like wine that is cooked and thus spoiled)

What if you're cooking something terrible
What if you cooked something beautiful


Too many new-fangled words.
not cooked, but he will naturally regress now a little as time passes, over 2 seasons that is.

I wouldn't really sell him, more a player like Eriksen that can't complete 60 minutes should go.

We need energy next to Casemiro.

For this season Mount, Bruno, Casemiro, Mainoo + another CM would be enough, I'd move on Eriksen and McT
It is difficult to say definitively - Ten Hag's rather unusual system leaves an enormous amount of space in midfield, space that any defensive midfielder is going to struggle to adequately cover. I hope that with the addition of some new coaches, we will find that the team is a little more compact next season, and the midfield performs better overall. We absolutely need another #6 in the squad, though, whether to supplement or replace Casemiro.
I think he's cooked.

If I believed he wasn't cooked I would still want to see him sold if its true that he pretended to have an injury so he didn't have to sit on the bench for the FA Cup Final.
He can still do a job in a well-functioning team, but we should sell him if we get a big offer from Saudi Arabia.