Irish Politics and stuff.


Last Man Standing 2 champion 2020/21
Jun 17, 2011
‎Fine Gael support drops to 28%, Fianna Fáil rise up to 20% Labour Party are also up 1% to 14% Sinn Féin Ireland Stay steady on 17%, and Others are up four to 21%

Same old Ireland, never ever learn that the top 3 parties are basically the same, if you can even call Labour a political party, half of them are ex Workers Party, and now they're standing against Abortion, hypocrites. Eamon Gilmore has been involved in more parties Then Paris Hilton. It's also sad that the only Socialist Party that have a realistic chance of having major influence are ran by a man who is responsible for the death of people all over the country.

We voted out Fianna Fail, for Fine Gael, now we see there's no difference so we're voting for Fianna Fail again? Jesus Christ. /rant.
There's enough Irish on this forum to start our own party, it's obviously the only way to salvation.
The Common Sense Party Manifesto​
  1. Don't be a cnut
Was fun while it lasted.
What does everyone make of the cuts in childrens allowance?
What does everyone make of the cuts in childrens allowance?

I dont see why they just dont tax it or means test it. We always here the logistics would cost too much but isnt the Civil Service full of people with little to do?

10euros a month will be fine for many but for others it will hurt. Thats how tight things are for some people.
I dont see why they just dont tax it or means test it. We always here the logistics would cost too much but isnt the Civil Service full of people with little to do?

The fact that I could be making 250k a year, and get the same amount as somebody who makes 18k, and we're both being cut now, is ridiculous.
10euros a month will be fine for many but for others it will hurt. Thats how tight things are for some people.

Yep, will be the difference between going to college and not for me, if my grant doesn't hurry up.
We're equal (as long as it suits the rich)
Also, up the sticks.
Can any of you explain to a noob the differences in your main political parties?

Who's left? Right? I know the Shinners are socialist? Any of you paint a brief political picture for those looking in?

Read a few articles today on various sources the budget went down bad. Labour are in coalition(?) are they getting bad press for being Lib Dem like?

Can any of you explain to a noob the differences in your main political parties?

Who's left? Right? I know the Shinners are socialist? Any of you paint a brief political picture for those looking in?

Read a few articles today on various sources the budget went down bad. Labour are in coalition(?) are they getting bad press for being Lib Dem like?


Fianna Fail - Right wing
Fine Gael - The exact same
Labour - Claim to be left of centre, but don't really stand for anything, pretty spineless
Sinn Feinn - tough to call, claim to be socialist, but up north are pretty conservative, most 'lefties' claim they're the most right wing party in Ireland
Greens - nothing, but green.
So, you're basically saying, there's no difference in ideology between the main two political parties FF & FG?

The reason i ask, looking in as an outsider, Ireland seemed to value its public services and, even in these dire times, with the IMF breathing down their necks, have sought to retain and invest as much as possible in them.

The Croke Park thing seemed to have been a fairly well agreed and both sides approached the debate with maturity. Although I understand the terms have been looked to debated again by your leadership?

Am I wide of the mark here?
So, you're basically saying, there's no difference in ideology between the main two political parties FF & FG?

The reason i ask, looking in as an outsider, Ireland seemed to value its public services and, even in these dire times, with the IMF breathing down their necks, have sought to retain and invest as much as possible in them.

The Croke Park thing seemed to have been a fairly well agreed and both sides approached the debate with maturity. Although I understand the terms have been looked to debated again by your leadership?

Am I wide of the mark here?

Forget history and the civil war and what divided the tribes back then, it's pointless and irrelevant to talk about that.

Essentially, FG are like FF but with better manners. Having had less electoral success, they have a cleaner record and so they think they are morally superior and more clever, but really they aren't.

FF have a hard earned legacy of corruption, gombeenism and general incompetece all done under the masquerade of "Republicanism".

Nowadays, they're just shell shocked and they've been wandering around mumbling incoherently ever since they were spectacularly smacked down by the electorate. Some of them have, unfortunately, retained their delusional arrogance of old and they refuse to do the decent thing and simply fooook off.

