It worked well there and you can't put numbers on it.
No, you can't - but what you refer to there is, as I take it, players who under- or over-performed compared to their normal level. That's different. It too will lead to endless debates, but it's based on actual performances.
From what you say about Djalma it seems to me that he simply shouldn't have been eligible to begin with. I get the «prepare for criticism» part - certainly - rather than going for hard rules. But these players still appear on the team sheet - you have to try and picture how they would acquit themselves in an XI with other players. And in Djalma's case you have to do that with no basis in actual performances, which is tricky (obviously).
I just don't think the format we normally use is well suited to that sort of player/performance assessment. Like I said above, you can rate tournament performances on a scale, that's fairly easy. But judging a player as part of a fantasy team is another kettle altogether. You need actual performances for that - if not it becomes absurd, at least for me.
But no matter - the Djalmas are obviously exceptions.
I have some thoughts about the peak business - and judging players based on single competitions - in general, but they don't belong here. For the «next draft» thread, perhaps.
Anyway, carry on - I won't bang on about this any further. It's been a fun draft to follow, actually, and a slightly different spin than what I had imagined.