I want N-dubz to...

N-dubz are quality. But I totally understand that they're not everyones cup of tea, which is fair enough. Your either gonna love em or hate em. :)

But like them them or not, you should respect them because, unlike most mands/artists thesedays, they arent just some commercialized shit. They've made it themselves with their own money and hard work. And had to suffer a lot of shit on the way, and they should be respected for that, regardless if you'd want to listen to there music or not.

If what you say is true then fair play to them.

I actually cannot think of who they are, but the points you've made need to be commended. If the hard work has been put in, the knocks have been taken and they're still churning out music then fair fecks to them.

It's the manufactured bullshit that drives me demented.
When the feck did I say that?

Yes, they should. In a world where commercialized bands are 2 a penny, where you can just go on a show, sing a few songs nicely and overnight become a 'pop star', and as a result, flithy rich. Bands that actually have to work hard to get any sort of success at all tend to now go unnoticed, and dont 'make it'. So for a band to actually make it through there own hard work, after having a pretty shitty start to life should be hailed as a success story. And for that alone they do deserve respect, or at least due credit. Regardless if you'd buy there album or not.

Well this is a bit of a fallacy. The one's who get filthy rich really quick are the labels that these manufactured acts are signed to along with the writers and producers behind the song. The acts are basically microwave music. Very short shelf life unless they become the next Girls Aloud that churn out microwave meal after microwave meal. Otherwise the over-night success act generally becomes an empty box that is chucked in the bin once the novelty wears off.

Also, this band are considered commerical, hence their appeal on the radio. I'm assuming you mean manufactured ?

The real money in music is in writing. You get a good resume of hits under your belt and you can live the life of a multi millionaire without anyone in the public knowing who you are. Easily the best of both worlds :)
I didnt at any point say thats its 'only' these artists like N-dubz. Many artists, from all kind of music Genres have to struggle to get where they are, and they should ALL be respected for that, because the Music industry is not easy to break. People like Dido are brilliant examples, I think shes immensely talented and deserves all the success shes worked for, she even got her big break in America (a notoriously hard place to crack) when Eminem sampled her track and went on to further success which is fantastic. She, like many others, had to work hard to get where they are, rather then just going on TV and signing a few average songs and therefore 'making' it. Which is kind of cheating imo.

I guess it's all about getting noticed at the end of the day. Dido's sound was actually invented my French producer James Sanger. If you've ever heard any of his original material you will see why Dido went down that route. Without Sanger Dido would have been a nothing - BUT - it was Dido who put the effort in to be noticed. So yeah.......a shit load of coffee house gigs, open mic nights, support slots, E.P re-releases :lol: until a producer like Sanger agrees to work with you.

Producers need to know that their work will be paid off unless a producer owes you a life changing favour because you saved his entire family from a burning building.

Most commercial producers will work on signed band projects such as Girls Aloud because they know that they're going to be paid by the record label. The record label pay because they know that there are a lot of idiots out there who will purchase Cheryl Cole and her half naked buddies dancing about to generic songs written by some bloke nobody outside the industry has heard of who just so happens to be lodging his 7th million into the bank.

A producer who matters will not work with an unsigned band unless there is a substantial amount of money upfront. It's a way of safeguarding his efforts, and it's only fair. Then there are various other ways of sorting out payment on top of this down payment including points on album sales radda radda - but as you've already noticed it takes money in music to make money.

So this leads me onto my long winded way of saying that any band that has made it without the aid of a record label has achieved something quiet brilliant to say the least. I don't know N-Dubz history so I'm not sure whether they were signed or not. I think I heard they were dropped at some point.

So yeah.......this is why anyone who thinks that being a musician is the way to make millions is sadly delluded