I'm watching Shaun of the Dead

god fecking damn it I fecking despise ITV and their fecking adverts the shower of arse bandit bastards
I am watching 'John Carpenter's Vampires.'

I love the part where they are trying to act like zombies so they can get through the crowd of them, and Ed says to Shaun - "who died and fecking made you king of the zombies?" :lol:
That scene reminds me of a celebrity deathmatch on MTV where puff daddy is doing the same thing to whoever he was facing and the commentators say puffy is resorting to his famous trick of using other peoples records to make his hits. Made me chuckle.
The mum's face as they take her away in the first plan :lol:
The shopkeeper zombie with his hand out for the money he owes him :lol:
I've recently created an account on IMDB and am now going through every single film I've ever watched.

I gave this an 8.
I've recently created an account on IMDB and am now going through every single film I've ever watched.

I gave this an 8.

I gave it a 6. Pretty good first half, a bit of a shit second half. Don't quite get the Pegg love-in. Hot Fuzz was better, I thought.
I was watching this last night with the sound off and on the phone, and I was still cracking up...which is quite worrying that I seem to know it all off by heart :nervous:
When Queen starts playing on the jukebox:

'David, kill the Queen'
'The jukebox'.

The part where they're beating the guy with the snooker cues whilst Don't Stop Me Now is playing, well it's pure comedy gold :lol:

Absolutely love that scene. :lol:
:lol: They're all flooding back now,

"It's all right Barbara i've run it under a cold tap."

"Phillip, he... he touched me. Okay that was a lie."

"See any zombies"
"Don't call them that!"
"The Z-word!"
"Why not?"
"Cause it's ridiculous."
"Alright, are there any out there though."
"Can't see any... oh there they are."