Iron Man

Watched this on Monday.

Loved it, up there with Batman Begins for me as a movie of it's ilk, Robert Downey was class in it, made the film I think, and I can't wait for the next one.

Went and saw it the other week, great film. Downey Jr. is very good, I like the arrogance he has, makes a change from all these modest superheroes, great ending where he just admits it.
Not bad.

However, they could have easily cut out 30mins of shit to have made it a really good film (like the balcony scene).

In summary:

Iron Man <<< Batman Begins
Iron Man < Spiderman 1

Iron Man >>>>>>>>>Superman/spidy 2+3/etc...
Saw Iron Man and Iron Man 2 for the first time the other day. Loved them, Robert Downey Jr. is a brilliant actor.

Enjoyed the first more than the second but still two very good films. Looking forward to Avengers and Iron Man 3.