Here's the thing. In general, when fans get all frothy at the mouth, I think it's all a bit spastic. Your thread yesterday had very little to do with the result, and nothing to do with banter between rival fans. It was having a go at Liverpool fans for singing in support of their team when they had lost heavily. That's ridiculous. If that was United, and those were United fans, I guarantee you would pick this out as a point of praise (if it ever happened), which from any football supporter's perspective, it should be. But you're just looking for any reason to have a go at Liverpool. Last week it was the Hillsborough protest, this week it's this. I don't understand the point of it. It doesn't 'wind up' other fans, which is a pretty lame objective anyway, it's not banter, it's just hypocritical drivel. And worse, you sometimes try to intellectualise it in your weak student-y way. My only conclusion is that the reason you make these posts is to try to be a 'heavyweight' on an internet message board, which is a bit sad, really.
As for KFC and Jaxson, I think they're alright - much more level-headed than you are, and much less smug. KFC is quite knowledgeable about football I reckon.
I know not everyone thinks as I do, but I'd be willing to bet there are more who find your posts, and those of various others, embarrassing, but don't particularly want to get involved in pathetic baiting threads. So don't assume you have the backing of all other United fans on 'your' forum, because you don't. Many of us think you're probably a bit of a tosser.