FG are friends of the big farmer and claim to be a party of entrepreneurs. However, as leader they have a life long politico who sat on his over paid hole in the Dail for 35 years and looked like he'd be leaving after an unremarkable life in politics when suddenly, FF imploded and the jammy git some how became Taoiseach.

FG do have some young guns who'd privatise everything and do away with all social welfare if they could. However, thanks to the old guard, who are less ideological and more interested simply in being in government, this will never happen.

All in all, there's feck all vision, feck all desire for any real change and feck all difference between them.
Ahh, it's in my own words.
Oh, an accusation of plagiarism. tut tut Jakey. I know you reds like to follow the propaganda line, but plagiarising someone else work. terrible really.
RTE are reporting that Shane McEntee's death was a result of suicide, sad stuff if true.

Looking at the last election in Meath-West Fianna Fail will fancy their chances with Sinn Fein probably competing with Fine Gael for second. I for one will be annoyed if FF do win the seat, the fact that theyre on 25% in the polls speaks volumes about the willingness of our country to forget.
Terrible news, and timing.

FF will be voted back in, I'm not staying in Ireland if they do, I'll go abroad to study.
Terrible news, and timing.

FF will be voted back in, I'm not staying in Ireland if they do, I'll go abroad to study.

I know its a joke they're already 2nd in the polls behind FG, mental stuff.

Labour are an absolute joke and if this government survives till the end of term they will be destroyed FF 2011 style. How Gilmore and his crew can claim to be a left party is beyond me, I mean cutting respite care is a joke. Gilmore commented in the Dail the other day that the budget hit those who can handle it most, what an idiot. We need a wealth tax asap and not a property tax.
Gilmore is a mug, he's been in more parties then any other politician in power. Used to be in the Party, with my parents. Along with other Labour cretins.
Just an excuse for scumbags on both sides to run riot.

