I bought a Wii


Xenoblade Chronicles
The Last Story
No More Heroes
Pandora's Tower
Zack and Wiki
Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 are obvious ones, great games as well as New Super Mario Bros and Super Paper Mario too.

Kirby's Epic Yarn, Okami, Monster Hunter Tri, Donkey Kong Returns are also highly rated.

Super Smash Bros Brawl, but I suppose that is most fun for multiplayer
Buying a Wii for 50 quid is hardly the worst idea in the world. Worth that alone for the new Zelda game.
Buy four Wiimotes and Mario Kart, get three friends if you don't have them already and you'll realize that it was worth fifty times what you paid for it.

I'm pretty sure I've had over a thousand hours of game time on Mario Kart Wii with friends, and it's still as fun as it was back then!*

*Only when I win, of course.
Ones that haven't been mentioned yet;

A Boy And His Blob
Muramasa: Demon Blade
Kirby's Adventure
Sin and Punishment
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Dead Space Extraction
Resident Evil 4
House of the Dead Overkill
Ivy the Kiwi
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Have you ever actually played on a Nintendo console?

How old were you when this was released?

No you don't get it! That's the problem! The Wii is a Gamecube, with a waggle input, nothing more and nothing less.

Well I suppose its feasible to play any console game on a PC setup. People like consoles because they sit nicely by the TV, don't require much technical input such as installing software and are generally a "plug into the tv and play"

There are plenty of good Wii games but it just happens that most of them are Nintendo franchises. Probably shows a lack of ambition by developers rather than a fault with the Wii concept
You can play them perfectly well on a PC!

You would need quite a good PC to play Wii games effectively would you not? How would the online and motion stuff work?

Wouldn't it simply be easier to purchase a wii, which are very cheap right now.
Just trying to sell mine actually, the novelty wore off and never really played it much. Struggling to find a buyer on eBay even at a decent price, started to think they'd gone out of fashion.
You probably wont have much luck selling it on eBay for a decent price unless you have a few games with it, since they can be bought pre-owned at Game for £39.99 with a warranty etc.
But you can play it on your computer!

With a Wii-mote? And £40 isn't really a huge price to pay for a system, video games are meant to be played this way not through emulators.
elvis! make sure you buy Ogre Battle 64 from the Wii shop or whatever it is called.