Ignoring the fact whether you think it's "anti-United" or whatever, has football journalism always been so fecking snide and sarcastic as it is now. That excerpt above from that article is just terrible. Again, ignoring whether it's even part of the "ABU media" (which is something I don't necessarily subscribe to), it's just very poorly written, in my opinion. There just seems to be a trend amongst a certain gaggle of football journalists to try and outsmart-arse one another, in a weird competition to see who can be the most snarky and condescending.
Here's another example of it here:
An article dripping in sarcasm and mockery. Jonathan Liew also has a penchant for this type of writing. A sort of hyper cynical, snide form of journalism which is no doubt the type of thing they decry in modern football fan culture, yet participate in it here to try and seem...cool and edgy?
And again, this whole "doing exactly what he's paid to do" has she put it in that article, has become a meme due to Roy Keane saying it all the time. The difference with him though is that he has a self-awareness that these feckers seem to lack. And also, the type of analysis that she would no doubt roll her eyes at due to the vacuousness of it and the fact that journalists like her are so above it yet falls victim to it here because, you know, everyone loves reading snide takes on things.
Anyway, rant over. It's just garbage to read.