St James's Hospital in Dublin has suffered the largest individual cut in its budget among all hospitals for 2013, according to new figures obtained by RTÉ News.
St James's is one of the country's biggest hospitals.
Two major children's hospitals in Dublin, Crumlin and Temple Street, have also seen cuts of over 2%, under the hospital allocations issued by the Health Service Executive.
For St James's the reduction of 3.4% means a loss of €9m and a budget of €263m this year.
A spokesperson for the hospital said it wished to make "no comment" on the figures.
Health Service Executive Director General Tony O'Brien said no-one had lobbied him on funding for hospitals this year.
Speaking on RTÉ's Six One News, Mr O'Brien said if no change had been made to the system, all hospitals would have faced cuts of 3.5%.
He said the new system would give all hospitals a fighting chance of breaking even.
He insisted no hospitals are worse off this year than they would have been under the old system, which saw cuts of between 7% and 12% last year.
Mr O'Brien also rejected what he called the "political slapstick" and said that once the Minister for Health had signed off on the HSE's National Service Plan for 2013 last month, responsibility for rebalancing budgets passed to the HSE.
The hospitals that have seen big increases in their allocations are: - Louth-Meath Hospital Group up by nearly 14%
- Mid West Hospital Group (which includes Limerick Regional) up 11.5%
- Mayo General up nearly 10%
- Beaumont Hospital up 8.4%
- Cavan-Monaghan Group up 7.5%
- Galway Hospitals Group up 7%
- Letterkenny General up nearly 7%
- Connolly Hospital in Blanchardstown up over 6%
- Mater hospital up 5.7%
- Cork University up 5.4%
- Sligo General up 5.2%
The increases will be welcome news for Taoiseach Enda Kenny, who has Mayo General in his constituency and for Minister Michael Noonan with Limerick Regional in his constituency.
It is also good news for Minister Richard Bruton in Dublin North Central with Beaumont Hospital nearby, and for Ministers Joan Burton and Leo Varadkar in Dublin West with the increase being provided for Connolly Hospital.
Other hospitals whose budgets have been cut under the new allocations are:
- Our Lady's Children's Hospital in Dublin down 2.8%
- Children's University Hospital Temple Street down 2%
- St Vincent's University Hospital down 1.5%
- Royal Victoria Eye and Ear down 2.2%
- Rotunda down 1%
- Cappagh Orthopaedic down 1.4%
Hospitals that have received moderate increases are:
- Wexford Regional up 4.3%
- St Luke's Hospital Kilkenny up 3.9%
- Kerry General up 3.4%
- Tallaght up 2.8%
- Midland Regional Tullamore up 2.7%
- Midland Regional Mullingar up 2.5%
- Holles Street up 2%
- St Colmcille's Loughlinstown up 1.7%
- Coombe up 1.6%
At the publication of its National Service Plan for 2013, the HSE said that for the first time, allocations this year would be based on the projected spend rather than on historic budgets.
It said the aim was to ensure sustainable budgets, especially in the hospital sector, which has struggled in recent years to break even.
No hospital will be permitted to plan for a deficit this year.
Many of the voluntary hospitals operate bank overdrafts to maintain service provision, but there is a cap on the limit to this.
Some hospitals have had small increases in their budgets:
- Bantry General up 1.2%
- Midland Regional Portlaoise up 0.6%
- St Michael's Dún Laoghaire up 0.5%
- Naas General up 0.4%
- Waterford Regional up 0.3%.
The HSE has said it is working within a context of "increasing budgetary pressures" across the public sector.
It said it is "seeking to achieve a safe and sustainable position within the resources available".
The executive said it approached the budget allocations "on a hospital-by-hospital basis and in dialogue with leaders across the system to determine an objective assessment of need".
Meanwhile, Minister for Environment Phil Hogan said he would have no hesitation in making further representations to the Minister for Health about the future of Kilkenny hospital and any other hospital.
He said it is the Minister for Health who is ultimately responsible for making these decisions.
Speaking in Tullamore at the opening of a new €2.2m county library, Mr Hogan said Sinn Féin was talking nonsense when accusing ministers of interfering with the process because it was his right and indeed his responsibility to make representations on behalf of the people of his constituency.
Magdalen: Kenny declines to apologise for state role

Spoilered because of length.
TAOISEACH Enda Kenny has declined to apologise for the state's role in admitting women to the Magdalen Laundries.

Around 10,000 women were kept in the ten laundries run by four religious congregations between 1922 and 1996.

The Dail has heard that a new report by former Senator Martin McAleese that the state was involved in the admittance of around one quarter of the women.

Mr Kenny told the Dail that the women had been sent into the laundries during a time when there was a harsh, uncompromising and authoritarian Ireland.

He said the branding of the women - many of whom ended up there through poverty and destitution - needed to be removed.

"I'm sorry that this release of pressure and understanding for so many of those women was not done before this because they were branded as fallen women," he said.

But Mr Kenny turned down a call from Sinn Fein deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald to apologise for the state's role in admitting women to the laundries. He said there would be a full Dail debate on the report in two weeks' time when people had an opportunity to read the report.

Ms McDonald said she wished that he had the courage of the women who were in the Magdalen laundries.

"The time for apology, Taoiseach, is now. And we shouldn't try to put a positive gloss on what happened," she said.

Later the Taoiseach expressed his sympathies with survivors and the families of those who have died.

"To those resident who went into the Magdalen laundries from a variety of ways, 26% from state involvement, I'm sorry for those people that they lived in that kind of environment," he said.

However, survivors said the phrase 'sorry they lived that kind of environment' was "pointless".

Maureen Sullivan, Magdalene Survivors Together, said: "That is not an apology.

"He is the Taoiseach of our country, he is the Taoiseach of the Irish people, and that is not a proper apology."

Mary Smyth said she endured inhumane conditions in a laundry, which she said was worse than being in prison.

"I will go to the grave with what happened. It will never ever leave me," said Ms Smyth, also of the group.

The Justice for Magdalenes group, which has collected testimony from survivors who attest to severe psychological and physical suffering even in stays of less than a year, has been leading campaigns for an apology.

