Irish Politics and stuff.

Over 8000 bodies of children still remain in a sceptic tank. A disgusting and horrific stain on the history of Ireland and the church.
The 2nd of those isn't new or surprising but its pretty shameful of wider irish society to have allowed this to happen.
Ireland basically kicked out the British and let the Romans take over.
Having huge drama here at the moment so haven't caught up with this, but just looking from the headlines it looks grim. So desperately necessary though. Sad to also see headlines that Catherine Corless is disappointed with it though.

I've read some tweets from people saying we'll be doing a report like this about Direct Provision in 20 years too :(
Today’s Irish examiner front page

The fact that we've about 3000 Covid cases a day will make this disappear very quickly.

The one thing FFFG are good at is spin, 6 party members excluded due to golf gate readmitted today too I see.
In a busy week for Irish politics I can't help but laughing every time the ridiculous Hazel Chu and the green party story comes back into the limelight. Seems like they are finally getting around to removing her from her place as chair like they should have done when she forced announced her candidacy.
So, Harris would have been friends with people Im very close to before the DL/WP split in 1992, he was, in his pomp the best mind in Irish politics.

The man has, in my opinion has (being very careful with words here) had a catastrophic last couple of decades mental health wise, not unlike Gemma O'Doherty. The downfall is actually quite sad.

That of course is no excuse for his actions, but he genuinely needs help.
He did an interview about this? Wow.

I've been reading tonnes of Twitter chat of folks retelling their dealings with him. Odious is the word.

Harris says he wasn't the only person using the account. Apparently there was five or six other people. Unsurprisingly he refused to name them.

Naive. In the context of the conflict Israel doesn't have friends in Irish politics. IIA should have realised that long before now.

Interesting take from Ireland’s radical left.


I've a build after 2013 and in fairness I do think it's unfair that I don't have to pay what others do. I do think property tax as a concept is dated though.

I am really glad to see they are finally looking at adapting the German model of paying a certain % of wages to those with enough PRSI contributions who lose their job. So much fairer than a flat €203 for everyone.

I've a build after 2013 and in fairness I do think it's unfair that I don't have to pay what others do. I do think property tax as a concept is dated though.

I am really glad to see they are finally looking at adapting the German model of paying a certain % of wages to those with enough PRSI contributions who lose their job. So much fairer than a flat €203 for everyone.

I agree property tax isn’t perfect but it’s one of the fairer ways to redistribute wealth. So it’s obviously bizarre that a party which portrays itself as socialist would object. Almost as though the only policy they care about here is whatever will make them most popular.

We also need to find a way to ensure that everyone who owns a property pays for the various services provided by the state that their property benefits from. Including stuff like… water… oh wait…
I agree property tax isn’t perfect but it’s one of the fairer ways to redistribute wealth. So it’s obviously bizarre that a party which portrays itself as socialist would object. Almost as though the only policy they care about here is whatever will make them most popular.

We also need to find a way to ensure that everyone who owns a property pays for the various services provided by the state that their property benefits from. Including stuff like… water… oh wait…
Yeah but the problem with it at the moment is that, in Dublin in particular, a lot of the people in these post-2013 builds are people on big mortgages who struggled to afford them. The average rich lad in his Dalkey house is paying a few hundred extra a year on a middle class couple with a huge mortgage, it doesn't make much sense and is just another tax that hits the middle who as usual will probably be the ones paying for all this. Not to mention that most builds in Dublin have their own management fees too (my apartment is €1,700 a year!) I am not against property tax per say, it's just handled poorly.

Ah here don't get me started on water charges. What a botch up that was. We should definitely be paying for it but it just won't happen now. Also, fecking hell, there are far worse things our poxy FFG government have done in power that nobody bothered to protest. Saps.
Yeah but the problem with it at the moment is that, in Dublin in particular, a lot of the people in these post-2013 builds are people on big mortgages who struggled to afford them. The average rich lad in his Dalkey house is paying a few hundred extra a year on a middle class couple with a huge mortgage, it doesn't make much sense and is just another tax that hits the middle who as usual will probably be the ones paying for all this. Not to mention that most builds in Dublin have their own management fees too (my apartment is €1,700 a year!) I am not against property tax per say, it's just handled poorly.

Ah here don't get me started on water charges. What a botch up that was. We should definitely be paying for it but it just won't happen now. Also, fecking hell, there are far worse things our poxy FFG government have done in power that nobody bothered to protest. Saps.

