I'm watching Shaun of the Dead

"We take Pete's car, we drive over to Mum's, we go in, take care of Philip ("I'm so sorry, Philip") then we grab Mum, we go over to Liz's place, hole up, have a cup of tea and wait for this whole thing to blow over."

:lol: I know that little bit off heart
"We take Pete's car, we drive over to Mum's, we go in, take care of Philip ("I'm so sorry, Philip") then we grab Mum, we go over to Liz's place, hole up, have a cup of tea and wait for this whole thing to blow over."

:lol: I know that little bit off heart

'How's that for a slice of fried gold?'
'Yeah boyyyeee' :D
Shaun: He's not my boyfriend!
Ed: It might be a bit warm, the cooler's off.
Shaun: Thanks, babe.
When Queen starts playing on the jukebox:

'David, kill the Queen'
'The jukebox'.

The part where they're beating the guy with the snooker cues whilst Don't Stop Me Now is playing, well it's pure comedy gold :lol:
I love this film, apart from the bit where they are chucking his Vinyls at the Zombie and he says: "Dire Straits"...."Throw."

I will fight anyone who dare slander the Straits.
Shaun: You're the one that's gone from being a chartered accountant to Charlton Heston!
David: I'm not a chartered accountant!
Shaun: Well, you look like one!
David: I'm a lecturer.
Shaun: You're a twat!
I'd ever seen Chritoph Waltz in anything before Inglorious; he's fecking superb in it. My favourite character!

Yeah, his performance was superb, you could tell from the off-set it was going to be amazing with that scene in the farm drinking milk. I've noticed aswell that I tend to like films Brad Pitt is in, i'm sure this isn't good for my man-score.
I'd ever seen Chritoph Waltz in anything before Inglorious; he's fecking superb in it. My favourite character!

We agree on something elvis, I loved that film and he was fecking immense in it :D
"Can't see any zombies........oh, wait, there they are."
I thought this was a bit overrated, tbh. Had some very funny moments, but a lot of it was by numbers sort of stuff.
"Why'd they bite you?"