"It can no longer be claimed that these institutions were private and that 'the vast majority' of the girls and women entered voluntarily as has been claimed by former minister Batt O'Keeffe and testimony before the UN Committee Against Torture given by Sean Aylward, the former secretary general of the Department of Justice," the group said.

Records have confirmed that 10,012 women spent time in Magdalen laundries across the country between 1922 and 1996.

More than a quarter of all official referrals were made by the state, an 18 month inquiry chaired by Senator Martin McAleese has found.

The inquiry identified five areas where there was direct state involvement in the detention of women in 10 laundries run by nuns.

- They were detained by courts, gardai, transferred by industrial or reform schools, rejected by foster families, orphaned, abused children, mentally or physically disabled, homeless teenagers or simply poor.

- Inspectors, known as "the suits" by the women, routinely checked conditions complied with rules for factories.

- Government paid welfare to certain women in laundries, along with payments for services.

- Women were also enabled to leave laundries if they moved to other state-run institutions such as psychiatric hospitals, county and city homes and in the company of police, probation, court or prison officers.

- The state also had a role in registering the death of a woman in a laundry.

Some other facts unearthed by the inquiry were that half of the girls and women put to work were under the age of 23, and 40% - more than 4,000 - spent more than a year incarcerated.

Some 15% spent more than five years while the average stay has been calculated at seven months.

The youngest death on record was 15, and the oldest 95, the report found.

Some of the women were sent to laundries more than once, as records show a total of 14,607 admissions, and a total of 8,025 known reasons for being sent to a laundry.

Statistics outlined in the report are based on records of only eight of the 10 laundries. The other two - both operated by the Sisters of Mercy in *** Laoghaire and Galway - were missing substantial records.

Women were forced into Magdalen laundries for a crime as minor as not paying for a train ticket, the report found.

The majority of those incarcerated were there for minor offences such as theft and vagrancy as opposed to murder and infanticide.

A small number of the women were there for prostitution - this confirmed despite the stigma attached to women who were sent to the laundries and became known as Maggies, a slang term for prostitute.

The report also confirmed that a garda could arrest a girl or a woman without warrant if she was being recalled to the laundry or if she had run away.

Justice Minister Alan Shatter said he regretted that nothing was done to investigate the laundries until July 2011.

"I am sorry that the state did not do more and the Government recognises that the women alive today who are still affected by their time in the laundries deserve the best supports that the state can provide," he said.

The report said: "None of us can begin to imagine the confusion and fear experienced by these young girls, in many cases little more than children, on entering the laundries - not knowing why they were there, feeling abandoned, wondering whether they had done something wrong, and not knowing when - if ever - they would get out and see their families again.

"It must have particularly distressing for those girls who may have been the victims of abuse in the family, wondering why they were the ones who were excluded or penalised."

Why not just make the apology? Also surprised that the last one wasn't close until 1996, they had already suffered huge damage to their reputation by that stage.
I'd say that it has something to do with liability in terms of eligibility to compensation that may be owed if the Government accept they had a role in the abuse.
Whilst this is going on, I'm debating with a FF and SF councilmen about how best to go about students parking in residential areas.

One party think it's best to make a bit of a scene and post up ''Strictly Residential parking only, with a banner of their party underneath. Whilst the other party say ''It's a public road, they're free to park there all they want, unless we make it a private road'' Ie tolls.

Guess which is which.
i.e we are broke and couldn't afford to pay you if we say sorry.

Plenty of money when it comes to foreign aid though, 700 million odd.

When it comes to Kenny I'm not all that sure the state possibly having to pay compensation to those survivors is the real reason he's holding back on saying sorry on behalf of the state or government.

Mary Lou put it up to him again today but yet again instead of answering her questions and telling her why he didn't or won't apologize he had to have a swipe at Sinn Fein and their past, the usual ''ye have some neck asking me to apologize'' shite he and his cronies are coming out with on almost daily basis now when asked questions that we the Irish people deserve to know the answers too.