Yeah, all fair points. Although it’s hard to know where the “middle” really is. Property owners in general are in a better situation than those still renting, so any revenue generating policy that spares the latter surely makes sense. Heavy taxation of second and subsequent properties seems like an absolute no-brainer, although landlords will probably pass the costs on to the tenants anyway

I’m just really sick of populist politics. It happens with the right and the left. Make a big song and dance about stuff that will win votes but isn’t that important, while refusing to make the sort of unpopular but necessary decisions that can actually change society for the better. Water aside, I can still remember the absolute fecking outrage when people were told they should pay to have a separate recycling bin and stop chucking all their crap into the same bin that goes straight into landfill.
Yeah, all fair points. Although it’s hard to know where the “middle” really is. Property owners in general are in a better situation than those still renting, so any revenue generating policy that spares the latter surely makes sense. Heavy taxation of second and subsequent properties seems like an absolute no-brainer, although landlords will probably pass the costs on to the tenants anyway

I’m just really sick of populist politics. It happens with the right and the left. Make a big song and dance about stuff that will win votes but isn’t that important, while refusing to make the sort of unpopular but necessary decisions that can actually change society for the better. Water aside, I can still remember the absolute fecking outrage when people were told they should pay to have a separate recycling bin and stop chucking all their crap into the same bin that goes straight into landfill.
Ha, think I'm a bit too young for that one.

Sure if SF get into power they'll solve all our issues and apparently it won't cost us billions and billions. Absolute feckwits. Seems like there's no good choice left anymore. Guaranteed SF will win the next election though if they put enough candidates forward.

Interesting take from Ireland’s radical left.

Yikes. I wonder how many left- wing or socialist parties in Europe are against property tax?

I also suspect their definitions for "socialist" and "Republican" may disappoint the Sinn Fein Minister for Finance in NI given I believe they operate some form of property tax?
Yikes. I wonder how many left- wing or socialist parties in Europe are against property tax?

I also suspect their definitions for "socialist" and "Republican" may disappoint the Sinn Fein Minister for Finance in NI given I believe they operate some form of property tax?

You can button it with those awkward question. They said Sin é, so that’s the end of it.
It really isn't that silly of a comment tbh. Socialism is about a change in the production process and social relations so something like common ownership rather than getting the state to force a property tax is closer to ''socialism''.

The republican comment is just dumb.
Yeah but the problem with it at the moment is that, in Dublin in particular, a lot of the people in these post-2013 builds are people on big mortgages who struggled to afford them. The average rich lad in his Dalkey house is paying a few hundred extra a year on a middle class couple with a huge mortgage, it doesn't make much sense and is just another tax that hits the middle who as usual will probably be the ones paying for all this. Not to mention that most builds in Dublin have their own management fees too (my apartment is €1,700 a year!) I am not against property tax per say, it's just handled poorly.

Ah here don't get me started on water charges. What a botch up that was. We should definitely be paying for it but it just won't happen now. Also, fecking hell, there are far worse things our poxy FFG government have done in power that nobody bothered to protest. Saps.
1700 a year is nothing for management fees :lol:, count yourself lucky!
Eh, don't think I argued that people pay a lot more than that, but 1,700 is hardly pocket change.
In fairness, your post made it sound like you thought it was a lot in the context of management fees; I think 1700 a year is extremely good for Dublin. I agree that they are a rip off in general, but mine are around 300 a month, and nowhere else I looked at when buying was remotely close to 1700, so I'd kill for that!
I was debating whether or not to post this as they've been rightly de-platformed but this is absolutely outrageous. The pair of them need to be locked up.

Disgraceful really.

You have to avoid them two like the plague. They would sue you for blinking at them.
Apparently Dolores anti-vax gobshite Cahill has been having a tantrum outside the counting centre for the past couple of hours as they won't let her in without a mask. She's also had a row with Justin Barret as he caved and put a mask on.

Apparently Dolores anti-vax gobshite Cahill has been having a tantrum outside the counting centre for the past couple of hours as they won't let her in without a mask. She's also had a row with Justin Barret as he caved and put a mask on.

"Don't touch me, that's assault!"

The go to line for these types of gowls.
Apparently Dolores anti-vax gobshite Cahill has been having a tantrum outside the counting centre for the past couple of hours as they won't let her in without a mask. She's also had a row with Justin Barret as he caved and put a mask on.

I'd literally love to turn a big fecking water cannon on her.