His entire "critique" of government "when your spending other people's money, don't be stupid" is about as skin deep of a critique as you can go. Furthermore, the economic system and usually conservative (sometimes labour) government set up those privitsation deals to specifically not hold companies accountable because "MUH FREE MARKET INNIT". It is the system he helped build and benefit from that he's railing against, but places the blame solely on "stupid government decisions". He uses the example of the water companies not keeping up with maintenance and seems absolutely baffled that a corporation may seek to completely gut and rent-seek the item they acquired for basically nothing? Wow whom would've thought that is a possibility?
Lastly he links immigration to a "population and services cap" of the country. The reason there is a "cap" on the services of an economy is down to the retreat of the state and the ascension of the private forces, again which is exactly what he benefited from. So when he links failing services to immigration, he doesn't go "we have really messed up the balance of state involvement in the economy which has gutted our ability to grow services to fit demand", he just bleats on about how stupid it is to let people in the country when everything is stuffed.
So a man that wants to simply call government stupid and tinge his comments with "those bloody immigrants ruining our services", and doesn't actually even contemplate what the retreat of the state meant to society, yeah I think he's a knob.