I got it already, I intend to play it today. I only briefly played the first one and didn't complete it, the story is apparently a continuation but I don't really care.
So soon? Heavily tempted to trade in LA Noire for this...haven't really been enthralled by it.
I have played it for two hours, it is basically the same as the first one so far, enjoyable but not spectacular. It seems like an 8 out of 10 type of game but I got plenty to go, and not much time seeing as I want to trade it for Duke Nukem as quick as possible, but only after I have completed it.
A lot of the reviews tend to echo your exact sentiments Sarni, think I might just make this a lengthy LoveFilm rental.
First rule of thumb. Totally ignore EDGE scores.

No shit. I have never quite "got" what EDGE is supposed to be about. A bunch of pseudo intellectuals who wax lyrical games.
Loving it so far. Played it for about 3 hours. Looks great, more variety than the first, new powers, and I really enjoyed the tutorial.

I do miss the voice actor from the first, but it's a minor gripe. I wonder why they changed?
No shit. I have never quite "got" what EDGE is supposed to be about. A bunch of pseudo intellectuals who wax lyrical games.

Sounds like EDGE alright, they structure every feckin review as if they were trying to write a metaphysics thesis and conclude with deliberately lower-than-average score, finally proceeding to wank each other off at how cavillous they each are.

Then they give in to 10/10 scores for the likes of Halo 3 and GTA IV, reminding us all that they're nothing more than a magazine in decline which remains dependent on petty advertising revenue.
16 missions into it, I am liking it more and more. New powers really change a lot, and missions seem to get more interesting with time, althoug the plot isn't really that fascinating to be perfectly honest but I am probably missing a lot of connection with the first one as I barely played that and only completed like 20% of it.
Just noticed the theatre in town is showing a movie called 'Uncharted Love.' :lol:

Subtle, boys.
Re Edge, it's pretty pointless just criticising them for the scores without actually reading the reviews. I think they are usually pretty spot on for me, but it's like any review site, if their tastes differ from yours then there's no point reading them.

Weaste has it in for them as he thinks there is an Xbox bias.
Re Edge, it's pretty pointless just criticising them for the scores without actually reading the reviews. I think they are usually pretty spot on for me, but it's like any review site, if their tastes differ from yours then there's no point reading them.

Weaste has it in for them as he thinks there is an Xbox bias.

Consider Cole MacGrath, the returning hero of Infamous, proof of what lies at the eye of a storm: nothing. He might look like actor Sam Worthington and sound like Batman, but to see him is almost to see through him. His eyes are permanently narrow, fixed on his next opponent or waypoint. His mouth is just a slit, source of little more than cynically devised canon. His head is shaved, his arms inked with high-street tattoos. His only magnetism is electrical.

There’s no real excuse for this

If you can get further than this, I envy you.
Oh jesus christ.

Missions at this point are tedious and infuriatingly exploitative, using repeat objectives swamped by enemies to draw out the game’s campaign length. MacGrath isn’t like Alex Mercer, star of the vastly superior Prototype.


Being swamped by enemies in order to prolong the length of the game is THE biggest problem with Prototype.
25 missions completed, I am starting to hate it now. Missions can be very frustrating, not because they pose a challenge but because they are incredibly boring and far too dragged, I have had two or three missions in Floodtown and all of them required me to do the exact same thing four, five or six times, it's really boring. It's not a poor game by any means but I liked it bettet two or three hours ago.
Just completed the game as a good guy, I liked the ending and the whole game even though missions got very repetitive. It took me less than ten hours but I didn't do any side missions to go with it, just couldn't be bothered as main missions were boring for me and only plot kept me interested (although it wasn't fantastic either). It's between a 7 and an 8 for me, cannot decide, good game though.
How much different is it to the first game? Are the missions just as repetitive as the previous ones.
How much different is it to the first game? Are the missions just as repetitive as the previous ones.

I only played a bit of the first one but cannot imagine anything being more repetitive than this one. There are pretty much three types of mission - fight a big monster with his mates ganging up on you, learn to use a new power (this is a type of mission that takes about a minute), shot a Tesla power bullet and try to turn on power in the area. Cut scenes were far more interesting to me than playing.
How much different is it to the first game? Are the missions just as repetitive as the previous ones.

It is very similar, but the side missions are nowhere near as repetitive as the first.
I only played a bit of the first one but cannot imagine anything being more repetitive than this one. There are pretty much three types of mission - fight a big monster with his mates ganging up on you, learn to use a new power (this is a type of mission that takes about a minute), shot a Tesla power bullet and try to turn on power in the area. Cut scenes were far more interesting to me than playing.

are you sure you didn't put in the first one by accident? sounds the same to me!

bit disappointed by the comments as I was lookingforward to getting this and continuing the story. might have to give it a miss
Really getting into part 1 of this now. Not bad at all for a free game.

I think this is the game Prototype (I really didnt like that game) tried to be but failed horribly
Just finished on my good run through, I really do love the inFAMOUS games. Regardless of repetitiveness of levels, sometime all you want is a game where you can blow shit up and be amazingly powerful.
Just finished my good run through. I loved it. Considering whether or not to do an evil one.
I loved Infamous and i love Infamous 2 even more. I completed a good run through the other day. Glad they improved the side missions, although you still repeat the same ones a few times, wading into a 3 way melee is better than removing boxes from a building.

Gone back to the original to do an evil run through before doing an infamous 2 evil run through.

The only reason is because the dead drops, and some dialogue change depending on which karma you completed the first. I'm a nerd like that.