I wanna change my user name?

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Mate please don't push him to far. He is warning you. stay away of business.

OMG, I didn't realise OMG was the somalia Godfather, i will definitely stay away of business. thanks for the heads up.
It makes all the sense in the world. The number one cause of insomnia is dirty legs. That is a fact. I read it on the internet once.
Jaysus lads... this is classic- a glimmer of weakness jumped upon! I must admit in my 4 years on this site i've never seen someone hang in there for so long- well done "OMG stop threating me 4ever" you're persistant if not naive!
OMG, I wait in anticipation for more of your sage advice; I now know never to go to bed with dirty legs and to stay away of business.
Mate don't be girlish. stop the chit-chat here and go and wash your legs before you sleep. I am warning because if you don't do it some bad things might happen to you.


hitting the scratcher without washing your legs is suicide

good advice brother

ps did you mean "girish" or "girlish" ( its very important in the context )
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