I'm thinking of buying a Wii but...

No, its shit. I hope this helps. Got one at launch and barely touched it after 2 weeks.

Sorry, but in all seriousness its only ever useful when you've got mates over. You can barely occupy yourself with it alone.

The only decent titles IMO are Mario Galaxy, SSBB and possibly Mario Kart. 2/3 are only fun with mates as i've said. Everything else is most likely a poor mini-game collection or some silly gimmick (Wii fit, Wii music etc)
I've got although I'm getting a 360 due to my parants acquiring in a house exchange (It came listed in the furniture and they don't need one). No More Heroes is a very original and fun game, it's similer to a sandbox/GTA game but it's more like an scrolling fighting game like Street Gangs or Golden Axe in many ways. Paper Mario and Zelda are the best of Nintendo's offerings, if you Zelda on Gamecube it's not much different on Wii though. I haven't played RE4 but a freind says that he enjoyed that more than any game he's played in ages and I believe the the Wii Remote features on that set it apat from other versions alot more and it has improved graphics too. There's other stuff I've not played that looks good as well, Fire Emblem, Metriod Prime, Okami, Resident Evil:Umbrella Chronicles (a light gun game, which looked very fun on a youtube video I watched last night) , Far Cry, Medal of Honor Wii, Chocobo's Dungeon (Easy to laugh at this but it's made by Chunsoft who specialize in rock solid dungeon crawling RPGs), Baroque, Excite Truck, Sin and Punishment, Lost Winds ,Tauma Center and Pro Evo 2008 has reviews saying it's the best version although the lack of Master League puts me off. I'd avoid SMG, total dissapointment compared to the last few Mario games and sticks with the decline of the series (SM3>SMW>M64>Sunshine>Galaxy). The remote itself is very responsive which was my main fear before getting a Wii and isn't overused most games although quite often when it is it feels awkward, unnessecery and as people have dubbed it "tacked on".

Overall i'm a little dissapointed with the difficulty level of first party (Nintendo) titles, a lack of support from third party companies except Capcom and a slow start to Nintendo's online service but these are easy to adderess issues and look to be being sorted out except the making Nintendo games harder. It'd be good time to get one despite there not being much out for Christmas as you could pick most the games I've mentione for cheap now and the 2009 games line up(http://uk.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=26478407 looks a lot more diverse and interesting.

The virtual console is very nifty if you like old games aswell but would be irrelavent if you don't.
I'd say Tiger Woods, Topspin 3 and Pro Evo 2008 along with Zelda and GTA4 are the best games on the Wii. But its very much a party console, its meant to be social and you get the fun out of it when playing with a group of mates.

I wouldn't take much notice of people comparing consoles, normally spotty nerds that get into that bs debate. Wii's a laugh (if given a chance).
I'd say Tiger Woods, Topspin 3 and Pro Evo 2008 along with Zelda and GTA4 are the best games on the Wii. But its very much a party console, its meant to be social and you get the fun out of it when playing with a group of mates.

I wouldn't take much notice of people comparing consoles, normally spotty nerds that get into that bs debate. Wii's a laugh (if given a chance).

GTA4 is on Wii?
I don't own a Wii but I play it at my friend's house quite a bit. It is a brilliant console for having people over, playing and drinking. Don't know how much fun it'd be by yourself though.
my wii is sitting in a carrier bag on my bedroom floor, ive played it once in a year, complete waste of money
Well I suppose the good thing about the Wii is that its the closest thing to relive those nostalgic N64 memories playing Mario Kart and SSB with mates. Its a brilliant party toy.

But really even at it's modest price you'll most likely have it stored somewhere else till you've got a few mates over.

Its an OK addition if you've already got a 360/PS3 but it really isn't a great stand-alone console.
I'd say Tiger Woods, Topspin 3 and Pro Evo 2008 along with Zelda and GTA4 are the best games on the Wii. But its very much a party console, its meant to be social and you get the fun out of it when playing with a group of mates.

I wouldn't take much notice of people comparing consoles, normally spotty nerds that get into that bs debate. Wii's a laugh (if given a chance).

Wow you got one spruced up Wii.:rolleyes:
Well I suppose the good thing about the Wii is that its the closest thing to relive those nostalgic N64 memories playing Mario Kart and SSB with mates. Its a brilliant party toy.

