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Good shout.
I fecking hate Shawshank Redemption. Most overrated film ever.
Forrest Gump for me.
They're both as bad as each other.
They're both as bad as each other.
The Hurricane
I prefer Part I to Part II, although there isn't much in between the two.
I enjoyed part 1 but I think Pacino's performance in part 2 made the difference. Probably the best film ever made IMO.
I've more shits that were more inspirational than this movie
I was referring to art design. Not the actual lore in the book. To be fair, the majority of Jacksons' decisions I agreed with, you can't have hundreds of characters appearing in the film, it would baffle the entire mainstream audience. Tom Bombadil and the 'Warg Attack' in the TTT were the only decisions I disagreed with him on.
Thought the art direction and music in the films were staggering. Leaps ahead of any other film.
I enjoyed both as entertainment but I wouldn't go further than that. The Shawshank Redemption seems to grow in reputation as time goes by for some reason. I suppose it is a self fulfilling prophecy to some extent. It wasn't that greatly thought of when it came out and it wasn't half as good as the Stephen King novella that it came from.
Give me Apocalypse Now or Godfather 2 any day of the week.