Iron Man


Full Member
Apr 11, 2003
Everyone stop playing GTA IV for a couple of hours and go and check this film out, its awesome. Downey gives a Depp/Jack Sparrow-esque performance and totally makes the movie. Great special effects, decent plot, good cast, and a really funny movie too.

Definately one of the best superhero films to date.
saw it yesterday, Robert Downey Jr and the effects were good but otherwise I didn't think it was that special
Downey Jr has been brilliant the last few films i've seen him in.

Ill probably wait for the DVD though, i hate the cinema.
I really enjoyed it. Not as good as Transformers but great fun anyway.
Figures that came out of America during the night state that it has made $201million worldwide on its opening weekend.
I'm going to see that movie, this week.

I'm sure it will be better than Daredevil.

I'm expecting something joyful like "Hellboy" which was pretty good.
Iron Man is the perfect start to the summer blockbuster movies.
I love it. Never been a fan of the comics, but this adaptation knocked it out of the park.
Iron man is superb.A total entertainer but needed some more action imo.

Downey jr is pretty good and unconventional.
Saw it this afternoon.

I liked how they walked the political high wire to ensure the film does well in the Muslim world. The baddy is an Afghani but the superbaddy is an American capitalist.

Ain't it the truth!

By the way, Downey was very good, Paltrow was wrongly cast.
Saw it this afternoon.

I liked how they walked the political high wire to ensure the film does well in the Muslim world. The baddy is an Aghfani but the superbaddy is an American capitalist.

Ain't it the truth!

By the way, Downey was very good, Paltrow was wrongly cast.

He spoke Hindi too.

And I Don't think that was the motive of the film.:rolleyes:
He spoke Hindi too.

And I Don't think that was the motive of the film.:rolleyes:

He probably spoke Urdu. Hindi wouldn't make any sense: Urdu = Pakistani, Hindi = India.

Don't expect a film like this to be precise about details. Those scenes were set in Afghanistan so I'd expect them to speak Pashto.
I did enjoy it

nice how they're leading towards a movie with all the SHIELD

still need to do a decent adaptation of Captain America first though
Shat all over any of the other superhero moves they've made to date. Very good. You cant not love the fact he wasn't born into any powers, or was created by some sort of toxic nuclear waste accident or anything. He created his suit, he made himself the hero. Great stuff.

My only querie is how did the bad guy get the hang of his suit so quickly, when it obviously took Downy ages to get the hang of his. I'm putting it down to the 'upgrades.'

Also, I wish the last battle went on for longer, and was more full-throttle. Would've made for more of a spectacle. Wish there was more fighting and more suit-based action.

also some tits would've been nice

Anyway who stayed 'til after the credits? I missed it, stupidly I should've learnt by now.... What actually happened??!?!?!
Shat all over any of the other superhero moves they've made to date. Very good. You cant not love the fact he wasn't born into any powers, or was created by some sort of toxic nuclear waste accident or anything. He created his suit, he made himself the hero. Great stuff.

My only querie is how did the bad guy get the hang of his suit so quickly, when it obviously took Downy ages to get the hang of his. I'm putting it down to the 'upgrades.'

Also, I wish the last battle went on for longer, and was more full-throttle. Would've made for more of a spectacle. Wish there was more fighting and more suit-based action.

also some tits would've been nice

Anyway who stayed 'til after the credits? I missed it, stupidly I should've learnt by now.... What actually happened??!?!?!

Even I didnt know until I read your post but here it is on you tube.

Can someone explain what is so surprising/amazing about the scene?:confused:
Even I didnt know until I read your post but here it is on you tube.

Can someone explain what is so surprising/amazing about the scene?:confused:

*geek hat on*

It's a nod to the comic fans.
Marvel launch the Ultimate Universe line a few years ago. They basically rewrote the entire history of the characters and incorporate them into a more modern time.

One of the character that got this treatment was Nick Fury, who is the Director of SHIELD. The comic artist intentionally reimagine the character on Sam L. Jackson, with the actor permission (The original character was a caucasian guy).

The interesting thing is, in this Ultimate comics, Nick Fury is the one who gathered Cap America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor into a group called The Avengers (hence the Avengers Intiative). So the scene at the end of the movie is Marvel way of hinting that all these characters will get movie treatments, and they're all in the same universe hence their plan to made an Avengers movie. Talks about Captain America,Thor movie is already on, and we'll get Hulk next month (RDJ will have a cameo as Tony Stark in here).

*geek hat off*
Even I didnt know until I read your post but here it is on you tube.

Can someone explain what is so surprising/amazing about the scene?:confused:

It just bodes for bigger things. Nick Fury (who Sam Jackson introduces himself as) is a high ranking member of S.H.I.E.L.D. (who are referred to throughout the movie). In the comics they are responsible for the running of The Avengers - a super group of whom Iron Man is a founding member.

So I guess it's just opening up the possibility of The Avengers making a silver-screen appearance. Meaning oodles of superheroes duking it out with each other, which would be quite fun.


Nick Fury


The Avengers