As promised, Sucker Punch has revealed InFamous 2's "big secret": user-generated missions.
Revealed at GDC this morning, the User-Generated Content feature will allow InFamous 2 players to build their own missions and then share them with the world.
"We thought inFamous 2 would be better if it didn't end-if you never ran out of missions and mini-missions to play and things to do," Suck Punch wrote on the PlayStation Blog. "So... we spent the last two years adding a User-Generated Content feature to the game.
"There really aren't a lot of limits to the sorts of missions you can build," the developer said. "Sure, you can build the sort of missions that will ship on the inFamous 2 disk. Mission creators have access to the same set of characters, creatures and props-so if you want to set a pack of Hive Lords rumbling after Cole through the streets of New Marais, you can do it. If you want to have Cole and Zeke face off against Nix and Kuo, you can do it.
"If you want to bend the rules of inFAMOUS 2 to create new kinds of missions, you can do that too. Wish I2 had pure stealth missions? No problem, you can create stealth missions. Looking for more of a challenge? Try taking away some of Cole's powers-see how the player does facing a platoon of Militia wielding only his Amp. Or add an old-school platforming challenge, or a race, or... I could go on all day.
"It's pretty easy to do missions that are more like mini-games, too. Skeet shooting? No problem. Disc golf? Assuming you're happy tossing around cars instead of Frisbees, sure. How about a mission where Zeke just tells you bad jokes until you shoot him? Um, yeah, you can do that, too."
Building missions is only half the story, of course, and PS3 owners can expect to be able to upload their creations to PSN and see other players' missions appear in their own single-player campaigns just like regular missions.
"When you walk up to them, you see the PSN tag of the mission creator, plus extra information like the mission's current rating," Sucker Punch explains.
"And back at Sucker Punch headquarters, we'll be watching-missions that get high scores will get promoted to the Sucker Punch Featured Missions list, and those missions will end up just about everyone's copy of New Marais."
A limited public beta of inFamous 2's User-Generated Content feature is planned for early April. An announcement on how you can sign up will be made on March 14.