I'm rediscovering rock music again.

Sure. looks like I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to rock music.
Sure. looks like I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to rock music.

Oh I don't consider myself an expert or anything. That's probably the worst thing to do if you love music because it's essentially like closing the door to something new.

Now I don't even know how to describe the music I like. It's not really rock at all but I love it.

Youtube is fecking brilliant for this.
Been trying artists last.fm who are tagged as rock, hard rock. A nice feature. :)
Give Francesqa, Canterbury, Blitz Kids, The King Blues, Young Guns, The Dangerous Summer, The Cape Race, Twin Atlantic, We Are Animal and The Joy Formidable a listen.
My face when I heard 30 Seconds to Mars


Check out The Black Keys, Girish you might like them.
Chevelle and 10 years is what I'm listening to these days.

also, none of the songs from 30 seconds to mars, other than edge of the earth didn't feel good. so you guys can relax.

Listened to some songs by acdc even though I'm not a big fan of Brian Johnson I really enjoyed the voice of Bon Scott.
Worst thread of recommendations ever :(

Where are The Rolling Stones, Radiohead etc.

Stone Sour and AC/DC :(:(
I also find myself, fighting the urge to scream 'You've been thunderstruuuuck!!!!!!' to everyone I see.
Help yourself to some 80's rock, Twisted Sister style. Can anyone not like this song -

Girish - if it's classic rock that you are interested in, I'll try sending you a link that I once reported to the internet police for the top 500 classic rock songs of all time. Very good list that with some definitive classics, great for anyone who isn't that familiar with the genre to expand musical horizons.

have you still got that link , I would not mind it :)
Any fans of Tool here?

Been listening to 'A Perfect Circle' a lot lately. And I really love the lead singer's voice. And found out that Tool was co founded by him. Loving their songs too...
Any fans of Tool here?

Been listening to 'A Perfect Circle' a lot lately. And I really love the lead singer's voice. And found out that Tool was co founded by him. Loving their songs too...


Biggest fan of tool on the forum probably.

Songs you should listen to just for Danny Carey's pure genius.

46 and 2
The Patient
Parabola and so on..

Maynard James the lead singer also was the vocals for another band Pusicfer which has a brilliant song called The Humbling River which is the soundtrack for Transformers Fall Of Cybetron THE GAME!

Have you heard the The Noose by A perfect Circle?
If you haven't listened to Radiohead before, or have and couldn't get into them, here's a song you might enjoy. It's pretty easy to like compared to a lot of their other stuff. I can't recommend this band enough.

If you haven't listened to Radiohead before, or have and couldn't get into them, here's a song you might enjoy. It's pretty easy to like compared to a lot of their other stuff. I can't recommend this band enough.

Great choice of gateway track for getting people into Radiohead.

More accessible Rhead

A band definitely worth persisting with if you don't get them at first.
Any chance to plug my favourite band I will... give Counting Crows a listen. Phenomenal band.

More contemporary wise, I'd have a listen to the Courteeners. A great Manchester band and excellent live.
Any fans of Tool here?

Been listening to 'A Perfect Circle' a lot lately. And I really love the lead singer's voice. And found out that Tool was co founded by him. Loving their songs too...

You should try Green Jelly.
Radiohead aren't a proper rock band, they play crap prog shite.

I agree they are in no way a 'proper' rock band, or really a rock band at all. I don't think prog rock is a fair way to generalise the band, particularly given the variety different genres they've ventured into.

What songs or albums of Radiohead makes you define them that way?
What songs or albums of Radiohead makes you define them that way?
All of them - they're a just reincarnation of the pretentious 70s shite (Genesis, Yes et al) that moves authentic rock music into a wallowy pisspool of enervated crap.
All of them - they're a just reincarnation of the pretentious 70s shite (Genesis, Yes et al) that moves authentic rock music into a wallowy pisspool of enervated crap.

There is an ambience to their music yeah, but they have a lot more to offer. Your missing out lad

In its bare form they have a ton of awesome songs, sometimes it takes an acoustic or at least more stripped down version to show their appeal to certain music fans.

Speaking of which