But really even at it's modest price you'll most likely have it stored somewhere else till you've got a few mates over.

Its an OK addition if you've already got a 360/PS3 but it really isn't a great stand-alone console.

That sums it up for me.
fecking hell, the usual prick comments going on here then. If you can't answer the guy's question, then feck your nose off out of it.

Anyway, back on topic. It would help if you said what sort of games you are after Nilsson, however there are plenty of gems on the Wii that people miss out on. I'll start you off on a couple:

No More Heroes is a great hack and slash game kind of like the GTA series.
Secret Files Tunguska is a good point and click/puzzler game.
Godfather Blackhand is the best version of a good game.
Mario Galaxy is quality.
PES 2008 and a refreshing change for a football game.
Wii Sports will take up too much of your life.
Metroid Prime while not being a traditional Metroid game, is absolutely quality fps/rpg.

There are tons more and a lot of decent ones have already been mentioned, so anything specific you are looking for and I'll try to help.
fecking hell, the usual prick comments going on here then. If you can't answer the guy's question, then feck your nose off out of it.

And as for this, well I did answer his question. As a Wii-owner I gave him my honest opinion over the console and it's games. Did you want me to lie to him and mislead him?
The usual fanboy trolls responding to my comment. I wonder why :rolleyes:

The man asked what games people would recommend, not what you think of the console. Is that so fecking hard to understand?

If you read his post carefully he said "IS there any good games for it" and he seems to have edited his post too because he also asked earlier if the console was any good.

You're calling us fanboys but you yourself don't seem to like hearing any criticisms of the Wii.
If you read his post carefully he said "IS there any good games for it" and he seems to have edited his post too because he also asked earlier if the console was any good.

You're calling us fanboys but you yourself don't seem to like hearing any criticisms of the Wii.

Don't be so fecking dumb. If he changed his original post, then fair enough, but that's still no reason for you to act like such a prick everytime someone mentions the Wii and asks what's good for it.

Seriously, does it not annoy you when you see threads being hijacked by other fanboys taking things off subject?
The usual fanboy trolls responding to my comment. I wonder why :rolleyes:

The man asked what games people would recommend, not what you think of the console. Is that so fecking hard to understand?

I haven't even posted my opinion on the Wii in this thread. All I said was just because people have different views on the Wii than yourself it doesn't mean they have to "feck off out the thread"
Don't be so fecking dumb. If he changed his original post, then fair enough, but that's still no reason for you to act like such a prick everytime someone mentions the Wii and asks what's good for it.

Erm, what other threads are there where someone has asked for advice regarding a Wii?

Seriously, does it not annoy you when you see threads being hijacked by other fanboys taking things off subject?

What fanboys? No one has stormed in shouting 'Zomg the PStriple and the EcksBawks pwns the Wee", and quite frankly I think this thread has stayed on topic. He asked about the Wii, we gave him our honest opinions, simple as that. No need to get your knickers in a twist. If anything you've kept the thread off-topic by blindly complaining about so-called fanboys.
Okami looks like a good game, very Zelda-esque. Anyone played it on the wii or on ps2?

Unfortunately I had it on the PS2 but never got the chance to play it. It sounds like it's a good game though going by reviews, but that's not necessarily the best sign ;-)

If you like RPG's/zeldas, Super paper Mario for the N64 is available for download on the Wii and the Gamecube version is ace too. Plus, I heard Mystical Ninja on the 64 is available (or going to be).

Like I've said, so far Secret Files Tunguska has started well.

Here is a site that has a few on it from last year, though there's not a great deal been released this year http://wii.rpgsite.net/articles/0/92.html
I haven't even posted my opinion on the Wii in this thread.

I never once said you had. My original post wasn't in reference to you.

All I said was just because people have different views on the Wii than yourself it doesn't mean they have to "feck off out the thread"

Were you born ignorant or do you have to practice? He asked for games recommendations and got a number of people saying it's "shit" or childish. Once again for you idiots who can't understand plain English, if you can't recommend any games, why the feck are you bothering to pollute the thread with opinions no-one asked for?

This isn't about what I like or not, so stop using the same old stupid comments to argue with people.